Yesterday, Ali Cloud held the 2018 Cloud database intelligent future Conference in Beijing.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’m going to write about this convention. It’s a lot of stuff.

What does Ali Cloud do about databases?

If I am not engaged in the Internet industry, may and many people feel that the database is very far away from me, “SQL” “NoSQL” “NewSQL” “distributed database” and so on this series of difficult words, can pull with me what relationship. We don’t have to think about it, because the engineers at Aliyun have already connected us to the database.

Ali Cloud database senior product expert Wang Yicheng

Programmers are good at digitizing everything, and database programmers are good at digitizing everything. They believe that EB level databases are needed to solve the problem of human subsistence, ZB level databases are needed to solve the problem of human transition from carbon-based life to silicon-based life, and NB level databases are needed to solve the problem of Mars migration.

EB, ZB, NB no concept?

So let’s take a look at the well-known “Race to the Top”, “Cheese Man”, “Million Hero”, “Million Winner”… These live quiz questions, viewed millions of times a day, are constantly scrolling and generating gigabyte of data.

And then we go up to the NB-class data, what do we do then? There’s a classic line in the Matrix, I’m only interested in one thing, the future.

So think about how we’re going to deal with NB-class data in the future.

The answer given by Wang Yicheng is a quantum database based on the storage architecture of quantum bits, quantum coding technology and quantum algorithm. It will be able to provide db-level storage capacity and up to 1 million times of performance. The ultimate form of database is quantum database.

This is the future of databases for Ali people, but what about now?

How enterprises can withstand the explosion of data volume in the next five years or less.

Alibaba Cloud database technology director CAI Songlu believes that without NewSQL: large-scale growth, flexible enterprise data is impossible.

With the development of industry and technology in the fields of artificial intelligence, IOT and 5G network, data began to explode. The storage and reading of data can no longer meet the traditional relational and NoSQL database, and the classification boundary of database is gradually disappearing, and a new fusion, the birth of NewSQL.

The birth of Ali Cloud’s NewSQL cloud database family means that users no longer need to pay attention to the underlying database types and technologies.

From the user’s point of view, ali Cloud database team has never stopped since 2009.

From the release of MySQL database, to solve the user’s demand for traditional commercial database; To cache database Memcache and persistent cache database Redis to solve the user’s demand of large traffic and low latency; Then MongoDB, a document database, solves the user’s demand for flexible query and storage of massive data.

In the wake of the explosion of AI last year, POLARDB and HBase were released to solve large-scale data storage and computing, and CloudDBA, an AI database diagnostic assistant, was released.

The NewSQL family also has the following improvements: Redis4.0, a more than three-fold increase in performance in our own version; MongoDB 3.4 was released, reducing storage cost by 50% with self-developed engine; The storage cost of the new HBase product is 1/10 of the original one.

In 9 years, Ali Cloud database understands the true meaning of scene changes, and is also the core of the competition of Ali Cloud database.

Nine years later, from the perspective of the user, we see the database as a “container” for the first time. In Redis 4.0, its modular capabilities provide search, timing, machine learning, document processing and other big data analysis modules, making it possible to calculate and analyze the same database.

Ali Yunyun Database technology director CAI Songlu

See the application of FPGA in the field of database. CAI Songlu said: “FPGA is like a company with a middle-level leader, the former directly need CPU (president) computing work, in the storage and network part of the FPGA (middle-level leader) to complete the nearest calculation, reduce the CPU load, improve the overall computing capacity.”

What does Ali Cloud do about data?

In the future, data will be the most basic means of production, just like coal and oil at present. Every decision and production will revolve around data, and data cannot be lost.

But in 2017, data loss and extortion became the biggest headache for companies.

WannaCry caused $1 billion in economic losses in the first four days; The Petya ransomware outbreak has cost four global companies well over $1 billion.

The cost of ransomware attacks is expected to grow even larger in the future, with losses in 2019 likely to rise to $11.5 billion.

We do not know how many ransomware will appear next, in this context, in order to ensure that user data will not be stolen, Ali Cloud database to create a complete security system, from data encryption, vulnerability detection and network isolation level to do a comprehensive upgrade.

This level of security is almost impossible to achieve in a user-built database.

In addition, all databases of Ali Cloud have a complete disaster recovery system with high reliability to deal with disaster scenarios that may be generated by future data applications.

With each kilobyte of data becoming more and more valuable, multi-availability zone DISASTER recovery is bound to become the standard configuration of databases.

Fortunately, Ali Cloud Redis now supports same-city, remote Dr And remote active-active Dr Modes. Ali cloud system not only automatically helps to build cross-city data synchronization, but also promises to guarantee data delay within 5s. A series of failover mechanisms, such as domain name automatic failover and permission automatic failover, are provided to ensure the stability and reliability of the database Dr System and help customers prepare their data.

Ali Cloud determines that the future database must be on the cloud. In addition to the guarantee of disaster recovery and security, the scheduling capacity of resources on the cloud will meet the unlimited growth of data and computing resources, while ensuring the continuity of business and constantly reducing the use cost.

At the same time, the cloud database MongoDB has realized the cost reduction through technical means.

Among global cloud manufacturers, Ali Cloud takes the lead in supporting MongoDB’s multi-storage engine purchase. On the basis of community version WiredTiger, it also supports RocksDB, which is good at writing large data volume, and TerarkDB storage engine, which can effectively improve compression rate. The features of different storage engines can improve the efficiency of using instance specifications and greatly reduce the cost of hardware.

What is Aliyun doing about the future

A crowd of ali cloud database to make the results, there has been arrogance of capital.

However, Aliyun not only clearly tells us what the world is like today, but also what problems we should solve. He also put his energy into thinking about the future.

They analyzed it and came up with things like:

Database applications enter the business model of “power sale”, the future database is on the cloud, pay by service;

With the rise of IoT, big data and artificial intelligence, database scenarios are facing unprecedented changes;

The future will only require an online plug-in NewSQL database;

Pure software is doomed, hard and soft is the inevitable direction of the future of NewSQL, and so on.

As a saying comes to mind, we should dare to think about the unthinkable, because if things become unthinkable, thinking stops and action becomes unconscious.

We don’t know if any of this will ever happen.

But WHAT I’m looking forward to is the conclusion that some ali people who like to think get together and think about what the future will bring us.

Wait and see.