Not quiet beyond reach, not indifferent beyond understanding! Hello ~ 2020

Poetic beginnings

Pulling the skirt of time, the cold wind blowing on the face accidentally, gently warm sunshine into the bosom, drink a cup of green tea, listen to a song Jiangnan wan yun, sit at the desk, will be like water fleeting shallow pour light drink, the wind takes away the sweet fragrance of flowers, the same can also take the dream of flowers in different places, you in a foreign land, ok?

Flowing in the mind light thoughts, years, according to a shallow sweet in the heart, see time to the evening, smell of flowers to warm, give time a shallow look back, give yourself a smile calm, love does not know, with passion, hate not to trace, a smile and min! Hello 2020, goodbye 2019~

Beginner’s mind a sleepless

As early as 2005, EVERY New Year, I would keep some written records, from the earliest paper to today’s electronic, lamenting the change of times, but also the change of life style by the Internet.

The mood garden laptop has been accompanying me 15 years or so, my thoughts were suddenly brought back 15 years ago, the whistle, riding a bicycle, wearing a non-mainstream, like jay Chou’s mischievous troublemaker, side side have echoed the first campus between luo “childhood”, full of youth memory, full of green memories, but the wasted years, I am still me, still Vigorous, hard to move forward!

My 2019

2019 Keywords: pressure, precipitation, growth, warmth

pleasantly surprised

Between the ups and downs of life, there will always be some feelings need quiet aftertaste, there will always be some pain need to feel alone, there are always some things need to face, across the years spent in Tokyo last year, under the Tokyo tower and she made a New Year wishes, 2019, leaving no regret, is pleasantly surprised, looking back this year and really surprise, a lot of desire is also gradually become a reality.


At the beginning of the year, with the support and encouragement of my family, I fell into a pit in a new first-tier city and succeeded in squeezing into the ranks of mortgage slaves, feeling very stressed!

Whenever lax, touch the skinny bag, instant power multiplication, is the pressure and love of the people to support their courage to move forward!


Every outstanding person, there is a silent time to pay a lot of efforts, but not the result of the day, we call it root! If you are not good, it shows that the root is not deep enough, rain or shine, thunder does not move, adhere to the right thing do not give up, to their ruthless, time will give you the answer sooner or later!


There are people who love to accompany, the night again black, the wind again high, the future road again difficult, I will insist, after all, there is no shortcut to the road of life, only faced, experienced will not live up to life!


Forget the river water is not dry, memory is not scattered, fleeting, do not feel intermittent 4 years of writing time, although there is no proud achievements, but recorded their own technical growth road bit by bit ~

I and the Denver nuggets

Compared with the big guys, I was a rookie, was the nuggets sprout new, from here to acquire a lot of practical dry goods, idle to brush the boiling point touch fish, nuggets has become an indispensable part of my life now.

In July, I decided to summarize and output what I have learned to learn and make progress together with my friends. So far, I have completed three series, namely jQuery Source code analysis series,Vue sweet small white series,Vue e-commerce series, in nuggets writing this half a year, through their own output, met a lot of like-minded partners, also received a lot of partners praise and encouragement, in this all expressed Thanks Thanks – (ω ·) Blue!

Open source contributions

🎉Vue e-commerce project ddBuy

On the second day of Singles’ Day, the first version of ddBuy, a well-known O2O platform based on Vue, was launched. After more than a month’s lonely struggle, from packet capture to UI page, business logic, and easy-Mock server construction.

Several night insomnia because of a problem stuck, but didn’t give up, finished the first version released, unexpectedly released after got a lot of friend’s support, was rushed to the making of Vue section Zhou Bang the location of the first, I feel inspired and delighted, is now released version 7, 1200 + star, thank you all very much the junior teams Your support is the biggest encouragement for me. This project will continue to be optimized and iterated.

Outlook 2020,

Recall the past eventful years thick, look at the beautiful scenery show.

The past 2019 is past,2020 stay resilient, roll up your sleeves and work hard!

Actions speak louder than words. Insist on doing the right thing, sharpen yourself, strive for greatness, and forge ahead!

Three requirements for myself

  • 1. Improve your English ability comprehensively

  • 2. Move to full stack and architecture

  • 3. Output more quality projects and blog posts

Life is more than just at present, there are poems and distant fields, may you go through thousands of sails, return is still a teenager, find their own sea as soon as possible!

All to see here, in front of the big guy for your serious point a praise 👍 if think I wrote this article to you have inspired, easy to point a praise for me, your point a praise is to my biggest encouragement <( ̄▽ ̄)/ ღ(´ · ᴗ · ‘) than heart ღThanks (· ω ·) Blue

Pay attention and don’t get lost

2020 James the Geek will share with you more interesting and fun new technology ~

Denver annual essay | 2019 technical way with me The campaign is under way…