First, Handler related knowledge

What is the Handler Looper Message relationship? 2. What is the data structure of Messagequeue? Why use this data structure? How do I create a Handler in a child thread? The Handler POST method works as follows: 5, Android message mechanism principle and source code parsing 6, Handler did not understand, take what to job-hopping ah? 7, Android Handler message mechanism (解 决 问 题

Second, Activity related

1. Startup mode and usage scenario? OnSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState()

Third, fragments

2, How to communicate with each other on a Fragment 3, How to communicate with each other on a Fragment 4, How to communicate with each other on a Fragment How to communicate the Activity and Fragment life cycle

  • Activity Precautions
  • Fragment life cycle discussion
  • Fragment Precautions


How to start a Service and how to stop it. 4. On which thread does the callback method run in ServiceConnection? Here’s what you know about Keeping Android processes alive

Viewstub.include.merge for Android layout optimization

Viewstub.include. merge 2. How do they work? 4, Android layout optimization of ViewStub, include. Merge use and source code analysis

Vi. BroadcastReceiver

2, Broadcast type, difference 3, Broadcast usage scenarios, principles 4, Android Broadcast Broadcast two kinds of registration and comparison 5, Android four components: BroadcastReceiver comprehensive definition, function, application scenarios, implementation principles

7. AsyncTask correlation

1. Is AsyncTask executed in serial or parallel? 2. Basic usage of AsyncTask 3. Analysis of the source code of AsyncTask 4

Android event distribution mechanism

1, onTouch and onTouchEvent difference, call sequence 2, dispatchTouchEvent, onTouchEvent, onInterceptTouchEvent method sequence and usage scenario 3, sliding conflict, how to solve

Ix. Android View drawing process

1, brief View drawing process 2, onMeasure, onlayout, ondraw method need to pay attention to 3, how to customize View 4, View redraw mechanism 5, Android LayoutInflater principle analysis

Android Windows, Activity, DecorView, and ViewRoot AMS,WMS,PMS 13, Android ANR 14, Android memory related 15, Android screen adaptation 16, Android cache mechanism 17. Android MVC.MVP, MVVM, Android Gradle knowledge 20, RxJava 21. OKHTTP and Retrofit 22. The most popular image loading library :Glide


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