Like other programming languages, Go language projects (large programs) are written from basic components and basic syntax. We learned what Go looks like in the previous chapter. In this chapter, we will learn the basic syntax of Go, which will be an integral part of all Go programs.

1. Naming rules

The naming of types, variables, constants, statement labels, packages, and functions in Go follows a simple rule: Names begin with a letter or underscore, not a number, and can be followed by any number of characters, digits, and underscores, and are case-sensitive. For example, xcbeyond and xcbeyond are different identifiers.

The following are valid identifiers:

mahesh   kumar   abc   move_name   a_123
myname50   _temp   j   a23b9   retVal
Copy the code

The following is an invalid identifier:

  • 1ab: Starts with a number
  • case: Keyword of the Go language
  • a+bThe: operator is not allowed

2. Keywords

Go, like any other language, has some keywords for programs to use. There are 25 keywords or reserved words in Go:

 break     default      func    interface  select
 case      defer        go      map        struct
 chan      else         goto    package    switch
 const     fallthrough  if      range      type
 continue  for          import  return     var
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In addition to the keywords described above, the Go language has 36 predefined identifiers:

append	bool	byte	cap	    close	complex	complex64	complex128	uint16
copy	false	float32	float64	imag	int	    int8	    int16	    uint32
int32	int64	iota	len	    make	new	    nil	        panic	    uint64
print	println	real	recover	string	true	uint	    uint8	    uintptr
Copy the code


Comments, which enhance the readability of the code, do not participate in all functions of the program and will not be compiled. Every program should have comments in place to explain functionality, implementation, annotations, etc. If you don’t want others to spit on you, make sure you get in the habit of writing comments. Comments are just as important as code.

Go comments fall into two main categories:

  • Single-line comments: You can use them anywhere//A single line comment at the beginning is the most common form of comment.
  • Multiline comment: also called block comment, to/ *Begin and end with* /At the end.

As follows:

package main

import "fmt"

func main(a) {
    // "Hello World!" Go language program
    fmt.Println("Hello World!")

    // This is a one-line comment

    /* This is a multi-line comment by xcbeyond */
Copy the code

4. Line delimiters

In the Go program, a line represents the end of a statement. Each statement does not need a semicolon as in other languages such as Java; Because this is all done automatically by the Go compiler.

You must use this if you intend to write multiple statements on the same line; Artificial differentiation, but we don’t encourage it in real development.

Here are two statements:

fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
fmt.Println("Hello, xcbeyond!")
Copy the code

5. String output

Println or fmt.Print. Fmt. Println will Print a newline, similar to system.out. Println and System.out. Print in the Java language.

As follows:

package main

import "fmt"

func main(a) {
	// Line wrap after output
	fmt.Println("Xcbeyond, isn't it handsome?")
	// No line breaks after output
	fmt.Print("How handsome!")}Copy the code

Output result:

Xcbeyond, is it handsome? Handsome! Too handsome!Copy the code

In addition, string output can be formatted for output, as described in a later section.

String concatenation

The most common way to concatenate strings in Go is through + :

package main

import "fmt"

func main(a) {
    fmt.Println("xc" + "beyond")}Copy the code

Output result:

Copy the code

+ implement concatenation, will produce a new string to affect efficiency. Sprintf, strings.Join, and buffer.WriteString are also available, as described in the string section below.