In recent years, with the rapid development of THE IT industry, the Internet of Things, Agile, DevOps and so on have become hot topics in the industry. In order to better understand the current situation of the industry, Zen Do Project Management Software, together with various partners, conducted a questionnaire survey on the IT industry in January 2021, and launched the 2020 IT Industry Project Management Survey Report.

Summary of the Report

A total of 545 valid data were collected in the questionnaire, and the interviewees span multiple cities, industries, positions and ages, ensuring comprehensiveness and reflecting diversity at different levels. The report from the region, industry, company size, position, such as in a project team, project management, and use tools, salary and other aspects of analysis, at the same time, in view of the different options, such as correlation analysis, project delivery and the quality of project and the team is obtained by data, industry and practice method, using the tool of correlation conclusion.

Through the analysis of the duration, delivery time and quality of the project using zen Dao project software, it can be concluded that Zen Dao can significantly improve the proportion of project delivery and project time.

The report consists of 58 pages and is divided into ten sections, covering salary, project delivery time, project quality, open source status, tools used, details of each position and other conclusions. The specific framework is as follows:

Part of the contents and conclusions are presented

In terms of the size of the companies surveyed, a quarter of the companies were inMore than 500 people occupy the highest proportion, combined with the above industry distribution, IT can be seen that the often said “Internet big factory” with a high proportion of IT industry talents **; The proportion of respondents working for small and medium-sized enterprises with the size of 51-100 people was also not low, at 22%. The rest are more evenly distributed.

In terms of working hours per week, only 30.7 percent of companies worked less than 40 hours per week, which is the legal eight-hour working week with two days off. A very high percentage of companies do not follow the 40-hour workweek in which EXTREME programming is practiced. There will always be some overtime, but most will be under 10 hours per week.

The strict conversion of 996 working hours should be 72 hours per week. This report uses 70 hours as the boundary, and about 10% of the work hours are over 70 hours. Overall, 70 percent of overtime work in the IT industry was done to some extent.

Most of the pre-tax annual salaries are in the range of 100,000 to 150,000 yuan, and the rest are in the order of 50,000 to 100,000 Yuan, 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, 150,000 to 200,000 Yuan and 300,000 to 500,000 yuan according to the proportion. The salaries vary according to cities, industries, working years and weekly working hours, and the specific correlation can be seen in the part related to salary in the report.

On the backend, the dominant languages are Java and JavaScript, with “the best language in the world” PHP in third place, and the rest C++, C#, Go, C, and Python splitting the niche market roughly equally.

According to The StandishGroup’s 2020 The Chaos Report, only 31 percent of successful projects are delivering on time, and 50 percent are facing challenges. In this regard, the project success rate of respondents in this report is higher than the global average, which is related to the use of project management methods and project management tools.

The above is only a small part of the report. You can download the full PDF version and read IT according to your geographical situation, industry and position. We hope that the report will help readers better understand the current situation and trends of the IT industry and provide reference for relevant participants to make decisions.

For more details, don’t miss out on the full report!

Report a download link:…

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the following partners for their strong support to the data content of this report!

This report has been included in the Zen Way e-package, which contains learning materials and benefits from Zen Way and its partners!

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