Finally on shore… Finally, I can happily code again

Tip: Fold to make it easier to read some details

To introduce myself

I started to study in the first year. I started to apply for internship at the end of February this year. I finally received my first offer a few days ago

Born calf is not afraid of tiger, early did not prepare well, wasted too many good opportunities, I advise you must review and summary well

→ Interview process (excluding written test time)
  1. February 25: Ali tao department side
  2. February 26 :CVTE side (cool)
  3. March 13: Tencent Side
  4. March 23: Ali Tao Series second Noodles (cool)
  5. March 24: Byte side (cool)
  6. March 25: Second interview with Tencent
  7. March 26: Tencent Three Sides (cool)
  8. March 28: Meituan side
  9. March 31: Meituan second interview
  10. April 03: MEituan HR noodle
  11. April 03: mogu Street side
  12. April 09: Mogu Street 2nd Side (rejected)
  13. April 10 :TW side
  14. April 10: Tencent changed departments to scoop up one side (cool)
  15. April 12: Baidu One, two and three Technologies
  16. April 13: Meituan OC(go ashore)
  17. April 16: Netease Cloud Side
  18. April 16 :TW second interview

When the tao department of front two after cool, the students around have been ashore, I began to panic, the sea cast a wave

→ It is still in the process
  1. baidu
  2. TW
  3. Netease cloud
  4. tencent
  5. Well quickly

The following began to share dry goods, please carefully tasted, if there are deficiencies, please make corrections

What should you do to prepare for an interview?

1. Have some knowledge

Here is mainly based on my interview experience summarized some high-frequency knowledge points for your reference, in a tree structure to expand (avoid tile persuasion)

If you don’t already know or use Node, you don’t need to prepare for Node

Basic computer knowledge
  • Algorithms and data structures
    1. The list
    2. Heap/stack
    3. Hash table
    4. Binary tree
    5. Sorts of sorts, especially quicksort
    6. BST
    7. KMP
    8. binary
  • The operating system
    1. Thread related issues
    2. Process related issues
    3. The problem with process versus thread comparisons
  • Computer network
    1. TCP related
    2. UDP relevant
    3. HTTP related
    4. DNS related
  • Design patterns
    1. The factory pattern
    2. Abstract Factory pattern
    3. The singleton pattern
Big front end
  • JS (including ES6)
    1. DOM event triggers several stages (capture, target, bubble) related issues
    2. Value types are related to reference types
    3. The function is curialized
    4. closure
    5. This points to judgment
    6. apply,call,bind
    7. event loop
    8. promise
    9. The timer
    10. Prototypes and prototype chains
    11. Arrow function
    12. Type conversion
    13. Async and await
    14. An array of class
    15. Throttling stabilization
    16. Garbage collection mechanism
    17. The typeof and instanceof
    18. = = = = =
    19. JS
    20. Let, const, var
    21. Comparison of the various ways of traversing groups (for,forof,forin,forEach)
  • CSS
    1. Reflux with redraw
    2. The box model
    3. Flexible Layout (Flex)
    4. Grid
    5. Display various values and their jobs
    6. Position Values and their effects
    7. BFC(concept, how to trigger, features)
    8. Display: none, visibility: hidden, opacity: 0
    9. CSS hierarchy, style weight calculation
    10. CSS pseudo-classes
    11. CSS pseudo-elements
    12. Zebra pattern realization
    13. Simple animation implementation
    14. The ball scrolls from left to right on the screen XXXPX
    15. Means that child elements are horizontally centered relative to the parent element
    16. The way children are centered horizontally and vertically relative to their parent
    17. How to make the page theme (skin) toggle
  • VUE(for not looking at the source)
    1. Data bidirectional binding, data response type implementation principle
    2. The life cycle
    3. Communication methods between components (father and son, brother, grandparent, any)
    4. V – if, v – show similarities and differences
    5. Routing principle, why does the browser not refresh when the address changes
    6. Rights management
  • The browser
    1. Caching mechanisms
    2. Page rendering Principles (Process)
    3. The local store
    4. Browser security related issues (SQL injection,XSS,CSRF,DNS hijacking, click hijacking)
    5. Cross-domain related issues (causes, solutions)
    6. The same-origin policy
    7. Preview the request
  • Performance optimization
    1. Optimized Webpack code packaging
    2. Network layer optimization
    3. Optimized the first screen loading
  • Small program
    1. Small program features
    2. Your thoughts on the development of mini programs
    3. The principle of small program
    4. Small program and traditional mobile Web difference
  • Node
    1. Event loop in node
    2. Process and thread related issues in Node
  • Regular expressions are simple to use

Summarize your project

Mainly from:

  • Project background
  • Responsibility for and contribution to a multi-person collaborative project
  • What problems did you encounter and how did you solve them
  • Innovation of the project
  • What did you learn
  • Project technology stack, project output (Web (PC/Mobile), APP, applet?)

These aspects, more details can refer to the interview was asked project experience do not panic, according to this step answer absolutely amazing

3. Review according to the current interview progress

For a 2+1 interview

  • One side: computer basic + front-end related
  • Second interview: Project + computer foundation + front-end related
  • The HR side: non-technical open questions

For a 3+1 interview

  • First, second: computer foundation + front-end related
  • Three sides: project + non-technical open issues + a little bit of big front-end relevance
  • The HR side: non-technical open questions

4. Draft your introduction during the interview

Most interviews begin by asking you to tell me about yourself, and here are a few ways to start

  1. Personal information: Name, current status (junior, fresh), interests and hobbies
  2. Front-end learning experience
  3. internship
  4. Project experience can be briefly introduced
    1. The biggest item you receive
    2. A recent project I worked on
    3. I’m most proud of my personal work

5. Preparation for non-technical questions often asked during an interview

Must be their own down draft, improvisation is inevitably not perfect

Begin to see
  1. Do you have any other interests other than development
  2. Work directly after graduation or take the postgraduate entrance examination, why not take the postgraduate entrance examination
  3. Career plan for the next 5 years
  4. What do you consider your strengths/strengths
  5. What do you think are your weaknesses
  6. Why the front end
  7. How do you study? What are you reading
  8. How to balance school curriculum learning with front-end self-study and development
  9. What is your most successful sharing or achievement
  10. Any other companies? Did you get any results? Why not? Do you know why
  11. Why choose us

In the interview

  1. If it is the first interview will inevitably be nervous, this is inevitable, with the interview times increase should increase their self-confidence, reduce the time of tension
  2. Don’t speak too fast
  3. After the interviewer asks a question, don’t rush to answer. Use a few seconds in your head to compose your thoughts and then blurt them out
  4. When the hand tear code, if you think for a period of time, no idea, directly to the interviewer to say, avoid long time (interview time is limited, the general technical side of an hour or so short 30-40 minutes)
  5. Hand code, if you have a solution if not the most optimal can also write, and then the interviewer will ask you don’t have a better solution (or optimize the space), you can take this and think for a while, if not directly told the interviewer (part of the interviewer when you end the problem answer, will tell you the thinking of a solution)
  6. When the interviewer asks you any questions, don’t say no, you can ask about the department, the level of the interviewer, the product you are responsible for, does the front-end department have open source projects, what department you are interviewing for, where will your future work Base be, and so on

After the interview

Timely sorting out the interview content, especially the knowledge blind spot, must come down to look up information to understand, fill in this point

Interview questions collated (with part of self-answer)

Sort the questions by type, why not by company? In my opinion, there are too many same interview questions for different people in the same company. Only by integrating the experience of many companies can you win a hundred battles with no risk of defeat

0. The entire process of entering the URL in the browser to render the page.

Build request line

The GET/HTTP/1.1 method indicates the protocol and version of the request pathCopy the code

Find strong cache

Check whether the resource has a strong cache. If yes, resolve the resource directly

Reading the DNS cache

  1. The browser first checks whether the IP address corresponding to the domain name has been resolved in its cache. If yes, the resolution is complete
  2. Check whether there are corresponding parsed results in the operating system cache (hosts file in Win)
  3. If not, proceed to the next step


  1. Request the local Domain name server (LDNS) to resolve the domain name. If not, proceed to the next step
  2. DNS root server query

Establishing a TCP Connection

This section describes the process of establishing a THREE-way handshake for a TCP link

  1. The clienttoThe service sideSending a request Packet
  2. The service sideIf the request packet is received, the connection is forwardedThe clientSend a reply
  3. The clientreceivedThe service sideReply and informThe service sideI’m ready

Some features of TCP

  • A three-way handshake is required to establish a connection
  • All disconnections require four handshakes
  • In the process of data transmission, various algorithms are used to ensure the reliability of data
  • Less efficient than UDP.

Check whether it is an Https request

If yes, the TLS handshake is performed

The basic process

  1. The client requests and verifies the public key from the server
  2. Generate a Dialogue Key through negotiation
  3. The two parties use the dialogue key to encrypt communication

In the TLS handshake phase, the two ends use asymmetric encryption to communicate. However, because the loss performance of asymmetric encryption is greater than that of symmetric encryption, the two ends use symmetric encryption to communicate during official data transmission

No: An Http request is initiated

Sending an HTTP request

The HTTP request is formally sent to the server

Return HTTP packet

The server processes the response and returns an Http packet

What is the status code?

200: continue parsing, error if 4xx or 5xx, redirection if 3xx

If it is in gZIP format, it will be decompressed first, and then through the file encoding format to decode the file

The browser parses the rendered page

  1. For the DOWNLOADED HTML file
    • Lexical analysis: tokenization
    • Parsing: Building the DOM tree
  2. Parse HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)–>DOM(Document Object Model) tree
    • If a script tag is encountered, it will determine whether async or defer exists
      • Async: downloads in parallel, and executes JS after the download is complete
      • Defer: Download the file in parallel, then wait until the HTML is parsed and execute sequentially.
      • If neither: it blocks the rendering process until the JS is downloaded and executed
    • Encounter link download and parse the CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)–>CSSOM(CSS Object Model) tree
      • Link Tag Reference
      • Style in the style tag
      • The embedded style attribute of the element
  3. DOM Tree + CSSOM Tree –> Render Tree: After the CSSOM Tree and DOM Tree are built, the Render Tree is generated
  4. Backflow (Layout): According to the generated rendering tree, backflow can get the geometric information (location, size) of the node.
    • Calculate the position and size of the visible Dom nodes at the device viewport. This calculation phase is called backflow
    • To know the exact size and location of each visible node in the viewport, the browser traverses from the root node of the render tree
  5. Painting: Obtain the absolute pixel of the node based on the geometric information of the node obtained by rendering tree and backflow
    • After the generated render tree and backflow stage, the detailed geometric information and styles of all visible nodes are obtained, and then each node of the rendered tree is transformed into an actual pixel on the screen. This stage is called redraw node
  6. The pixels are sent to the GPU for rendering, compositing, and displaying on the page

Disconnect the TCP connection

This section describes the 4-times handshake process

  1. The clientrightThe service sideSend a request to release the connection
  2. The service sidereceivedThe clientThe application layer is told to release the connection
  3. The service sideAfter sending the data, send it toThe clientSend a connection release request
  4. The clientUpon receipt of the release request, and toThe service sideSend a reply confirming release, agreeing to release

1. Algorithm and data structure

  1. Look for KMP to see if one string exists in another string
  2. Linked list transpose, iteration/recursion
  3. Merge two ordered lists
  4. Merge the two BST
  5. Build BST
  6. Binary tree front/middle/back order traversal
  7. TopK problem
  8. Binary tree depth-first /DFS, breadth-first (sequential traversal)/BFS
    // DFS uses the stack
    function dfs(root){
        let stack = []
        if(! root){ stack.push(root) }while(stack.length! = =0) {let node = stack.pop()
    // BFS uses queues
    function bfs(root){
        let queue = []
        if(! root){ queue.push(root) }while(queue.length! = =0) {let node = queue.shift()
    Copy the code
  9. Quick sort
    function quickSort(array) {
        const _quickSort = (arr, left, right) = > {
            if (left >= right) {
            let o = left
            let start = left
            let end = right
            while (left < right) {
                while (arr[right] >= arr[o] && right > left) {
                while (arr[left] <= arr[o] && left < right) {
                if(left ! == right) { swap(arr, left, right) } } [arr[o],arr[left]] = [arr[left],arr[o]] _quickSort(arr, start, left -1)
            _quickSort(arr, left + 1, end)
        _quickSort(array, 0, array.length - 1)}Copy the code

2. Computer network

  1. The difference between TCP and UDP
  2. Outline HTTP(divulge everything you know about HTTP)
  3. What header fields are commonly used in HTTP? You know which HTTP headers
  4. What are HTTP status codes and what do they represent
  5. What are the common HTTP methods
  6. Briefly describes the UDP
    • Connectionless: There is no need to connect the two parties before formally passing the data
    • Porter: delivers data packets to the peer end without loss or order
    • There is no algorithm to control the flow, which is transmitted at a constant rate
    • It is suitable for the places that have low requirements on network communication quality but high requirements on real-time performance
      • Live, voice, video and other scenes
  7. Briefly describes the TCP
    • Connection-oriented: three-way handshake for link establishment, four-way handshake for disconnect
    • In the process of data transmission, various algorithms are used to ensure the reliability of data
    • Application scenarios
      • HTTP
      • FTP
      • Online game
  8. Why does TCP go through three handshakes, not one or two
    • To prevent invalid connection request packet segments from being received by the server, resulting in errors
    • If: The client sends a connection request but does not receive a reply from the server, the connection is successful
    • If two: The client sends the connection request and waits for the reply from the server. If the SYN from the client does not reach the server after a period of time, the client’s connection times out, and it resends the connection. If the server receives the SYN this time and replies to the client, the connection is established. When the first SYN reaches the server, the server considers it a new connection and sends an ACK to the client, which is discarded by the client. However, at this point, the server has already allocated resources for the connection, and the server will always maintain the resources, which will cause waste
  9. The difference between HTTP and HTTPS
    • HTTP is transmitted in plain text
    • HTTP(80) and HTTPS(443) use different ports
    • HTTP pages respond faster than HTTPS pages
    • HTTPS is an HTTP protocol built on top of SSL/TLS. HTTPS consumes more server resources than HTTP
    • HTTPS establishes the SSL/TLS encryption layer over HTTP and encrypts the transmitted data
  10. The characteristics of HTTP2
    • multiplexing
    • The Header compression
    • The server actively pushes resources
    • A new encoding mechanism was introduced in HTTP/2, where all transmitted data is split and encoded in binary format
  11. HTTP2 Usage conditions
    • Support Http2 server and client
    • The domain name must be HTTPS (encrypted connection based on TLS/1.2 or above)
  12. This chapter describes the TLS protocol working process

    Asymmetric encryption is used to implement identity authentication and key negotiation. Symmetric encryption algorithm uses negotiated key to encrypt data and verifies the integrity of information based on hash function

3. Operating system

  1. How do threads and processes work
  2. How to communicate between threads | processes
  3. How to switch processes


  1. Why the typeof null = = ‘object’ is | null object

    Null is not an object

    Although Typeof null does print object, this is a long-standing Bug in JS. In the original version of JS, the 32-bit system was used, and for performance considerations, the type information of variables was stored in low order. The beginning of 000 represents an object, whereas null represents all zeros, so it was wrongly identified as object

  2. What is a function curryization

    The technique of turning a function that takes multiple arguments into one that takes a single argument (the first argument of the original function) and returns a new function that takes the remaining arguments and returns the result

  3. The difference between object types and primitive value types


    • Object types store (address) Pointers: declaring an object opens up a space in memory for the value
    • When a variable is assigned, it is the address of the assigned value: changes to the new variable affect the original variable
    • There are deep and shallow copy problems

    Value types

    • When a new value is copied during assignment, it does not affect the original value
  4. Typeof can correctly determine the type

    To be able to determine

    • number
    • string
    • boolean
    • undefined
    • symbol
    • function
  5. What makes instanceof correct
    • Judge by the prototype chain
    • Each object has a stereotype, and Instanceof follows the stereotype chain up to the topmost stereotype
    • Can be achieved bySymbol.hasInstanceRedefine the behavior of instanceof, so the results of instanceof are not necessarily infallible
  6. What is a prototype? A prototype chain
    • Each JS object is automatically associated with another object when it is createdThe prototypeEach object “inherits” properties from the stereotype
    • A chain of interrelated prototypes isPrototype chain
  7. This points to how to tell what this is in the arrow function
    • For normal functions,this->window
    • For an object, the person who calls the function is this
    • New,this is always bound to the instance
    • Bind/Call /apply For these functions, this depends on the first argument, if the first argument is null, then window
    • No matter how many times you bind the function, this in the function is always determined by the first bind
    • The arrow function itself has no this
    • The “this” in the arrow function depends on the “this” of the first normal function that wraps the arrow function
    • Arrow functions that use bind,call,this are invalid

    A pen test

    let obj2 = {
        name: 'obj2'
    const obj = {
        name: 'obj',
        say1() {
        obj1: {
            name: 'obj1',
            say2() {
        say3() {
            const fn = (a)= > {
        say4() {
            const fn = function () {
        say5() {
            const fn = (a)= > {
        say6() {
            const fn = function () {
    let a = obj.say1
    let b = obj.obj1.say2
    Copy the code

    The results of

    Copy the code
  8. What’s the difference between == and ===

    = =

    • First, it determines whether the two types are the same. If they are the same, they are directly compared
    • If the type of the comparison is different, a cast is performed
    • Null and undefined: true
    • String and number: string->number
    • Boolean: Boolean -> number
    • Object vs. string, number, symbol: object -> Primitive value type

    = = =

    • Check whether the type and value are the sametrue
  9. What are closures, their features and disadvantages

    1. Simple definitions

    Closures are functions that can read variables inside other functions

    2. Application scenario

    • You need to reuse a variable and protect it from contamination
    • Keeping a variable permanently in memory can be used to loop values
    • Private variable counter, external cannot access, avoid global variable amount pollution

    Characteristics of 3.

    Parameters and variables are not collected by the garbage collection mechanism

    4. Compare to scope

    • The global variable
      • Excellent: reusable
      • Lack: easy to pollute
    • A local variable
      • Excellent: not contaminated, only available inside the function
      • Lack: not reusable

    5. Shortcomings

    • Takes up more memory than normal functions.
    • The impact of memory leaks, when the memory leaks to a certain extent will affect your project to run slow and so on
    • Release method: Assign a variable that references the inner function object to null
  10. What is a shallow/deep copy and how is it implemented?

    Shallow copy

    • Only one layer is copied. Deep objects can only copy references to objects

    Shallow copy implementation

    • Object.assign
    • Expansion operator.

    Deep copy

    • Complete copy of a deep object

    Deep copy implementation

    The interview generally does not consider too many boundary questions, generally examines the recursive implementation of an object that can copy objects mixed with arrays

    • JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object))
      • Ignore the undefined
      • Ignore the symbol
      • Cannot serialize function
      • Objects with circular references cannot be resolved
    • Implement deepClone recursively
  11. Promise has several states. What are they

    Three states

    • Pending, waiting for
    • Resolved:
    • Rejectde: refused to

    Once you go from a wait state to another state you can never change the state

  12. Do you know async/await? Give a brief description
    • The characteristics of
      • A function with async returns a Promise, and async wraps the return value with promise.resolve ()
      • Await can only be used with async and not alone
    • advantages
      • The advantage is that you can write a clearer call chain than promises
    • disadvantages
      • Because await turns asynchronous code into synchronous code, performance degrades if there is no relationship between multiple asynchrons
    • The principle of
      • Await is the syntax sugar of a generator plus a Promise, with an internal implementation of automatic generator execution
  13. What is the process of triggering an event

    There are three stages of event triggering:

    • Capture phase
    • The target stage
    • Bubbling phase
  14. What is an event proxy

    If the child nodes in a node are dynamically generated, then the child node should register events with the parent node

    • Saves memory by not having to register each child node once
    • You do not need to deregister events for child nodes
  15. What is the same origin policy, what is cross-domain, and how to solve it

    Browser has the same origin policy, if: protocol, port, domain name has a difference is cross-domain

    The solution

    • jsonp
    • CROS support is enabled on the server
    • Nginx reverse proxy
  16. Do you know what a precheck request is

    Using CROS on the back end to solve cross-domain problems divides requests into two types:

    • A simple request
    • Complex request

    For complex requests, a precheck request (options) is initiated to determine whether the server allows cross-domain access

  17. You know what an event loop is. Describe it briefly

    When executing JS code, functions are actually put into the execution stack. When asynchronous code is encountered, it will be suspended and added to the Task (there are various tasks) queue when it needs to be executed. Once the execution stack is empty, Event Loop will take out the code to be executed from the Task queue and put it into the execution stack for execution

    Event Loop Execution sequence

    • Synchronization code
    • After all synchronous code has been executed, the execution stack is empty and the query is made to see if any asynchronous code needs to be executed
    • If a microtask is generated during the execution of a microtask, it will be added to the end of the queue and will also be called for execution in this cycle
    • After performing all microtasks, render the page if necessary:
      • Determine whether the document needs to be updated: The browser has a refresh rate of 60Hz and updates every 16.6ms.
      • Judge whether there are resize or Scroll events. If there are, the events will be triggered. Therefore, the resize and scroll events will be triggered at least 16ms, and the throttling function is provided.
      • Determine whether the Media Query is triggered
      • Update the animation and send the event
      • Check whether full-screen operation events exist
      • Perform the requestAnimationFrame callback
      • Update the interface
    • Then the next Event Loop starts, executing the asynchronous code in the macro task, the callback function in setTimeout


    • A macrotask is executed one task at a time, and then executes the task in the microtask queue
    • All tasks in the microtask queue are fetched and executed until the microtask queue is empty
    • Whenever UI Rendering is executed, its node executes UI Render immediately after all microtasks are executed and before the next MacroTask

    Micro tasks

    • promise
    • MutationObserver
    • Process. NextTick (node)

    Macro task

    • script
    • xhr
    • setTimeout
    • setInterval
    • setImmediate(node)
    • RequestAnimationFrame (browser)
    • I/O
    • UI Rendering (browser)
  18. Var, let, and const differences

    Global scope:

    • Variables declared using var will be mounted to window
    • Variables declared with let and const are not mounted to Windows
    • Variables declared with var are promoted to the top of the scope, and functions are promoted before variables

    Let and const cannot be used before they are declared. The latter cannot be reassigned to a variable

  19. What’s new in ES6, and what you’ve learned


  1. What is backflow and redraw


    Calculate the position and size of the visible Dom nodes at the device viewport. This calculation phase is called backflow

    To know the exact size and location of each visible node in the viewport, the browser traverses from the root node of the render tree


    After the generated render tree and backflow stage, the detailed geometric information and styles of all visible nodes are obtained, and then each node of the rendered tree is transformed into an actual pixel on the screen. This stage is called redraw node

  2. CSS Hierarchy

    The weight

    • Tag (tag selector):1
    • Class :10
    • Id (ID selector):100
    • Tag inline style :1000
    • ! Important biggest

    In the case of the same weight, the later declaration overrides the previous one

  3. Do you know anything about the BFC? How to trigger it

    Block formatting context

    • Specifies how the inner Block boxes are laid out: will the inner boxes be placed vertically one after the other
    • The vertical distance of Box is determined by margin
    • The left side of each element’s margin box touches the left side of the containing block’s border box
    • The region of the BFC does not overlap with the float box
    • Margins of two adjacent boxes belonging to the same BFC will overlap
    • When calculating the height of the BFC, the float element is also calculated
    • A separate container in which the child elements inside the container do not affect the outside elements

    How to trigger

    • The float value is not None
    • The overflow is not visible
    • The display value is inline-block, table-cell, and table-caption
    • The value of position is absolute or fixed
  4. Flexible layout Flex
  5. Fence layout grid
  6. What are the values of the display attribute and what are their functions
  7. What are the values of the position attribute, and what do they do
  8. Display: none, opactiy: 0, visibility: hidden differences


  1. Data bidirectional binding, data response type implementation principle
  2. The life cycle
  3. Communication methods between components (father and son, brother, grandparent, any)
  4. V – if, v – show similarities and differences
  5. Routing principle, why does the browser not refresh when the address changes
  6. Rights management

7. The browser is faulty

  1. Caching mechanisms
  2. Page rendering Principles (Process)
  3. The local store
  4. Browser security related issues (SQL injection,XSS,CSRF,DNS hijacking, click hijacking)

8. Optimize performance

  1. Optimized Webpack code packaging
  2. Network layer optimization
  3. Optimized the first screen loading

9. Small programs

  1. Small program features
  2. Your thoughts on the development of mini programs
  3. The principle of small program
  4. Small program and traditional mobile Web difference

Due to the limited space and too much content, part of the unanswered content and the answers to the questions in part 6-9 are arranged in my →blog← In, welcome to poke the link to check

Let’s share how a person jumped into the front end of this “pit”.

Experience in school

My major is “Computer Science and Technology”. The training direction of the college is embedded development engineers. Before I went to college, I wanted to learn computer science and play games

I want to embedded embedded, which know the training plan is too backward, all theoretical courses, experimental class is also for a test box, compared to the experiment report step by step, nothing can learn. From what I expected (intelligent electronic device development) difference is too far away, and then went to the self-study U3D, learned a few months to hear that there is no “money” independent game development, brakes, just the school there is a software development, with a team he joined the students group, three of them (1 stroke, Java, I’ll just have to make the front), this is what is done cannot be undone, step from now on There’s no turning back

Around the most began to learn something very miscellaneous, there is no front end bosses, groping his learning, walk a lot of detours, pick up a lot of business outsourcing and school sports, lead to the back-end technology course also ceng learned a lot, but I haven’t a deep point, after considering what to do when I was a sophomore or front end or “pseudo full stack (write page + CRUD)”, later After thinking for a while, I chose the front end, thinking that it was easier to produce results and realize my ideas. Then I began to learn the front end systematically

Started when I was in junior year review for looking for work, looked at the cows in front of the guest on the, found a lot of technical terms I don’t know, can not also many points, by the ability of the project to do confused, thought cool, began to panic, and then to catch up on his project is urgent, and then put an end to all the outsourcing and project of the school, began to tense review

One of my favorite chicken soup

You have the power to change the world at your fingertips

When you are not motivated to learn, say chicken soup for a few times, think about your future plan, and then you will be full of passion for learning again

The last

Thanks to all the bigwigs of nuggets, it is the experience shared by bigwigs that brought me to Dafang. Thanks very much to the interviewers of Ali tao department for their suggestions and timely pointed out some questions in my interview. Although I did not pass the interview of Ali, I benefited a lot and still feel very lucky

The last

First time in the nuggets post, everyone to praise bai, I want to ‘pull’ the nuggets’ wool

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