At the end of 2019, when the Nuggets were collecting year-end summary articles, they wanted to publish, so they stopped writing and saved it in the draft box. Work takes away the time we spend staring into boredom, and the year-end review that comes with boredom.

2020 is the first year of the national year. The unprecedented epidemic since the founding of China has caught everyone in this environment by surprise. But I believe that the disaster will always be overcome, and at the same time let 1.4 billion Chinese compatriots and 6.4 billion foreign friends understand a truth “cherish life and reject game”.

From my personal point of view, 2020 is also a year of my own. After struggling with love and hate with my old employer for three months, I finally decided to terminate the labor relationship. It seems ok to welcome the next beginning based on my experience honed over the past few years, but I prefer to position this year as a “new beginning”.

At the end of last year, I said in the company meeting, “I never thought that I would be a developer, a teacher and such a high salary when I graduated from the department of Modern manufacturing. But when I look back on the efforts I have made every day for the past 15 years, today’s harvest is so natural. I’m about five years into my career and I don’t know what the future holds, just like I don’t know what I’m working on today. But tomorrow it will give you the answer.”

Work from 2015 to 2019

From Danzhou Education in 2015 to The Brain Institute in the second half of 18th, everyday life was like an arrow leaving the string. At the end of 18th and the beginning of 19th, I received the task of netease front-end micro professional project. The harvest of the whole year was directly proportional to the regret.

Unfortunately, it could have been better. The three-year plan was cut short after just one year. A big part of the reason for my failure was that my curriculum was too personal. If Long, Chips, Lao Zheng and Tang Lei had participated in the design of the class schedule, I believe that the whole team teaching experience would be much more comfortable. Harvest is the ability to stay up day by day, feel the countless Changsha morning sunshine done jQuery, Undesocre, SEAJS, Express, KOA, Vue source code.

The feelings of the 2015-2019

I answered a question on Zhihu before, “How far can a poor couple mourn?” The following is the original answer: In the first year of work (2015), my girlfriend was from Shandong province, Jiangxi Province. The combined income of the two of them is about 4-6K. The reason for such a wide range is that her monthly income from Taobao is extremely unstable. At that time, my monthly salary was 3.5K. Think about the cost of living: 1.5K for rent and utilities + 1K for each family + living expenses for two people +1.5K…. That’s the basic background.

Next, let’s talk about her living conditions. What impressed her most was that she bought a red skirt in this year, which was the most expensive one and cost more than 80 yuan. There are no small romantic surprises, major holidays go to the vegetable market to buy a few dishes to celebrate at home. Working in a busy city never took her out to play. In the struggle to live….

That Spring Festival was the only time I didn’t go home for it, even though it was 150 kilometers from home to the city where I worked as the crow flies. The reason for not going home is that I gave her the last month’s salary and year-end bonus to go home for the Spring Festival. He left 500 yuan to tell his family that the company would arrange overtime work for the Spring Festival before the holiday, and then watched the street in the rental slowly less people.

That year very poor also very sad, but can not deny also very happy.

In the future

Strive to do today’s work well and leave everything else to tomorrow.