In the last month, after work, I almost devoted all my time to my new project “programming navigation”. I stayed up more than 30 big nights and finally put it online!

As the name suggests, this is a navigation project, I hope it can become the most professional and flexible programming navigation website, to help you easily find quality programming resources.

Programming navigation master site – Discover quality programming resources


Programming Navigation Home – essential home for programmers

Address: home. The code – nav. Cn

It is worth mentioning that the whole project is open source (desensitization), and you can even deploy the same “programming home page” with the click of a button!

The following will introduce my original intention, project introduction, technology selection and follow-up plan of this project.

Why do you need programming navigation?

There are always a lot of learning programming friends ask “do you have the resources to learn xx”, “I need xx resources, can you send me a?”.

After receiving similar messages repeatedly, I fell into deep thought.

Nowadays, the environment of programming resource acquisition is foggy, and there are many undesirable phenomena:

  1. Many undeserved programming resources are touted to the sky, celebrity, blind
  2. Good programming resources are commercialized, and many people take advantage of the information gap to sell resources that would otherwise be free
  3. Good programming resources go undiscovered because the author is unknown
  4. Online programming resources are very scattered, authenticity, validity is very uncertain

Aware of these issues, what can I do as a developer? Continue to search for good resources on the Internet, and then upload to the web disk, share with everyone?

After all, the power of a person is small, good programming resources and environment need everyone’s joint efforts.

That’s why Programming Navigation came out: to help people find good programming resources by providing a navigation platform that anyone can recommend.

Of course, the premise of sharing resources is not to offend any commercial interests. We only hope that those good resources that have been disclosed can be found and used by more people, and provide an open and transparent platform to eliminate some information gaps and make it easy to use.

QA q&a

  1. Q: There are so many programming navigation websites out there, so why do you need to do navigation?

    A: Most programming navigation networks are in disrepair and have good navigation, but they are limited in search and classification, and do not have independent recommendations and likes, so they are not sustainable.

  2. Q: If there are too many resources, will it also make people dazzled and wonder which one to watch?

    A: With so many programming resources now, this is bound to happen, which is why we do systems instead of filing documents. It can be alleviated by scoring, commenting, sorting, recommending and so on. Only the good resources will have more opportunities to be discovered!

  3. Q: Why share resources programmatically when you can just give them a link that others can access?

    A: Yes, sharing links is convenient in many situations. However, when sharing resources, others can directly see the description and details of the resources, which can help others to use and understand the resources more quickly. The comment section can also be used to distinguish the quality of resources. Videos will be added for each resource to help you get started quickly!

Project introduction

The whole programming navigation is not just a project, but a complete ecology with the goal of helping people find quality programming resources and improve their efficiency. Includes several sub-projects, has been online “programming navigation main station” and “programming home page”.

Programming navigation master station

Help you find quality programming learning resources.


Function: You can retrieve the resources you need, share the good resources, and evaluate the resources recommended by others. Good resources will be found by more people, so that more students feel the beauty of technology.

Projects show

Recommended resources

The resources of


Resources for details

The comments section

Programming Navigation Home page

Very simple cool browser home page! Support for one-click use of multiple search engines, the home page built in some programmers must have quality sites, improve efficiency, but also can switch themes, custom wallpaper, etc.

Address: home. The code – nav. Cn

Projects show

Transparent home page

White home page

Universal search

Universal search results page

Switching wallpaper

Random wallpaper

Dynamic wallpaper

Technology selection

The front end of the whole project is based on React and the back end is based on Tencent Yunyun development (almost all functions of cloud development are covered). Different sub-projects also use different frameworks and dependent class libraries.

For example, Umi + Ant Design Pro is used for programming navigation master station, React Static is used for programming home page, Dumi is used for Static document site, and SpringBoot is used for wechat official account background.

The follow-up plan

The whole site at this stage is similar to “programmer Baidu” or “programmer application market”, or a static search way to help you find good resources.

Programming navigation is not a community, and the goal is not to take up your time, but rather to make your site more efficient at finding resources. Therefore, in the future, big data + AI and other technologies are likely to be used to achieve more customized recommendations, so as to truly achieve the combination of precision and dynamic. When you need to learn certain programming skills, give the best resources and solutions!

Some students have already made recommendations on the site, so there will be some new resources every day, and the information will not be completely repeated, which is the biggest difference from the static navigation site. I will select some good students to give rewards ~ I hope you can maintain a good programming ecology together!

(Also, the current interface is too ugly, background latency is also relatively large, are all problems that need to be addressed 😢)

The last

The whole programming navigation system of all systems, all open source for everyone to learn, using this code, you can also easily develop multi-terminal adaptation website, build their own cool home page!

If you think it is good, share it with friends who need it, it will be the motivation for us to keep improving! ❤

Project details and source address:… ⭐ Your star is really important to me