Today is the second working day of 2020. As before, I came to the company and sat down. I turned on netease Cloud Music, connected the boiling water, lit up the screen and opened the nuggets. After reading a lot of big names’ annual summaries these days and finding myself a salty fish, I can’t help thinking, what happened to my 2019?

The scenery is all along the way

For my 2019, A key word comes to mind: “growth”.

At the beginning of the year, I was still working as an intern in Shanghai, and I was lucky enough to enter the WIFI master key for my internship. I stayed there for four months, and thanks to the guidance of my predecessors, I was introduced to vue.js, and from then on I started to fall into the front end of the pit. My department is a big data platform, so basically what I do is data visualization. During this period, I participated in the development of the company’s project “Xuanbird”, which is a data statistics and analysis platform. In this process, I learned a lot of things, and gradually became familiar with Vue, and became a big brainless fan of You. This company, I can give a high evaluation, at least in my team, the atmosphere is particularly good, weekly technology sharing meeting, can communicate with each other (face base), we grow together, the whole company has a particularly good atmosphere.


After leaving Shanghai, I returned to Chongqing to participate in the school recruitment. Fortunately, I got a lot of offers and finally chose a company in Chengdu. After that, I wanted to do my graduation project in school, but unexpectedly, under the guidance of a senior, I went to Kunming. As a foreign aid, I participated in the research and development of a military system in a military region of Guandu, Kunming (the specific name is not convenient to disclose). And I think for those of you who have written code in the military, very few. It was a strange time. We are closed development, everyone is required to sign a confidentiality agreement, the military region can not connect to the Internet, install node_modules have to be issued by the army to run the U disk outside the military region, installed and then brought in the copy to the computer. There, every day to go to the development, will confiscate mobile phones, asked to wear military uniform every day, lunch, also have to queue up, shout slogans, eat their own dishes and wash their own, completely lead a military life. Of course, it wasn’t just the development environment that was painful. The hours were painful, too, starting at eight o ‘clock every day and leaving in the wee hours at night. Although this period of time is still pretty hard, but there are still a lot of harvest things, to see the real gun, to see the army sister training, that is really cool! For technology, I think it’s a month-long enclosed development, greatly improved my programming skills are faced with Google, because before programming, a problem is a Google, then there is no way, only hand knock and by brain thinking, so friends, can have a chance to try the enclosed development, really is very helpful to enhance the level of programming!


After that, I went back to school and devoted myself to my graduation project. My graduation project is to make a music player. My state at that time was very simple. I got up in the morning, ate, read, wrote code, ate, read, wrote code and slept. It’s crazy. It’s like I’m in the zone. Finally, I put it on Github and got 30 stars, which is not much, but also some encouragement for myself. It was at that time that I joined the Nuggets. It was really a high-quality community, where everyone got together every day to paddle water and boil, read the big guy’s articles to learn, and every day was full and happy. During that time, I learned how to publish my own NPM packages, and I wrote an article about using rollup to package my own JS library. It feels great to gain some knowledge and share it! In the end, I graduated in a hurry, and my graduation project also ended up being excellent. As if I just entered the university, I graduated in a twinkling of an eye. Two days after graduation, I was invited by a senior and flew to Shanghai to attend Vue Conf and met You dada:


Once said, especially big that is really handsome! In addition to him, but also had the honor to see many famous leaders in the circle, such as Jade uncle, our stationmaster – Yin Ming adults. They shared a lot of knowledge, especially some features and problems of VUe3. The performance of VUE3 has been improved, such as rendering time and diff algorithm, but the writing method has changed completely. Setup, value, Reactive, and of course the life cycle has changed. Of course, it hasn’t become template yet. In my opinion, I still prefer Vue 2. Why? Because it gives me the impression that vUE 3 is very simple, I can basically know where to find the bugs in the life cycle, or I can debug one life cycle at a glance, very elegant, I feel that VUE 3 has a kind of forced compatibility with TS (the above is only my personal opinion). Maybe IT’s because I’m too shallow or stupid, haha. In addition, I was more impressed by a Baidu front-end engineer (a girl oh) to share Echarts performance optimization, great, benefit!


Perhaps influenced by Zhao Lei, “Walk with me in the streets of Chengdu, oh oh ~”, so I chose Chengdu as the place to work after graduation. In Chengdu, I met great seniors and lovely colleagues, and we are still good friends today. I even learned some PHP during that time. At the first job, I was very enthusiastic and worked hard TO move bricks every day. At that time, I was mainly engaged in C terminal business, mainly using Vue, but at that time, I had TO write the front and back ends by myself. Yes, the back end was PHP, of course, with a framework: Laravel, who wrote PHP must know this framework. At that time, under the guidance of the senior, he also slowly started. But I wanted to focus on the front end, because I found that I really liked the front end, and maybe that was the seed for me to leave. So I still want to expand the front end, the depth of the knowledge of the front end. In addition to writing code at work every day, I also need to learn by myself when I get home from work. During that time, I read many books, such as “The Little Red Book”, which I read several times, and there are a lot of harvest every time. There are also “javascript you don’t know” series of books, which are really strongly recommended! Through this series of books, I really mastered some of the core things of javascript, such as the concept of prototype, asynchrony and so on, for which I wrote you have not learned javascript prototype and prototype chain? I was very happy to gain the affirmation from some friends. During that time, I was working on a demo project of my own to learn from. Later, I came into contact with Docker and developed a great interest in it. After studying it for a period of time, I had the following results:

  • Docker Basics quick start

  • Deploy vUE static projects using Docker

  • Docker-compose deployment project

    And so on. Finally, my two websites are deployed by Docker. Instant music, quick resume generation, also be to learn to apply. In addition to understanding some basic skills of Docker, I also became a little bit interested in KOA. I learned Koa because I wanted to move forward. I suggest that you can go to learn, and occasionally write back end is no problem. I have to say, javascript can really do whatever it wants!

    Back to chongqing

    Due to some family reasons, I finally chose to return to Chongqing. After three months in Chengdu, I resigned naked. As a newly graduated programmer, I resigned naked. Many friends were puzzled and worried about it, but only I knew what I wanted. So I decided to be myself, to follow my heart, to believe in my decision, and to go on. Fortunately, I met another good company, even in chongqing’s Internet environment is not particularly good. This time, the company’s main stack is React, RN, and Typescript. It’s a big challenge for me, because there are so many new things to learn! At the same time I am also very happy, I like the front end, I like to study. When I first joined the company, I was worried that I could not keep up with it. However, the seniors in the team were lovely and friendly, and they let me learn step by step and make progress every day. After a month, I gradually became familiar with React. In fact, when you are familiar with VUE, you can really learn React very quickly. Here are a few articles I recommend:

  • React basics and some pit points

  • Take a look at the Vue documentation and you’ll learn React (well written!)

    Combine this with the official website and you’ll get started. By this time, you will find that these front-end frameworks are all the same. In fact, their core ideas are the same. I would say the biggest difference between Vue and React is like saying that Vue is automatic and React is manual. React has a lot of things ready for you: V-model, V-bind, etc. In React, you have to encapsulate them yourself, so it’s more customizable and more free. When it comes to preferences, I think it’s all up to you. Some people just like the Vue template, but others prefer React JSX a little more. When it comes to state management, in fact, the state management framework is to solve a problem, that is to solve the problem of state sharing. Check out these articles:

  • An article summarizing Redux, React-Redux, redux-Saga

  • Differences and Connections between Vuex, Flux, Redux, Redux-Saga, Dva and MobX

    I really appreciate the nuggets for sharing so much stuff!

Trivial progress

Beyond that, there have been some trivial advances. Before I wrote code by myself, there were no rules, just according to their own likes and ideas to write code. Even in the company in Chengdu, code writing in the group is in their own style. I proposed to the leader to establish code specifications and submission process, but no one said anything, with little effect. Later, with my own exploration, I explored some knowledge about code specifications, and finally got:

  • Code specification

    I implemented it at my current company and eventually used it in the group’s code specification and submission specification. Friends may also have the same as me, don’t use a variety of Lint, feel that those are simply bound, see code floating red will scold, but I believe that you will also appear in this situation. It’s even harder when you take on someone else’s project and they write their code in their own way. Trust me, using these code rules will force you to improve, and it’s fun to watch your code become more standardized.

A new myself

My 2019, also experienced a lot of things. The change of environment, from school to workplace, identity change, from student to program ape. In general, I am too impetuous, and lack of systematic and planned learning. I have a feeling of learning from the east and the west. So I hope that in 20 years, I should learn to make a study plan and learn step by step, focusing on the depth of expansion, not the breadth of expansion. Speaking of this reminds me of two days ago to see an article on the annual summary of: 2019 learn brokenhearted but continue to | 2019 technical way with me. Looking at the experience of the bosses, insane, I really think that is not very good, you may gain a lot of technical knowledge, but you also lost a lot, life is a foreign technology, also need to study hard, so I hope I can learn the technology of 20 years, for example to learn to cook, have time to spend more time with his family, and so on.

In addition, there are joys and sorrows. In 2019, I got a girlfriend, haha, yes. It was a very special and romantic story when I met her and met her. When I was in college, I liked to do some music, so I had netease Cloud musician – Write Yezi. However, in 2019, there are too many personal changes to care about. 20 years I hope to spare part of my spare time to develop my hobby – music. In fact, cultivating a hobby is really a very good thing, and it is a long-term thing, a hobby can relieve their bad mood, enrich their life, but also improve their confidence, because it can also be used for performance. I sincerely suggest you to cultivate a hobby of your own in addition to moving bricks.

2019 is also a sad year for me. My grandmother died of heart disease. She is my favorite person, she grew up with me. Really, only after you have experienced the death of a loved one, you will have some idea of life, old age, illness and death. Since she left, I often think of her and dream about her for the second half of the year. I became very strange then. I seemed a different person. I couldn’t help regretfully, because I promised her that I would come home to see her after graduation, but I didn’t. I went to Shanghai to attend vue conf, and I didn’t see her one last time. Maybe I will regret for the rest of my life. Thanks to my family and my girlfriend, I began to move on. Or that words are good, the dead so, the living has passed. So I hope in the New Year, take good care of your body, love life, happy growth.

All in all, my 2019 is a keyword: growth, whether it is technology or experience. In 2020, we will continue to learn and make progress together in the nuggets community. Here, also wish you digging friends, the New Year, good health, happy touch fish!

Denver annual essay | 2019 technical way with me The campaign is under way…