When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives —– Ned Stark

Due to reasons known to all, the native android development has been increasingly depressed, as an android programmer, not only to be Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, Css, Html, but also can Flutter, c + +, FFmpeg, Linux and other related knowledge.

The author begin from July, by the middle of August deadline (because tencent has been through the interview, your interview also tired, just decided to go to tencent) then what interview questions, were interviewed almost twenty companies, both outsourcing, there are also small and medium enterprises, also have prepare D rounds even listed C enterprise, more BAT and other famous enterprises. Let’s talk about the interview questions for each company. It is also recommended that you do not go straight to BAT and so on during the interview. The breadth and depth of the technology of the interviewer in a large factory is not that you can handle it just after the interview. Had better go to a few small companies to see what they ask first, oneself go back to check a leak to fill a gap, finally go to the big factory. Finally, I wish you can enter their favorite company.

List the interview questions for each company in chronological order. (Memory may be wrong, haha, just watch, some companies interview may be more routine, there is no special impression)

Wuhan Baijuncheng (OPPO, our own interviewer)

As it was a special interview on Saturday, there was no need to ask for leave, so I immediately attended the interview of this company. Two rounds of interview

  • The start process of the Activity
  • The startup mode and application scenario of the Activity
  • How can you reduce coupling to third-party frameworks
  • The basics of hashMap

Boyan Technology (outsourcing OPPO,OPPO interviewer)

Two rounds of interview

  • Handler mechanism
  • Binder mechanism
  • Write a singleton pattern,DCL why add V keyword
  • Directly in the Activity Sleep 5000ms, and then post a runable will not ANR.
  • How do I listen to ANR
  • What is the process of drawing a View
  • Event passing mechanism

Insta360 (Series C Company)

Three rounds of the interview

  • How does componentization enable component communication
  • How can I reduce hash conflicts? How can I increase hash conflicts
  • How is the installation package optimized
  • If there are five steps A,B,C,D, and E, each step needs to operate on the corresponding request, which design pattern is used.

Huawei outsourcing

Two rounds of technical interviews

  • The installation package optimizes what is done
  • What do you think about working overtime

Originally, I waited for the second interview when I was finished, but after waiting for 10 minutes, I told me that the interviewer was not available for the second interview, so THAT I could make an appointment next time. I went out and waited for the bus for 10 minutes. When I left home for 20 minutes, I called me and asked me to go back to the second interview, and then I didn’t go.

Green network science and technology

Three rounds of technical surface

  • A hashmap principle

  • What is the difference between MVP,MVVM, and MVC

  • Java Memory Model Specifies the Java Memory Model

  • If you were to design an app, how would you design it

  • What are the algorithms for JVM garbage collection and what are the garbage collection handlers

  • Which recycling algorithm Serial uses

  • The memory model of the JVM

  • How does the Android main thread start

  • How did DEX get into machine code

  • How does LLVM compilation optimize code

  • Tell me one of your weaknesses.

The end result is this haha, still not too high

With chau electronics

Four-wheel technical surface

  • The start process of the Activity
  • Can static methods of static classes be overridden by subclasses (no, invoke-static directive is invoked, only invoke-virtual directive can implement polymorphism)
  • Linux startup process
  • Are you interested in the Native layer
  • Are you interested in doing smart home
  • Recruit a graduating student to come in and do APP also do, recruit you also do, why want to recruit you

Suitable abundant science and technology

One round of technical interviews

  • Handler mechanism
  • Is Looper awakened in the Java or Native layer, how is this done
  • What similarities and differences between a HashMap, ConcurrentHashMap, HashTable have
  • Binder communication mechanism
  • Familiar with cross-platform development
  • How to improve the access speed of overseas users, assume that the server is in Shenzhen.
  • How to learn a new thing, what are the execution steps


  • How does the red envelope random algorithm do it
  • Write a binary tree depth first traversal, recursive non-recursive
  • What is LocalServerSocket used in Android
  • Binder Native layer code
  • What RPC mechanisms are available in Linux
  • Why Binder and not Shared memory
  • If you could design a mechanism for interprocess communication, what would it be
  • How does Linux dynamically load modules
  • A physical screen is divided into three logical screens, depending on who distributes events.
  • ConcurrentHashMap is not absolutely thread-safe. (Final, absolute thread-safe, relative thread-safe, thread-unsafe)
  • How does a thread pool manage thread state

Daewoo Infinite (Series C company formerly known as Pea Pod)

It is my second favorite company. The office environment, atmosphere and welfare are all good. Unfortunately, there are altogether seven rounds of interviews and five rounds of technical aspects

  • Kotlin’s access rights
  • Why is Koltin more secure than Java
  • How is Koltin better than Java
  • The memory model of the JVM
  • JMM memory model
  • Why is the operand stack Thread-private
  • Compute the depth of a binary tree
  • ArrayList is different from LinkeList
  • How to expand ArrayList and improve the efficiency of ArrayList
  • Dynamic proxy Static proxy difference
  • Start optimizing how to do it.
  • If I gave you an IOS APP, how would you optimize it?
  • What versions of HTTP are available and what are the differences between them? What’s the difference between HTTPS and HTTP?
  • Why does APK need signature? What is the difference between V1 and V2 signature
  • Apk installs the process from compile to package
  • Why can’t dex to Odex be optimized at compile time
  • Principle of thermal repair
  • What are your strengths


Three rounds of the interview

  • Http2.0 1.1 1.0 differences
  • How does HTTP guarantee security
  • There are several ways to optimize the installation package
  • There are several ways to start tuning
  • View drawing process, each method what, if to obtain the width and height of the View, in which method to obtain
  • How to deal with weak network environment
  • Android data storage mode
  • How do you store data if an app can’t access the network?
  • Differences between DVM and JVM
  • React Native vs


Three rounds of interviews

  • The problem electrified the ball
  • How does Android’s immersive status bar work
  • How many event handlers are there, parent View, child View listening to the same event, override what methods. Which View to rewrite?
  • Does ViewRootImpl accept events?
  • Apk compilation package process V1,V2 signature difference
  • Using the logging listening method is time-consuming, will it increase the latency of app?
  • Why does EventBus use CopyOnWriteList?
  • How do plugins load resources?
  • How does the JVM guarantee GC efficiency and thread running efficiency?
  • Can flutter run if Android doesn’t have a corresponding View? Handwritten singletons,volatile versus synchronized?
  • What can I do if the interface is exposed but not called by others?

Second interview

  • Why flatbuffer? What’s better than Json?
  • How to handle Crash,NativeCrash? How did Google do it? If Crash occurs again during reporting, can it be captured?
  • UncaughtException is called by whom and can it be caught if it crashes again?
  • How does Linux know that an app has crashed, and what if it wants to do something time-consuming before being killed?
  • Consider designing a crash capture module.
  • 1 million numbers, 100 Max.
  • Handwriting quicksort algorithm.

Three sides (GM side)

  • How is Kotlin better than Java? Is it functional programming?
  • How do I prevent DNS hijacking?
  • If you were to implement a debugger, how would you design it? Static debugging? What about dynamic debugging?


Big companies generally don’t care too much about concrete technologies, whether you are Java or C++, but rather about ideas and abstract solutions

If you see the students here, want to have advanced technology, recommend a few books and columns

I strongly recommend in-depth Understanding of JVM(Zhou Zhiming), Exploration of Android Development Art and Anatomy of Android Kernel

Recommended “Linux Bird brother private house dishes” “Advanced Programming in Unix Environment”

Highly recommended geek Time column: “Zhang Shaowen -Android Development master class”

This column is very very hanging, but the requirement to have C++ and Linux foundation and zhang shaowen himself in the back, if the content of his article about all understand, familiar with after the brush algorithm, basically there is no big factory can not go into.

Recommended geek time column: “In-depth Dismantling of Java Virtual Machine — Ren Yudi” “Algorithm Pass through 40 lectures — Qin Chao”