Before you know it, 2020 will be over. This year, because of the epidemic, I feel that time is particularly fast, a careless, a year so past. And a lot of things have changed this year around the pandemic.

🚑 outbreak

Every time you try to relax, work grabs you by the throat. If there is one thing that has had the biggest impact on me this year, it is the pandemic. When I was still at home dreaming that the epidemic would soon pass, I was unconsciously turned upside down by the work on the epidemic page. Maybe because of the high traffic of the special page on the epidemic situation in lilac Garden, I don’t know why we suddenly invested a lot of manpower to develop the special page on the epidemic situation. The intense work, which lasted for more than two months, exhausted me physically and mentally.

Look at the state of my hair. It was so sad. The deep impression is that one day to get to 3 o ‘clock in the morning to rest, the result of 8 o ‘clock was called to say that there is a Bug on the line to see. I… 😓 is great!

Cut two graphs retained by the big Boss directly with the fear of the project, the name will not stay, look at the avatar to know people should understand.

Fortunately, after March, I began to work again slowly. After returning to the company, I gradually recovered. It even feels like there could be another epidemic (fog! Now looking back, I have to sigh with emotion, I went online for more than 50 times a day before, and I got on QA without going online every time. How strong my head is! The whole process is oriented to wechat development, product wechat needs, design wechat design drawings, and develop wechat online records. We all have a bright future… A ghost!

🌎 Drone

Those who have read my previous articles know that Drone is a CI/CD tool that I like very much. It is highly scalable and suitable for CI/CD service access and deployment promotion within the enterprise. However, the internal environment constraints, Gitlab version is too low, network segment isolation led to the promotion is quite laborious.

Two years later, however, the environment has changed a lot. The Gitlab version has been upgraded and a solution to the network segment isolation problem has been found. What went well was deployed. Moreover, the boss also wants to promote CI/CD uniformly, which just follows this trend to promote to everyone.

In order to help everyone quickly access Drone, we have also developed a lot of plug-ins related to internal services, including plug-ins for internal projects, container on-line and internal IM message notification. And happily, in addition to me, there are other students in the company who are also using Drone, and the plug-in written by them is also very helpful.

It’s nice to finally make a little progress on something you’ve been meaning to do, and to find out you’re in good company.

Cloud 👩 🎨 design

Design Cloud is a design delivery tool similar to Blue Lake produced by the team this year due to the Blue Lake fee. Then it was transferred to me for development and maintenance. The biggest takeaway for me is that it opens the door to developing Sketch plug-in, which is not as difficult as I thought.

Of course, it was very difficult at the beginning, and I often had to consult my friends when I met problems. But then I got pretty good at it. I then reverse-feed back to the Sketch plugin community on some of the issues that have been reported on some of the projects. Being a contributor to the core plugin SKPM/SKPM is pretty exciting.

In addition, I was responsible for all the reconstruction of the front end, server side and client side of the project, so there are a lot of things to summarize. I especially like to summarize my knowledge into words to share with everyone, so I have produced a number of articles during that period, all of which are feed-back experiences from this project.

  • Export slices with The Sketch plugin
  • How to make Sketch plugin
  • Create load animations using SVG
  • How to write RESTful apis elegantly using ThinkJS

🙏 Stuart Zheng Mei

On April 1, Jing heard the news that Zhengmei had passed away. For a time, I thought it was false news. Later, it was confirmed by Zhengmei’s roommate. Masami sensei was one of the most technically respected people in the front-end circle, and his death shocked the insiders.

The intersection between me and Zhengmei teacher lies in the fact that I use anu.js, the React framework developed by Zhengmei teacher. This library was chosen for the following reasons:

  • This meets our React IE compatibility requirements
  • It’s small, the code is clear and easy to understand and we don’t have to maintain it ourselves
  • Zhengmei teacher’s personal technical reputation in the front frame area

Later, this framework also plays an increasingly important role in our projects, and I spare no effort to use this framework when my partners in other businesses have similar compatibility requirements. The sudden death of Teacher Junmi makes the frame a fatherless child.

In order to ensure the maintainability of the business and not to let teacher Jungmei’s legacy disappear, I gradually began to apply for the permission of anuJS project, mainly for the PERMISSION of NPM module and Github warehouse. Due to the death of the account owner, these can only go to email and website management communication.

After waiting for some time, ON May 1st I successfully obtained the permission to publish the NPM module of AnuJS. However, it is a pity that the permission of Github was not applied for. Finally, we adopted the way of fork to continue the maintenance.

Currently, a student with experience in React framework is in charge of maintaining the framework, mainly dealing with routine Bug fixes. Thanks to Zhengmei teacher for bringing us such a good work, and may he rest in peace in heaven.

🌋 Spam comments

At the end of 2020, I’m not very happy because… I got caught in the net. It started when I posted an article titled “Serverless Valine May not Smell So good.” The article described some security problems of Valine, a third-party review tool, and then introduced Waline, a highly compatible review system I developed to solve the problem at the end of the article.

I don’t know who used my nickname and email address to spam the article and Waline system with my identity on all Valine blogs across the web. As a result, a large number of bloggers came to my blog to complain and even abuse me.

This was a prank made by someone who took advantage of the vulnerability of the Valine system itself, and it was explained that everyone should be able to understand and let it go. One user, however, refused to believe it wasn’t me. Abusing me like crazy on my blog. I don’t think it’s a big deal for him to post some spam comments, but I could just clean up the data regularly. But he started replying to other comments on my blog. Comments are notified by reply, which is no doubt confusing to other bloggers.

In order to stop him, I urgently added the frequency limit, keyword filtering, IP blacklist and other common anti-spam comment operation rules. When he found out I had a blacklist of IP, he would try to change some IP to operate. Fortunately, after several times of IP blacklist perfect, slowly sent a lot less. But then it got even worse, and he followed my list of friends to my friend blog and used my information to fake my comments. What a funny thing it is! The dragon slayer becomes a dragon!

💻 afterword.

In fact, there are a lot of things happening this year, and the organization has also changed a lot. But there are some things that really cannot be expressed in words, so let them remain in my heart silently. The New Year Flag does not stand, I hope to be able to have a better breakthrough in technology in the New Year, toss about some more interesting things.

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…