Today hangzhou sunshine, particularly good (mixed with PM2.5.

It’s been a long time since I updated the article, and it’s 2019. It’s been a year since I changed my career, and life is getting more and more hurried. It’s time to stop and make a small summary.

To introduce myself

I’m Big Chitali millet sauce, if you think the name is too long, you can call me millet.

This has nothing to do with eating chicken, but hoping for good luck (manual smile).

The ghost columnist of the Gold Nuggets, the little transparent who survives on his MOE among many tech gurus.

An untrained smoker and drinker who’s been in the system for a few years.

Jump out of the system at the beginning of 18 years, into the code farmer this line, to the end of the code livestock work (show hands, so spin around in the past year.

I started my job as a reptile, but I left shortly after that (see my “Reptile Withdrawal Essay” for details) and became a data engineer, focusing on data development, data warehouse and data mining.

Have the created flags been implemented

What’s the progress compared to 17 years ago?

  • At the end of 2013, he achieved a triple increase of his salary before he changed career.
  • I took exercise and lost 10 pounds
  • Read a leisure book (” What are you laughing at? What we do is science “amway for those who like imagination)
  • Got a little better looking (don’t tease me, but Ben is also an engineering girl who doesn’t dress up)
  • A lot more optimistic (I’ve been to hell, I’ve been a different person)

All of the above, except for the first one, seem to have little to do with the main topic of the community.

Of course, there are also a bunch of unimplemented flags:

  • Two articles in 18 years, and none of them good
  • I started 2 or 3 projects, but I didn’t finish them all.
  • There are more than 100 diary entries, but not a single summary
  • Still not married (that’s not the goal, that’s not the goal, over)

So 18 years is also a full and full and drag the end.

Have you learned all the holes you’ve dropped

Some friends who follow me often ask me how the crawler industry is, but actually they don’t say yes or no. I prefer to choose the job I love. Being a crawler is to get closer to the data, while not being a crawler is to get closer to the data.

I think back to the data analysis blog I wrote when I first started my career. Now that I have met more and more big guys, I feel more and more like I used to teach fish how to swim. If I want to summarize good technology, I still need more precipitation.

The Nuggets are a very technical community, so instead of writing a technical summary, I’ll write about my thoughts and feelings during the year.

The dilemma of choice

Since I wrote about changing my career on Zhihu before, this year, I have been asked questions such as “how to change my career”, “how to learn XXX” and “how to choose XXX”.

Others are telling me that, as a woman approaching 30, job security is more important than anything else and that it would be wrong to leave the system.

As for the former, I think the most basic skill as a programmer is to make good use of search engines, and most of the problems that a novice will encounter can be found.

According to degree into warehouse: describe baidu after the acquisition of data can be piled into warehouse. (Baidu: generally refers to search engines, including but not limited to Baidu, Nuggets, CSDN…)

In fact, these are also the most basic skills as a programmer, improve search business, comb the key to solve problems, practical learning.

On the latter, all I can say is “Everyone has their own swamp, you don’t have to pull me”, I’m on my own path and I respect the end of the story.

I know that many people who have not started or have just started are probably confused and wandering in the dilemma of choice and efforts, and they are at a loss. As we have seen in the Internet winter this year, the reason why I want to change my career is out of love rather than purely because of money. Even if it is because of money, I hope I will not go into it with my eyes closed.

The habit of persistence

1. Write a journal: I wrote nearly 150 journal notes this year, some of which were records of my work, some of which were retelling and thinking about small details that puzzled me, and some scattered summaries.

The original purpose of taking notes is because I received a lot of fragmentary knowledge when I first came into contact with work, which could not be digested or engraved in my mind. So I took notes, and later it became a habit. Now, no matter how busy I am, I will take notes on big and small things, just as a running account.

The benefits of writing a journal are that, on the one hand, when encountering some historical problems, we can quickly locate the specific time and the original way to deal with them; on the other hand, it helps many colleagues not to fall into the same pit; on the other hand, we can review the past and learn new things. In the long run, we can become well versed in the work content.

The SWOT analysis model is used to formulate the development strategy of the group and analyze the situation of competitors. Taking individuals as the analysis object, we can conduct a comprehensive, systematic and accurate study of our own situation, and then take corresponding measures according to the analysis results.

Fish in Troubled Waters: Fish in troubled waters.

3. Constantly refine their goals (flag) : for flag lovers, set up a flag for a moment, complete the flag fire…… Zhihu has plenty of solutions to solve the problem of execution and procrastination. Let me learn a language as an amateur, and I might give up after a few days. But let me do a questionnaire with a few clicks of the mouse and I’ll finish it quickly. Here’s a look at the story of the Japanese marathon runner, breaking down big goals into smaller ones. When writing a blog, you don’t know where to start, so make an outline and then build on it. Each time you complete a section, you get closer to your flag.

4. Exercise: it is a commonplace problem, but still need to adhere to, the body is the capital of revolution, 18 years too many familiar people left us, Li Yong’s untimely death is very regrettable. Programmers get a lot of bad news every year, so for all the people who care about us, we still need to have a healthy body, have regular checkups, eat healthy, and exercise.

Think long term

1. Breadth & Dimension: This is probably a mistake that many career changers make. They learn a variety of languages and are good at everything, but not good at everything. Although the rabbit three holes, but is also established in the three holes have been through the premise.

Depth brings survival skills, while breadth brings joy to life. For those who are still in the initial stage of our industry newbie, what needs more careful polishing is the depth of knowledge. When the knowledge in a certain field reaches a certain depth, in fact, the knowledge network will naturally become fat (honest input method……). Complexity will also lead to solidified thinking patterns. At this time, expanding the breadth of knowledge will not only add new skills, but also acquire more different viewpoints and difficult angles to look at problems.

2. Personal moat: The concept of “moat” was put forward by Warren Buffett to analyze the core competitiveness of a company. I think people should also have a moat.

At work, people tend to do is to work in the role of (commonly known as move brick), the enterprise needs is a finish working staff, you can be replaced at any time, so the honing improve their technical level is the survival of the basic workplace, good professional image and personal qualities can bring us more recognition and opportunities.

To build your own personal brand, such as in the Internet era, to build personal values and thinking system (not to make you a keyboard hero), including thinking about the industry and market trend analysis, writing blogs, building wheels, Angle analysis, is everywhere.

3. Think outside the wall: Sometimes, when we focus on technology, we tend to be limited to the development of a certain type of technology and ignore the rise and fall of industries. Since the 1760s, human society has experienced three industrial revolutions, including steam technology revolution, electric power technology revolution, computer and information technology revolution. Industry 4.0, which is mainly based on new technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum information technology, has also arrived quietly.

From the war of 100 groups, the WAVE of O2O to the battle of live broadcasting, we are grabbing the market of every new industry and new technology, and the rise and return of these industries are affecting the development of our technology.

So, once in a while, we should try to step outside our normal thinking circles and look outside the walls of our minds.

Let’s conclude with a word

Almost said, at present I am still a data development field of small novice, hope their own experience can give you some help, the road ahead heavy and long ~

To throw away: to describe a person who carries a brick and throws his brick (escape) in order to gain the insight of the boss

By the way, create a few more flags for 2019

  • Write 10 technical articles
  • Finish all the projects at hand
  • Read 5 non-career related books
  • Healthier and slimmer
  • To see more of the world (geographically)

I wish you the best of luck

Finally, I attach a sentence from Douban

I embrace the world with open arms And the world embraces me All that I have experienced and thatwhichI am yet to experience is what I want to express I'm free-spirited and crave conversation I seek to understand how best to communicate with others Whilst never seeking recognitionCopy the code

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