I wrote it twice, um… Is it lost after a single operation, or is simple software the best – cut complexity to simplicity. Just off the traditional Spring Festival, a little boring every day to visit relatives, is not suitable for me. But still want to do a good child, or eventually because my mother adult non forced me to eat eggs make unpleasant. Before I returned to Beijing, I could not adapt to the cold and damp in the south. I had a severe cold and repeated fever, which made my family worried, so I repeatedly told me to drink more soup, wear more clothes and take good care of myself. (So, I didn’t want to let my parents worry about me, totally defeated, cry…) Well, in the days of repeated fever, I still make up my mind to get fat and exercise in 2019. Only in the persistent battle of the Internet, better accept new knowledge and challenges.

In 2018, I bid farewell to the time when I was a student and finally became a professional person who thought he was free.

Before graduation

However, after I started working, I found that three years was a long time. If I had to do it again, I might not choose to study three years. In the past three years, I am very grateful to CYZ and the teachers in the lab, and to China Blue Lab for giving me the opportunity to do my project. From Refuse Coding to coding 0 to coding start, now I am a program girl. If we say regret, it is thinking about graduation and work as soon as possible, so I feel a little anxious about work. Without settling down, a little more down-to-earth, and a big data, you might be able to find a job in this field. One of the defects of character is a hasty temper. Fortunately, the grey chang smoothly graduated, step by step the work to do, the need to accept the results of the time, it is very smooth. Really graduated, in retrospect, these three years, should be the grey often happy period of time. Even the lab alone will give us a lot of time to solve the problem. It was a big data environment, all kinds of weird problems, but it didn’t crash. There is no such strong deadline. Anyway, all kinds of attempts will be solved. You stay up late watching the show, and then the next day you get lazy and skip the lab. Compared with undergraduate, life is a little monotonous, but also fulfilling.

After the work

Half a year goes by when you blink. A little hurried, a little nervous.

The first three months, basically in the adaptation stage. I miss my friends in the supply chain. But I also know that all good things must come to an end. Come and go, will become the past. The first monthly review, the computer was broken by a cup of coffee. I was not strong, and I collapsed. For the last three months, crashing was probably my daily routine. Self-help blue ocean test can not find the test data crash, do not know how to let the relevant person in charge with my helplessness. Weekend while wiping tears, while sorting out documents, always feel that they can not complete the demand of si Nan on the order. The first time the line blank screen, pull to the conference room, big guy said that must be solved today and then online. After pondering for a long time, I really don’t know where the problem is. Unfortunately, WK teacher is also really busy that day. Finally, he finished finishing the line is already early in the morning, and went back to wailing again. Unfortunately, there is still a problem, the next day online because of other reasons, online problems again… For a while, it was hard to accept being so emotional and breaking down. Hahaha, forgive yourself for not being strong. At least during these breakdowns, I became less vulnerable. Also so, now think about these experiences, but also pretty good, a little funny. Also, the conference room closed development, urgent projects, it is not so difficult, except that the carbon dioxide concentration is a little high.

In half a year, also stepped on countless pits, also helpless and helpless bar. Whenever someone wakes up in the pit, I think it’s probably a god with a halo over his head. Well, come on, Pikachu. I hope one day, I too have a halo on my head

Well, looking back, I may feel really hard or painful when I went through it, but after I went through it, it’s all easy. Therefore, I hope I can be more calm and calm during the experience.

In addition to emotions, the biggest deficiency should be the lack of multi-angle, multi-level thinking. I think it takes time and experience. At the same time, the summary only stays in the present summary, it is difficult to abstract the methodology. Expect to change in time.

About life

The biggest change was ending a relationship that should have ended earlier in ’18. There is no regret, in this long distance love, we have tried our best, but we are also very tired. A good relationship should not be tired to despair. After that, we never kept in touch. Later, we both had a new start. And I, is really bless you, to be happy.

New start, although there are many uncertain factors, BUT I like simple feelings, simple company and mutual sharing and support.

About the express

The older you get, the less you can express yourself. Sometimes you feel out of place in a crowd and prefer to be alone or with familiar people. I don’t even want to jump out of my own bubble. In 2019, I hope I can try to jump out of my own narrow world.

2018, goodbye. And then determined to complete those flags I set in the moments of friends…

(PS. Write, write, really not as good as the first time to feel, later or write a good save it)