Time is a ruthless thing, and 2018 is coming to an end in a blink of an eye. It also happens to be a year in the new company, so take this opportunity to do the annual review (bullshit).

Start with job hopping

It was an honor to jump from a small company of a dozen people to a company 20 times bigger at the end of 2017.

In my new company, I experienced many benefits that I had not experienced before and even enjoyed.

Full provident fund 💰 / annual physical examination/birthday benefits 🎂 / 1024 small benefits 🎁 / annual awards 🏆, and next year will enjoy the trip abroad.

So my personal feeling is: for the students who just graduated or work for a long time can go to a big company, go to a big company, the people and things you contact are very important to personal growth, which is not small company. Of course, this is not absolute. It is not that small companies are bad. There are always two sides to everything, and it depends on personal considerations.

First personal open source library

After last year’s first open source project, AndroidGeek, THIS year I released my first open source library, EnvironmentSwitcher.

Environment Switcher is a tool to switch the Environment with one click in the development and test phase of Android, using Java annotations, APT, reflection, obfuscation and other principles.

The project currently aims to achieve the following:

Unlock a new skill for life – swim

The company provides free gym, this summer with several colleagues learned to swim, skill + 1. I usually go swimming when I have time. I feel swimming is more interesting than other fitness programs and I won’t feel boring.

Interviewer for the first time

Due to the needs of the company’s business development, the team had to expand recruitment, and the task of interview was naturally assigned to each of our development heads.

From my first interview as an interviewer to now I have personally interviewed dozens if not hundreds. However, we interviewed on and off for nearly a year and only got one Android engineer (two offers, to be exact, but one didn’t come in). It can be seen how senior engineers are eager to, of course, can not exclude people look down on our company.

Talk about your feelings as an interviewer. To be honest, I do not want to interview others, many candidates have just left to test the market, or with more than three years of work experience in the resume is not worthy of the standard. Admittedly, the content of our interview from basic to depth and then to breadth is difficult for some people, but I think if you want to eat this bowl of rice for a long time, you still need to reach this level.

Let me talk about a common problem that I think many people have — not introducing themselves

In most cases, we as interviewers take time out of our jobs to interview, so time is at a premium. It is recommended not to over-introduce the features of the project when presenting yourself, and not to introduce each company from beginning to end like a running list. Focus on what you have done that is worth saying, and keep it within 1-2 minutes.

The game

Oddly enough, always don’t play by the fear of addiction 😄 mobile game, I was fascinated by this year to eat chicken (write sometimes do not forget the figure of the chicken with zhang), a cellular phone when you have time to play the two, but also often at night to play late into the night, phone/Pad in turn, changing device is power off, once played a whole night.

There are a lot of times, I realized that this is too cynical, just cruel to unload it, but after a period of time and then loaded, so unloaded, loaded unloading, over and over again should not be less than 10 times.

To this day, it’s still sitting on my phone, but I restrain myself from playing with it only occasionally because I find I can’t afford it anymore.

Outlook 2019,

As a matter of fact, I spent more time playing than studying in 2018, which made me feel that I have too much to make up for these days. I also made a list and made a time plan, and found that time is seriously insufficient. (I did not specify a plan to stay up late, and I have lost a lot of hair recently 😭).

I have been implementing this plan for two weeks. If I can successfully stick to this plan and achieve certain results, I will share it with you at this time next year.