
The author chooses KOA as the Web framework, and will use two articles on Node.js programming interface and server-side rendering (SSR).

  • 2 days quick start Node.js backend development 1- Interface

  • 2 days quick Start Node.js backend development 2- Server rendering

Ps: Writing, content may change 😜

What is KOA?

Koa is a Web framework implemented based on Node.js. Is a lightweight framework, all functions through plug-ins.

👉 KOA Chinese

Besides KoA, there are many other Web frameworks for Node.js. The reason for choosing KOA is that it is easy to learn and fast to get started

  • Express
  • Nest
  • Hapi
  • Egg (based on KOA)

1. Preparation

🚧 node. js Version >= 10

Install KOA-Generator and KOA2 globally

npm install -g koa-generator koa2
Copy the code

The KOA-generator is a scaffolding for KOA that quickly generates project structure. Let’s see how it works. Okay

For example, 🌰

  • Create a project named “vue-serve”
koa2 vue-serve
Copy the code
  • Create a project named “vue-serve” and useejsThe template andsassThe CSS to compile
koa2 vue-serve -e -c sass
Copy the code

A comparison of the creation results of the two commands (just look 🤡)

Koa-generator Other parameters

parameter use
-e Using the EJS template engine (puG by default)
–hbs Use the HandleBars template engine
-H Use the Hogan.js template engine
-n Use the Nunjucks template engine
-c Specify the CSS compiler (less | stylus | compass | sass) (the default) using CSS
-f Force the directory not to be empty

* The template engine mentioned here is our server rendering engine

So let’s start with the practice

2. Create a project

Create a new project learn-pug

koa2 learn-Pug
Copy the code

Initialize the project

cd learn-Pug && npm i
Copy the code

Start the project

npm run start
Copy the code

Browser type http://localhost:3000, Hello Koa2! Indicates that the project is running successfully

The koA default port is 3000

3. Parsing process

The KOA-Generator generates the routes and template calls, so we just need to look at the routes and views folders.


  1. Routes are matched based on the url accessed
  2. Return data based on route or HTML using Pug
  3. The browser sees the result

💥 hot update

After NPM run start, the modified code can only be seen by restarting KOA

npm run dev
Copy the code

If an error occurs

'.' is not an internal or external command, nor is it a runnable program or batch file. ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1.Copy the code

Change the package.json to dev and run it again

"scripts": {
	"dev": "nodemon bin/www",}Copy the code

Debug Node in Chrome

Add a line to package.json to run debug

"scripts": {
	"debug": "nodemon --inspect bin/www",}Copy the code

Start debugging

npm run debug
Copy the code
  1. Access any interface of localhost:3000

  2. F12 Open developer tools

  3. The Node icon is added to the left of Element (if not, wait or restart). Click to enter a new panel

  1. Just open the debug file in the Sources option

4. Request

GET- Returns text

Open index.js, starting at line 9, and find this code

router.get('/string', async (ctx, next) => {
  ctx.body = 'koa2 string'
Copy the code

Access loclHost :3000/string and see koA2 string

The GET – return JSON

Open index.js, starting at line 13, and find this code

router.get('/json', async (ctx, next) => {
  ctx.body = {
    title: 'koa2 json'
Copy the code

This time use the tool to request loclHost :3000/json

I use Hoppscotch (formerly Postwoman) you can also use other request tools, Postman, Apifox, ApiPost, etc

👉 making

Parameters of the GET –

Create a new GET request with parameters in index.js

// http://localhost:3000/get? size=100

router.get('/get'.async (ctx, next) => {
  const { size } = ctx.query
  ctx.body = 'Your size parameter is${size}`
Copy the code

Go to http://localhost:3000/get? size=100

GET- Route transmission parameter

Create a new GET request in index.js

// http://localhost:3000/get/koa
router.get('/get/:id'.async (ctx, next) => {
  const { id } = ctx.params
  ctx.body = 'Your ID parameter is${id}`
Copy the code

Parameters of the POST –

There is no POST request in the template. Create a new POST request in index.js

Request parameters: name and ID'/juejin'.async (ctx, next) => {
  const { name, id } = ctx.body
  ctx.body = {
    name:'Your user name is${name}`.id: `${id}`,}})Copy the code

Request loclhost:3000/juejin with the tool

Request parameters:

Copy the code

See the results

Other requests

The KOa-router also supports PUT, del, and All requests. For more information, see 👉Github

  .put('/juejin/:id', (ctx, next) => {
    // ...
  .del('/juejin/:id', (ctx, next) => {
    // ...
  .all('/juejin/:id', (ctx, next) => {
    // ...
Copy the code

5. Zi lu by

Once you know about index.js, open users.js

Subroutes are used to avoid writing all routes in a file, which simplifies maintenance

Line 3 indicates that all routes under the file have the /users prefix

Copy the code

/ = /users

/bar = /users/bar

Reference child routes

After defining child routes, add references to app.js. Note lines 9 and 36

/ /...
const index = require('./routes/index')
const users = require('./routes/users')
// ...
app.use(index.routes(), index.allowedMethods())
app.use(users.routes(), users.allowedMethods())
Copy the code

After a route file is created, add it later

6. next

I haven’t explained what next is doing in the request, which involves koA’s Onion model

Used to change the execution order of middleware

Borrow a CSDN blogger’s chestnut 👉 original text

const one = (ctx, next) = > {
  console.log('👉 one');
  console.log('<< one');
const two = (ctx, next) = > {
  console.log('👉 two');
  console.log('<< two');
const three = (ctx, next) = > {
  console.log('👉 three');
  console.log('<< three'); } app.use(one); app.use(two); app.use(three); 👉 one 👉 two 👉 three << three << two << oneCopy the code

The last

Learn how to write routing interfaces for vUE and React projects

Stay tuned for the next post…