Take advantage of today can leave work before 10 o ‘clock, quickly write down the last week, in case a few days do not want to write ~

After the company went public at the end of August, we will have to take the big exam of career promotion, which is twice a year.

According to the regulations of the company, only students with “A” in the last two performances can apply independently, or those nominated by the director (P9) or above can proceed with the defense of promotion.

Obviously, for JB with only B, it is not in line with the independent declaration, and this time I have the opportunity to participate in the defense, or thanks to the opportunity given by the bosses.

The origin of the story is from this promotion defense, defense defense, is the need to prepare PPT, first let’s see what it contains?

  • Introduction of personal and organizational roles;
  • Personal performance statement;
  • Working thinking;
  • Understanding of the position to be promoted and work planning;
  • Personal promotion plan;

This is the template provided by HR. To be honest, I was confused at that time.

Especially for earnings statement, is not little point? Write use cases, dot, dot, line, done, how do you write that?

Then I spent a long period of time (two days and one night) sorting out the projects or demands I was in charge of in the past year. I listed them all, big and small, and then found several core demands as the entry point.

Previous articles have also written about some businesses JB is responsible for, so there are two listed businesses: Xp3.o and activities, such as press conference activities, listing activities and so on.

And then think about the core values, like that important activity, how do you ensure quality? As a test leader, how to communicate with different teams, how to cooperate and so on;

To be honest, the whole PROCESS of writing PPT was very painful. One reason was that there was little writing and no accumulation, but little business summary. It was really difficult to compress all the information suddenly.

For this PPT, I have stayed up for two nights and changed 4 versions successively. Finally, I have crossed the line, although the quality of PPT is still very poor

This process, I have a lot of experience, here is a brief summary:

  • In the performance statement, the general idea is that the original business had problems. After you joined, what did you do? What problems did you solve?
  • Do not post code or Xmind, the experience is poor.
  • With the way of the timeline, can let the judges to the project at a glance;

I also asked some judges, and the general grading criteria are as follows:

  • 50 to 60 points for what the assembly line says it has done;
  • Can summarize the experience and practice, 60-70 points;
  • Based on this experience, can do related optimization push things, 70-80 points;
  • Platform landing, 80-90 points;

So, you don’t just do what you do, you need to think about the big picture.

For P7, what else is missing? Here’s a tidbit:

  • Problem summarizer
  • And BAT and other industry benchmarking team competition
  • Cross-center business access to complex business capabilities
  • Ability to balance interests
  • Build team, build business ability
  • Zero to one capability
  • Ability to draw inferences

The content of PPT can be carried out from the aspects of leadership, professionalism and management, respectively corresponding to business, technology and team.

Of course, in the last question, when I was asked to be confused, here is the record:

  • How to carry out quality assurance work;
  • What are the core values of R&D?
  • When working with other departments, how do you make sure that the other party has done this and how is the effect?

At the beginning, JB thought of the process, but obviously this is not the right answer. The process specification cannot solve the problem of quality, but it is just a threshold, but if the quality is always so bad, the threshold will gradually lose its role.

At present, I think that quality is a big topic, and it may be necessary to quantify corresponding indicators, such as performance, safety, r&d self-test, etc., and urge R&D self-test, check R&D self-test, checklist, and training for R&D.

But how to carry out the specific, may write a separate document, for the current stage of the view of quality, still need to slowly understand.

There were three bad evaluations for promotion:

  • The example given by the judges is that if there is a random bug, the test cannot compromise. We need to dig out the cause and make sure there is no problem before launching, rather than making concessions. Although this is a good thing in the team, it is a bad thing in terms of quality.
  • Some of the content lacks data support, such as what was done, how many bugs were reduced to how many.
  • I didn’t have a very thorough understanding of the project process. This should be because as the overall leader of XP3.0, I didn’t even know some core indicators, and then I didn’t get to that stage, but I left a bad impression on the judges.

So, 11:30, do a process review, also set some small indicators for themselves, such as regular summary, to mark THEIR own P7, what is missing, how to do, reflect on the summary and need to do, how to gradually fall to the ground.