Today, I suddenly saw a very piercing words. “This year, the first generation of the post-90s generation will turn 30 in three days.”

I thought of a 30-year-old front brother I met on Zhihu who told me, “His 30 years old is a career crisis.”

This big brother is also in Shanghai like me, but he has been a senior front-end architect, at the end of the organizational restructuring of the unit will be laid off, unfortunately, he was laid off.

With 8 years of work experience, he is now 30 years old, and his salary level has remained at about 2W since graduation. He did not dare to write more on his resume, but only wrote between 16K and 18K.

To be honest, the salary between 16 and 18K is not high at all for programmers in Shanghai, where the Internet is everywhere.

This is the fifth company he interviewed, the previous several companies were told to go home and wait for the news, a month passed and still did not receive the offer, until the eighth company, HR told him in person that the resume is not very suitable.

“Your age and experience are highly sought after, but looking at your past work experience and your salary, we don’t see your value. It’s one-sided, but it’s true.”

What a realistic word. Even if your expected salary is very low, the HR thinks that your ability is not enough to bring benefits to the whole team. Even if you are offered 5000 yuan, you will think it is too much.

Later, he told me that when you reach 30, you are particularly vulnerable to the crisis of adulthood. You have children, you have children, you may still be single, but all kinds of social problems come up and you cannot help it.

First of all, the first sentence I want to say in this article is what programmers should do if they don’t earn 25K a month before they are 30

I am also a primary school student in front-end development field.

Some people call me Xiao Liu, 176 in height and 130 in weight, and some people call me Liu Ge, a man born and bred in Henan.

At present, I am in charge of product and front-end in a company that is going to be listed in Shanghai. My salary is also half of this salary.

I am also working hard for this goal, I what virtue he can, let alone peer why diss peer, I just want to write some of my ideas out with colleagues.

I don’t know if you, as a front end, have found it difficult to get a reliable front end job this year,

Similarly, enterprises find it difficult to seek a reliable front end, but it is not because applicants are too picky, nor because enterprises can not afford wages.

But because of the development of the big front end in the past two years, both in terms of technical depth and breadth, the front end is no longer a page boy, It refers to comprehensive technical talents who can develop iOS, Android, AR, VR, IoT, PC, Server, WebApp, 3D and even AI using JavaScript and related H5 technologies.

It is also because of such a comprehensive front end one difficult to find, resulting in the front end of the wages rising.

Here are my six points.

1. Non-academic training

If you are a non-graduate (as I was), and have just started out learning HTML, CSS, JavaScrpt (binding events to buttons, making requests) without any background in a back-end language, this is going to be a real handicap to your career.

Because the front end is in full swing, in fact, most of the back end ideas are moved forward such as classic DI, IOC, AOP, MVVM(from SilverLight), and so on, these ideas are used in the three major frameworks. Learning a back-end language will not only help you understand ideas but also help you use ES9 and TS better.

2. Do not use the CLI to move bricks every day

Every day I just hold vue-CLI or other CLI friends, such friends often PM install & NPM start & NPM test every day. At the beginning, I also did the same thing. After pulling the project on Github, THE operation was like a tiger, and the salary was 2500 yuan. But let me make a full vue-CLI look blank, which is even more of a red flag.

However, this is the norm for most of your friends, so pay more attention to Webpack and mature packaging tools. Here I also recommend Baidu’s FIS, which does not mean you must use FIS but understand the whole idea of FIS, and stand on the shoulders of giants to practice better front-end engineering.

3. Small programs for X platform

This to write every day micro channel small program, alipay small program, headlines small program XX small program this kind of friends, I do not say write small program you weak technology, but write your technology will learn to run.

Because it’s an ecological technology, it’s not universal, it’s not really a technology in the strict sense.

And a lot of the documentation is really unsound, a popular technical example of the programmer screwing the programmer.

Some friends may refuse to accept, I will Taro ah, well, that you bang bang, I wish you happiness.

4. Get out of your comfort zone

From my own perspective, these points are indeed worrisome.

Why is the outlook bleak? If you do the above work every day, it is really difficult to break through 15K, 15K is the first hurdle for many students’ career, but also for myself.

In Shanghai. Now social recruit students in Shanghai for 15 to 20 k a month is very common, because a lot of undergraduate students graduate school (school can also) for the starting salary in Shanghai will have 10 k, if you every day letter whit small programs, such as the heap or the elder on the business you are hated their apis, really need to find a way to break through myself, Get out of your comfort zone.

To get out of your comfort zone, first of all, a degree is a threshold (take Shanghai for example). You should have seen some posts about the useless of studying in Zhihu, but this is really not to be believed. In Shanghai, many companies cannot pass the HR level without a degree, let alone your resume will reach the hands of the interviewer.

If your education background is not good technology is not good to tell the truth it is difficult to mix old iron, now the market recruitment, not to say top BAT, TMD, is the second-line Internet enterprises must require full-time undergraduate, not to give you the opportunity, but you are not qualified.

In the second half of 2018, this phenomenon became more prominent. I admit that students with poor academic qualifications may not have poor ability, but you have no chance to show your excellent side in front of enterprises because you don’t have the stepping stone of old iron. If you are a junior college, you have to be more ruthless to learn, first ran 15K efforts.

Why should I work hard, you ask, since companies don’t even give me a chance?

Wrong! This is a big mistake. You need to get better at your job by making your skills available to an existing company. You need to be in charge of everything that matters.

The most important thing for a start-up company is to accumulate contacts. Colleagues or leaders around you may come from a well-known factory. If you are independent, the resources around you and opportunities outside will help you to enter a higher platform.

So see the college friends, record of formal schooling is bad to make, is to make the very skillful, overtime is the best means to improve technology, but not add meaningless, meaningless refers to the repeated work, you will, the meaningful work overtime said here that like your team to take one day SPA, MPA, CI, BDD or graphics that need you to wait, Get you involved in core development.

Youth is only a few years, if every day meaningless work, there is no need to stay in this company. Then some friends say, I go outsourcing, the requirements of education and technology are lower. There are four practical reasons: repetitive work, dirty work of all kinds, most of your salary doesn’t reach you, and your badge color isn’t the same as your colleagues’. Not the same!

5. Improve your technical skills

The next step is to improve your skills. Of course, said above record of formal schooling still calculate pretty good word, za must let the technology of oneself be in charge of one side more. So how do you improve your front-end technology? It’s a long story, as the old saying goes. But let me give you some advice:

Start with the latest front-end trends such as WebAssembly becoming the fourth Web language after HTML, CSS, and javascript

At the same time, it is necessary to master popular front-end technologies such as Webpack, React, Vue, ES9, Angular, KOA, TS, Three and so on.

But if you’re a regular company, you just do it every day and don’t have wheels in your head (reason — there’s just too many wheels Parcel, Moon, Hyperapp.js, Fastify…).

But it’s important to understand how the internals work, to understand what’s behind them, not just to make a list of apis every day. Because now the front end of the interview is basic principle! The principle! The principle! Even if the market is interview rocket, entry nail. There is also a suggestion that you must study Node.js thoroughly, this is the real material of hard goods.

I can’t learn? Life and death look pale, do not accept. A few more points:

As for the forecast of next year’s front-end development trend, I believe we have also heard, do not know the front-end brothers can take a look, think about what you can do in advance.

WebAssembly is becoming more common, practical, and used in products.

GraphQL is outpacing REST in new startups and projects, while established companies migrate to it.

TypeScript became the default choice for startups and new projects.

Css-in-js may become the default style setting method instead of plain CSS.

Flutter may replace React Native as the best way to build cross-platform mobile applications.

6. Advice for different groups

In addition, I would like to pay attention to the front of the road according to the division of the group.

School groups (here manual @ for the graduate school struggle of less than students) : computer foundation must learn (school recruit will ask) — data structure and algorithm, computer composition principle, compiler principle, operating system, these classes must not escape.

Working group: education background is ok and the job is also ok, want to pay attention to the training of contacts. I have already mentioned the reasons, so I will not repeat them.

If you are a computer science major, be sure to learn the major course, this is not chicken soup, it is reality.

The school recruitment faced no less pressure than the social recruitment, the school recruitment asked what is the principle of Webpack, in the work experience of what is engineering.

People will say, I go to school every day, how can I have a project, how can I experience engineering, but the problem is that some people can, can’t help it. School recruitment no one asked the school to teach not to teach, only ask the enterprise with you will not, will recruit, will not bye-bye. The teaching content of some university teachers has been seriously out of touch with the society, such as what is SPA, what is MPA, and how to convert MPA into SPA, teachers do not understand, which depends on you to contact more resources outside the school.

But you have to take all of these college courses. Most of the college courses ask you about data structures and algorithms, and the same goes for social courses.

If you are pure wild path (non class) more make up, someone said that the front end can not use the algorithm, Dom Diff, projection algorithm, Trie tree, KOA principle recursion, JS execution stack understand? React and Vue source code is not easy to use. Algorithms have become a part of most companies. The framework principle is easy.

There are so many good people in this society that it’s all about the basics, so if you’re still in school, make the most of it. If you’re already in the workforce, ask if you know any of these things.

Finally, I would like to say that the front road is long, the above is just my personal feelings, in Shanghai, lengnuanzizhi. Monthly salary of 25,000 yuan is not the end, is the starting point, this starting point I also struggle for.

Although the salary of $2.5 million in Shanghai is not high, you can take better care of your loved ones, take better care of your parents, and support your brothers when they are in trouble.

Write this article also want to give front-end friends a little advice, do not like spray, there are many details of the summary is not very complete, sorry. The following is my summary of the front-end technology map, river’s lake road, goodbye.

The worst result of hard work is late achievement.

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This article comes from my personal public account “Miannong Xiao Liu”.

Not for traffic, just to make more friends like the Internet, love the front end.