I wanted a change of scenery and thought I wasn’t doing what I wanted. You feel like you’re not getting credit for your project. .

I left the company where I had worked for more than two years. Started the interview journey of 2017.

While looking for a job, I feel that many companies are laying off employees this year. I feel that the technology market is not good now. Looking back, IT is also right. Now all the students coming out of universities are engaged in technology development, so the market will definitely be saturated. Supply exceeds demand.

< Mark > If you are leaving this year, take a good look at the current market

Here is just a simple introduction of their own interview experience

Prepare your resume and prepare for the interview

For resumes and the like, see the template on the zipper. And you can use that for your resume. If you are confident in your own template, use your own. It’s more personal

Tip: I get a little nervous during interviews, so I keep a cheat sheet to read when the interviewer asks.

Attached is my cheat sheet template

1.Introduce yourself?? My name is XXX. I graduated from XXX university and have been engaged in XX development for X years. Now I am working in XX Company.1.Responsible for XX services and functions2.My current job is XXXX because I am engaged in IM development. So let's talk about the techniques that we use1.Network keepalive via heartbeat Package (alarmManager)2.The IM data format is PB3.The database uses Greendao,ORM framework4.Using design patterns...2.Why are you leaving? Try learning something new for a change (try to say it in a nice way)3.Why y do you want to work in our company? * Felt that what the company was doing was relevant and wanted to pursue it further. * Feel the company has a good technology atmosphere... (More here)4.The difficulty encountered in the job, explain next, how to solve? Find a BUG that has been solved for a long time, and then tell him how to solve it, why to solve it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah5.Finally, the interviewer will ask: If you have any questions about the company's current development (just scratch the surface)Copy the code

It’s best to mention skills that you know (don’t come up with half-assed knowledge) because the interviewer is looking for them.

If luck is bad, encounter does not understand your technology, he takes some foundation to ask, I estimate GG, free play it

A resume

<mark> Use the hook to invest, and find that not many companies call you, feeling the most unreliable

I don’t really like it anymore. I feel like I’m being sold

Ask a friend to push inside, this success rate is very high. If you don’t have a friend, you can go to the development of various companies, maybe he will come to you. (This is where I got it)

Here we have to wait. It takes about 0.5 to 1 months. (Here to believe in their own technology, otherwise wait too long will be self-doubt)

Begin by

Dress normally and speak naturally (really nervous, just take a deep breath, I’ve tried)

The interviewer starts asking questions.

I work as an Android developer, so most of the interviewees are Java.

Such is the current market ah, a good Android development must be Java.

I suggest you take a look at the JDK source code, take my interview as an example:

  • ArrayList principle
  • A HashMap principle
  • Multi-threaded, multi-concurrent how to deal with, how to optimize
  • Reflection, the principle of annotation

Now, the interview question is why do you do this, how does it work

Android related

  • View drawing process
  • Handler mechanism
  • Android open source framework Otto, EventBus
  • Android Performance Optimization

During the interview process:

As far as possible can say that as far as possible to master the initiative, to be able to freely meet do not understand, do not hurry, tell him that the follow-up will go to check information and so onCopy the code

The HR interview

Just be natural, be natural, be natural and answer her questions carefully. If you want to keep the salary down, it's up to youCopy the code

My interview

  1. Summarize your current projects as if they were your own, even if you didn’t work on them, but you understand the rationale, and the interviewer doesn’t know it anyway
  2. Cramming is also very important, read more interview questions, read more source code
  3. Don’t argue with the interviewer, just discuss it calmly
  4. Be natural and be reasonable when asking for an offer (some HR people like to press the price)

Refer to the interview

Android interview questions

Android Advanced Interview questions and answers

Crazy Java Interview Questions (Android)

The 2017 Mogujie Android interview failed

Interview questions collected from Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Huawei, JD, Sogou and Didi in early 2017 (update)

Program apes Fighting