Editor’s note

On his blog, Amit Shekhar, a well-known author of open Source Android projects, summarized 19 open source Android libraries that he believes every Android project should usehere

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I’m also a big fan of open source software. I’ve made a lot of libraries for Android, and I’ve also received feedback from the community. I can only say that the developer community is amazing. Here are some android library recommendations that you should use in every Android project:

Android project must use open source library


Browse and search the Fresco source code on the Web with an IDE-like experience

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Fresco is a powerful Android graphics library that helps you read and display images. It can read resources on the network or local media, and it can display unfinished images as placeholders. It has two levels of caches: in-memory caches and caches in local storage media.



Browse and search glide source code in the web side with IDE experience

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Glide is an efficient and fast open source Android media management and image reading framework that combines media decoding, memory and disk caching, and resource pooling into an easy-to-use interface. This library focuses on smooth scrolling.



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OkHttp is an HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and JAVA applications. On Android, the Http engine is preferred for network communication.

Fast Android Networking


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Fast Android Networking based on OkHttp makes Networking simple (no boilerplate code), making it easy for developers to write communication code. It is a lightweight fast network communication library. Try it and you’ll love it.



Browse and search RxJava source code with IDE – like experience on the web

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RxJava — Reactive Extensions for the JVM — build asynchronous and event-based libraries using the Observed Sequence in the JVM.



Browse and search the source code of EventBus with an IDE-like experience on the web side

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The Android-optimized Event Bus simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, and Services.

Device Year Class


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The Device Year Class tells you in which Year of the product line the current Device’s memory, CPU core, and clock rate are high. It allows developers to make apps behave differently depending on the hardware capabilities of the phone.

Network Connection Class


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The Network Connection Class can query the Network Connection quality of the current user. It makes development easier by dividing the network into several “Connection Classes” based on the quality of the network. The library monitors the app’s existing network traffic and notifies the user when the traffic speed changes. Developers can adjust the app’s behavior based on network connectivity (use lower-quality video, stop using input prompts, etc.).

Fast Android Networking also has this feature.

Android Debug Database


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The Android Debug Database is a powerful library for debugging Android databases and shared preferences. It is an easy-to-use tool for browsing databases and sharing preferences in a browser.



Browse and search the source code for Leakcanary on the web side using an IDE-like experience

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LeakCanary is a library used to detect memory leaks on Android and Java.



Browse and search the source code of MPAndroidChart with IDE – like experience on the web

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Android’s powerful chart viewer library supports graphic displays such as line charts, bar charts, pie charts, candle charts, etc., and supports zooming, drag and drop, and animation.



Browse and search the source code for ButterKnife with an IDE-like experience on the web

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ButterKnife is a view binding tool. It automatically generates boilerplate code for us using annotations. This tool essentially helps us avoid duplicate code like findViewById(R.iD.view) when working with views, making our projects look cleaner.



Browse and search the dagger source code on the web side with an IDE-like experience

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Fast dependency injection library for Android and Java. It simplifies reading and writing shared instances, simplifies complex dependency Settings, and makes unit and integration testing easier.



Browse and search the source code of greenDAO with IDE – like experience on the web

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GreenDAO is an open source Android ORM that makes developing SQLite more fun. It saves developers time by eliminating the need to deal with low-level database operations.



Browse and search realm-Java source code on the Web side with an IDE-like experience

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Simple storage, high-speed query, save a lot of development time. Realm Mobile Database is an alternative to SQLite.



Browse and search timber’s source code with IDE – like experience on the web

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Provides a Logger with a small, extensible API on top of android’s original Log Class.



Browse and search Hugo’s source code with ide-like experience on the web side

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Automatic logging of method calls for your Debug build is triggered by annotations. As a programmer, you will often need to add logging functions to print function calls, parameters and return values, and spend time executing them. It’s not a problem. We all do it. Can we just make it easier? Just put at sign DebugLog in the function header and you can get all the information that we just talked about.

Android GPU Image


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Android provides efficient OpenGL – based filter library.



Browse and search ExoPlayer source code in the web side with an IDE like experience

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ExoPlayer is an app-level Android media player. It provides an API for playing audio locally or over the network. ExoPlayer supports features not currently supported by android media Player apis, such as DASH and Smooth Streaming Adaptive Playbacks (which automatically adjust playback resolution in real time based on bandwidth).



Browse and search gson source code in the web side with an IDE-like experience

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A library that provides Java object serialization/deserialization to JSON format.