The introduction

How does education of 19 years old technical secondary school learn to find front end job?

** Successfully received interview invitations from about a dozen companies without any packaging.

** This article is more about my own statement, which is a summary, reflection and future plans and goals for myself in the past two years.

The body of the

Self-introduction (nonsense a bit much, do not want to see the direct skip) : because like code, like programming, and insist on learning. I remember that five or six years ago, when smart phones were just emerging, I was on various forums (represented by a certain Man), mixing various Q groups to develop a series of technologies such as locking, cracking and swiping, mobile phone programming and IAPP (mobile phone programming software, many of you know this, right?). IDEA (a mobile learning Java software). Basically, that’s when I became the person I am now, and the person who loves programming and is happy to see it work every time I write it. But.. At this time, although I liked programming very much, what really made me decide to learn programming was actually the naruto Battle in 2016, when I was forced to stop watching pirate ii (childhood memories). At that time, I decided that I would learn programming in the future, and then make a sequel. But later wobbly until now learn the front…. Instead of android and JAVA development, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Harm, return to the subject, talk about my situation now: 19 years old, educational background only technical secondary school, at present in Guangzhou Tianhe less than a small company of ten people. I studied by myself for about a year, U1S1. It was really difficult to study by myself. It was difficult to keep self-discipline and I was confused. Can I get a job? What’s more, I still have to give social fear, belonging to a person who is nervous when talking with people, speaking in a very small voice, and is not confident. The thought of going for an interview and having to communicate with colleagues at work was terrifying. (I have been working for half a month now. In fact, my colleagues are very kind. They take care of me because of my age. I really appreciate them.

How do I usually study?

B: well… I remember my first simple HTML tutorial on a green gourd (probably 2018), followed by a few basic tags and became completely hooked… I still remember that this set of videos is about a dozen episodes, each episode is only two or three minutes, the theme is to teach how to create a “black page”, in fact, with a few cheap HTML tags and CSS style to make a cool looking pure static page, and then put on the cloud host (remember at that time there are a lot of free hosts… Looks like now also have a pile, but are garbage configuration, most used to test their static page), plus a free secondary domain name, so that a website out, you can go out to install b. Show it to your classmates or online friends, pretend to be a hacker, very.. Silly, at least for now. After this, I went to find when I was reading the secondary school teacher borrowed the HTML + CSS introductory books for learning, that is entry, but in fact is only a foundation, after all. Technical secondary school know all understand. After that, I bought a book on LEARNING HTML + CSS + JS (remember it was in 2019?) for about tens of yuan. And then… Is to press the book to learn, during the period also found some scattered online tutorials, learning and so on. During this process, I also met a teacher on the Internet. Although I no longer contact him, I still appreciate his help to me at that time. It was really great. By 2020, EMMM was hooked on the back end, found a dark horse PHP tutorial on the Internet, learned a rough idea, and was able to create a simple message board.

** A few months ago, I summed up two articles according to the notes I learned at that time.

PHP object oriented this period of time, also learned jQuery, with jQuery to achieve do not step on white blocks.… My example /jQuery implementation don’t step on white block + score upload /index.html

I got into hacking, learned about network security, learned about broilers, worms, kail, and so on. And downloaded a bunch of computer viruses… Almost all kinds of famous viruses have been downloaded, and then tested on the school computer…

** Also based on the notes of that year.

In fact, AT this time, I was just a dish than. Although I had contacted the front end very early, I was just playing while learning. At this time, I would only point HTML tags and CSS styles, JS dom, BOM, Jq. That same year, around this time, I… I did, dropped out of school, went home and taught myself. This year to learn a lot, really a lot, also know their original so vegetables. Ah bah, off topic, tell me how I studied this year: Video + language finches + vscode + browser, colleagues open four software, first look at video, with video to knock, knock while playing, in their own understanding to write comments, even if a lot of it is not necessary to write comments where I also forced himself to write, that by now have formed a habit of one line of code that a comment line (I don’t know is good or bad…). . After I typed the code along with the video, I began to write down the code and comments I had written and take notes, notes that only I could understand, and then I would go over my notes at the end of the course and put them together into a complete article. Sorting out at the same time is equivalent to learning a. (in this step also don’t finish calculate, I’ll be in learning basic after a month to analyse an article to write their own, and try to rewrite) in the form of a professor others basically watching video to follow on one side, and after watching the file into a notes on language finches, have what not understand or bugs in the browser. So I cut back and forth between the four software learning, during which I have been in B station and major training institutions in the open live classes of the fucking free video… It’s fair to say that everything I’ve learned has never cost money (Ps: also because I don’t have money…). . B: well… Do you think I’m being disciplined when I see this? NO!!!!!! I used to stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning! Or consecutive days or even half a month did not go to study! Sleeping in and waking up in the afternoon and skipping brunch is just my norm. Self-discipline? Exercise? I’ve tried, but I can’t keep up with push-ups or sit-ups after a few days. It is said that I studied at home for a year, but in fact I am afraid that the time I really studied is only a little more than half a year. After learning a day, I went halfway to play games or read novels for a few days. It’s really my normal life, in this kind of unsupervised and ununderstood (in the eyes of my parents and neighbors, I’m just a neet who stays home and plays computer games every day). I had to study alone with my head under my head, and I often had self-doubt… But in a skeptical… And then I’ll go back and study, because I know it’s the only thing I can do now. Will be absolutely helpful to themselves, but also their most should do things now.

For this time to find a job experience

Listen to the advice of a big man, specifically looking for start-up small companies to invest, although the salary is low, live may also be more, but. As long as I can get a job, it’s great. In addition, the few interviews I met, there were no or only asked a few technical questions, mostly asked if I can mobile phone? Will wechat small program, let me realize that small companies are not concerned about technology and education, they only need to be able to work on the line, in-depth study of technology? It doesn’t make much sense, at least for me now, or for people like me who are self-taught, it’s only a big factory or a 10K company that starts demanding technical depth. It is really a small loss, I only learned Vue before, wechat small program and mobile terminal development are not skilled, on the study of all kinds of technology to go… Yes, I am JS basic advanced and even Vue principle also learned, eight-part essay also back a lot, niu guest network on all kinds of big factory surface through I can basically answer eighty percent of the front-end related questions, but… Totally useless!! Few of my job interviews asked me many technical questions… Outrageous… Therefore, if you are like me, I suggest you learn more about the technology stack, even if it is not in-depth, but also to learn more, to the extent that you can do projects, at the same time, be sure to do several projects, enrich your resume, skills and so on after finding a job slowly improve. As for my current company, I joined the company on February 28. In the first week, I was asked to look at and master the background development framework of Ant Design Pro. Then I looked at React, because the company’s main technology stack is Ant Design Pro + React. Vue is generally used only when requested by the customer. By the second week I was working on the project. Use React + ReactNative + NativeBase + Expo + React Navigation + Redux to develop a mobile app. I was stupid at that time. React is a one-way binding data stream, written in JSX, while Redux is a React state management plug-in. I don’t understand anything else. At that time, I was really confused. At first, I thought I would be assigned the Vue project, or I would be assigned the project after I got familiar with React. But didn’t think to give me a hand directly?? Two modules are also arranged, although both are the simplest. But I still spent a week getting familiar with the code, reading the documentation, adding, deleting, copying and pasting code. Attached below is my resume, for the brothers and sisters who are looking for a job for reference, really rubbish resume.

Personal resume


Finally, attached is my technical stack:

My tech stack

CSS layout general learning: Float layout + Position Learning Flex flexible layout learning Grid layout learning multi-column layout learning JS + ES + TS technology stack: JavaScript learning ES6 learning TypeScript learning JS built-in API micro front-end understanding and learning front-end performance optimization JS advanced road: This for JS progression, recursion for execution context JS progression, depth for tail recursion JS progression copy JS progression like array and array de-duplicating, local cache JS progression flatting ES6 modular JS progression Proxy and Object.defineProperty What is the rearrangement and redrawing of JS advanced prototype, prototype chain, prototype inheritance of JS advanced scope, scope chain, closure, Currization of JS advanced picture lazy loading and preloading JS asynchronous programming learning: Promise to learn JS event loops and asynchronous programming JS handwritten series: Manual implementation of new, Call, apply and bind simple handwritten publish subscribe classic interview questions LazyMan handwritten Promise core code Vue technology stack: Vue2 learning Vue3 learning vue-router learning Vuex learning Axios learning create-vue and Pinia hands-on trial-play Vue long list rendering actual Vue3 did those optimizations? As well as its new features Vue in-depth study: Next.Tick and next.Tick and forceUpdate Vue advanced Mixin Virtual DOM and Diff algorithm Vue advanced EventBus Vue advanced extend, Render, H learning Vue2 data response principle learning Vue fast realization of a series of front-end engineering: Webpack learning Vue3 + Vite2 project practice GIt learning Vue3 + Ts development environment based on Vite2 building Vue2 background development environment data structure and algorithm: 1. Introduction to data structure and Array 2. Stack and JS operation mechanism, recursion, pseudo recursion 3. Queues and asynchronous queues (tasks) in JS. 4. Time and space complexity 5. Simple sorting algorithm common algorithm parsing HTTP: HTTP learning project combat: Vue Cli, build your own project scaffolding tools to write a jQuery framework of your own

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