English text: 18 backpacks open source presents the projects, IT application lion comes from: www.jianshu.com/p/c8d45d30f…

In this article, we’ve selected the first 18 of 550 projects built using Angular1.x and Angular 2. (Angular 1.x and Angular 2 projects are 50/50)

Developers, Enjoy!

1. Soundnode

Soundcloud Desktop (Mac, Windows and Linux) built with Nw.js, Node.js, Angular.js and the Soundcloud API

Michael Lancaster [2442 Stars]

2. Angular Bootstrap Management panel framework

Thanks to @Smartapant for [3584 Stars]

3. ProtonMail

An encrypted Webmail interface built with Angular.

Thank you @Protonmail for providing [1102 Stars]

4. Taiga

Project management APP for agile developers and designers built with Angular and Django.

Thanks to Taiga. IO [1970 Stars]

5. Viktor NV-1

Open source Musical Instruments built using AngularJS and WebAudio apis.

Thanks to @Nikolaytsenkov [191 Stars]

6. Malhar-angular-dashboard

AngularJS builds generic panels and widgets. [545 Stars]

7. DuckieTV

A Web APP built from AngularJS that semi-automatically integrates with the Torrent client to track your favorite TV shows. [373 Stars]

8. Use AngularJS drumming machines

Doug Johnston [46 Stars]

9. Aisel

E-commerce marketplace built with AngularJS and Symfony3.

Thanks to Ivan Proskuryakov [189 Stars]

1. Management panel framework developed for Angular 2 [907 Stars]

2. A sample chat application developed using RxJS and Angular 2

Thanks to Nate Murray [634 Stars]

3. HackerNews made with AngularJS 2.0

Thanks to Harry Wolff [103 Stars]

4. Echo player for Angular 2

Thanks to Oren Farhi [74 Stars]

5. Dribbble Clone

Angular 2 playground with TypeScript and SystemJS loaders.

Mohammed Zama Khan [19 Stars]

6. Trello is an Angular 2 clone[19 Stars]

7. Angular 2 chess games

Thanks to Shlomi Assaf [11 Stars]

8. YouTube search engine built with Angular 2.0

Alex Hawkins [85 Stars]

9. Piano note training game based on Angular 2 [2 Stars]

These are 18 selected Angular open source projects to share in the hope that you will find some of your favorites.

If you think it’s good, give it a thumbs up. ^_^


  1. The number of Star items in this paper is for reference only.
  2. The copyright of this article belongs to the author. If you need to reprint the translation, please indicate the source, thank you!