This is the 12th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge

A lifelong learner, practitioner, and sharer committed to the path of technology, an original blogger who is busy and sometimes lazy, and a teenager who is occasionally boring and sometimes humorous.

Welcome to search “Jge’s IT Journey” on wechat!

Original link: Those funny but useless Linux Easter Eggs, how fun!

The small train — Strem Locomotive

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install sl
Copy the code

After the installation, enter SL in the terminal, you can see the following effect;

Type the sl-h command and you can see a series of small trains slowly passing by.

Matrix byte stream

By installing and running the following two commands on a Linux terminal, pretend to be a master hacker and invade each other’s computers.

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install cmatrixroot@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# cmatrix
Copy the code

Parameter: -c + Color English;

For example: camtrix -c yellow/red etc.;

Exit: Ctrl + C shortcut;

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# cmatrix -C yellow
Copy the code

Blessedcontrib, a high-end, elegant dashboard

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install npm
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt install nodejs-legacy
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# git clone
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# cd blessed-contrib/
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~/blessed-contrib# npm install
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~/blessed-contrib# node ./examples/dashboard.js
Copy the code

Four, high-end atmosphere upscale dashboard – Hollywood

The Ubuntu operating system can be installed and run directly by using the following commands.

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt install hollywood
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# hollywood
Copy the code

ASCII art box

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install boxes Finish analyzing the dependency tree of the software package reading the status information... Complete boxes is the latest version (1.2-3). 0 software packages have been upgraded, 0 software packages have been installed, 0 software packages need to be uninstalled, and 188 software packages have not been upgraded. root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# echo "JackTian" | boxes/************//* JackTian *//************/Copy the code

Six, fire burning character – Aafire

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install libaa-bin
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# aafire
Copy the code

Seven, follow the mouse direction to see the eyes

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install x11-appsroot@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# xeyes
Copy the code

Where the mouse goes, the eye will follow the direction of the mouse.

Eight, art word generator – toilet

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install toilet
Copy the code

By adding -f to the command to change the font or filter, you can change the Welcome to HongKong! Replace the text with the character you want to convert.

The following is the effect of two-color words;

The effect of colored words; If you do not know how to play for the first time, you can run the man toilet command to view more help information. Quit /q is the exit key.

9. Artistic word generator — Figlet

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install figlet
Copy the code

Enter figlet Welcome to HongKong! For this command, of course, you can also use the Welcome to HongKong! To the character you want to convert.

Ten, famous quotes, the output of ancient poetry

Once the installation is complete, execute the command: fortune and you should see the following.

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install fortune fortune-zh root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# fortune Children return early from school, while busy dongfeng kite. -- Gao Ding "Village house" root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# Fortune Only acacia like spring scenery, jiangnan jiangbei send you home. -- Wang Wei "Send Shen Zi to the East of the River/Send Shen Zi Fu to the East of the River" root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# Fortune "Climb the building" author: Du Fu flowers close to the high-rise hurt the hearts of the guests, wan Fang difficult to climb this. Jinjiang spring scenery to heaven and earth, yulei floating clouds change ancient and modern. The Arctic court will not change, the Western mountains kou theft mo invasion. Poor Lord also ancestral temple, twilight chat for Liang Fu Yin. root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# Fortune "Book of Songs · Xiaoya · Futian's Shi · Futian" Zhuo Bi Fu Tian, at the age of ten thousand. Since ancient times, I have been eating my farmers. Today is a seed or seed in the south. 8, Millet, millet. There is there. With me qi Ming, and I sacrifice a sheep, in order to community. My field both zang, farmer's celebration. Lyre beat the drum to the royal tian Zu. To pray for rain, to introduce my millet millet, to the grain of my scholars. Great-grandson to stop, with his wife, 馌 nanmu. The field is very happy, to the left and right, to taste its purpose. He yi long mu, eventually good and have. Great-grandson not angry, farmer Kemin. Between the salt water and the King, my great-grandson's standing is like zi liang, and my great-grandson's yu in succession is like Jing. It is for a thousand silks, it is for a Vance box, millet millet millet millet millet. The farmer's celebration, with a blessing, live forever. root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~#Copy the code

11. String video

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install bb
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# bb
Copy the code

Then enter bb, select Y plus music, select 8 to continue, and you can see a video made with strings.

11. String Aquarium

Installing dependency Packages

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install libcurses-perl root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# cd /tmp Root @ jacktian - virtual machine: / tmp# wget HTTP: / / root@jacktian-virtual-machine:/tmp# tar -zxvf term-animation-2.4.tar. gz root@jacktian-virtual-machine:/tmp# CD Term-animation-2.4 / root@jacktian-virtual-machine:/ TMP/term-animation-2.4 # sudo perl && make && make test Root @ jacktian -- virtual machine: / TMP/Term - Animation - 2.4 # sudo make installCopy the code

Install the software

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:/ TMP/term-animation-2.4 # CD/TMP root@jacktian-virtual-machine:/ TMP # sudo wget --no-check-certificate the code

Executing related Commands

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:/tmp# tar -zxvf asciiquarium.tar.gz root@jacktian-virtual-machine:/tmp# cd Asciiquarium_1. 1 / root @ jacktian - virtual machine: / TMP/asciiquarium_1. 1 # sudo cp asciiquarium/usr/local/bin Root @ jacktian -- virtual machine: / TMP/asciiquarium_1. 1 # sudo chmod 0755 / usr/local/bin/asciiquarium Root @ jacktian -- virtual machine: / TMP/asciiquarium_1. 1 # asciiquariumCopy the code


Twelve. This cow can talk?

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install cowsay
Copy the code

Use -l to see all the animals it can provide, and -f to change the name of the person.

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# cowsay -l Cow files in /usr/share/cowsay/cows:apt bud-frogs bunny calvin cheese cock cower daemon default dragondragon-and-cow duck elephant elephant-in-snake eyes flaming-sheepghostbusters gnu hellokitty kiss koala kosh luke-koala mech-and-cow milkmoofasa moose pony pony-smaller ren sheep skeleton snowman stegosaurusstimpy  suse three-eyes turkey turtle tux unipony unipony-smaller vadervader-koala wwwCopy the code

Using the pipe character, the poem output by fortune is displayed as cowsay;

You can also add a color to output the poem in color form;

The following cow can not be implemented in xshell terminal, you need to run the command on the client page: xcowsay “XXX” XXX contents can be defined by yourself and output;

Xiii. Yes command

Yes Hello JackTian: After this command is executed, the screen continues to output information.

Yes Hello JackTian | lolcat: this command is executed will be in the form of color constant output;

Of course, “Hello JackTian” can convert whatever it wants to output;

Exit key: Ctrl + C to exit.

14. Screenfetch — Displays information about the system, topic, etc

Run the following command on the Ubuntu server to get a clear idea of the current system environment;

15 and linuxlogo

Linux_logo is running on the Ubuntu server

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt install linuxlogo
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# linux_logo
Copy the code

Run the linux_logo -f -l list command to view a description of Logos used.

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# linux_logo -f -L list Available Built-in Logos: Num Type Ascii Name Description 1 Classic Yes aix AIX Logo 2 Classic Yes bsd FreeBSD Logo 3 Banner Yes bsd_banner FreeBSD Logo 4 Classic Yes irix Irix Logo 5 Classic Yes openbsd OpenBSD Logo 6 Banner Yes openbsd_banner OpenBSD Logo 7 Banner Yes solaris The Default Banner Logos 8 Banner Yes banner-simp Simplified Banner Logo 9 Banner Yes banner The Default Banner Logo 10 Classic Yes classic-nodots The Classic Logo, No Periods 11 Classic Yes classic-simp Classic No Dots Or Letters 12 Classic Yes classic The Default Classic Logo 13 Banner Yes blankon An ASCII BlankOn logo 14 Classic Yes core Core Linux Logo 15 Banner Yes debian_banner_2 Debian Banner  2 16 Banner Yes debian_banner Debian Banner (white) 17 Classic Yes debian_old Debian Old Penguin Logos 18 Classic Yes debian Debian Swirl Logos 19 Classic Yes gnu_linux Classic GNU/Linux 20 Banner Yes mandrake_banner Mandrake(TM) Linux Banner 21 Banner Yes mandrake Mandrakelinux(TM) Banner 22 Banner Yes mandriva Mandriva(TM) Linux Banner 23 Banner Yes pld PLD Linux banner 24 Classic Yes raspi An ASCII Raspberry Pi logo 25 Banner Yes redhat RedHat Banner (white) 26 Banner Yes slackware Slackware Logo 27 Banner Yes sme SME Server Banner Logo 28 Banner Yes sourcemage_ban Source Mage GNU/Linux banner 29 Banner Yes sourcemage Source Mage GNU/Linux large 30 Banner Yes suse SUSE Logo 31 Banner Yes ubuntu Ubuntu Logo Do "linux_logo -L num" where num is from above to get the appropriate logo. Remember to also use -a to get ascii version. root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install neofetch root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# neofetchCopy the code

Execute the following command to loop through all Logos that support printing;

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# for i in {1.. 30}; do linux_logo -f -L $i; Sleep 0.5; doneCopy the code

Picture painting Easter eggs

For a simple demonstration using the photo of Grace, you can also replace the link after wget in the second command below with the URL of any image.

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install aview imagemagick
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# wget
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# asciiview zolsky_endianbizhi_21.jpeg
Copy the code

Xvii. Randomly generate name and address information

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install rig
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# rigOlga Burton81 Buncaneer DrRome, GA 30161(404) xxx-xxxx
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# rigJami Carroll481 Cimenny RdRaleigh, NC 27611(919) xxx-xxxx
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# rigBryon Newman539 Rider BlvdVancouver, WA 98661(206) xxx-xxxx
Copy the code

18, super niu Li – package manager Easter eggs

By executing the apt-get help command, you can see the last line of this APT has super strength. Your system can run the current menu.

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# sudo apt-get install rig
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# rig
Olga Burton
81 Buncaneer Dr
Rome, GA 30161
(404) xxx-xxxx
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# rig
Jami Carroll
481 Cimenny Rd
Raleigh, NC 27611
(919) xxx-xxxx
root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# rig
Bryon Newman
539 Rider Blvd
Vancouver, WA 98661
(206) xxx-xxxx
Copy the code

Enter apt-get moo on the command line interface to see the Easter egg.

The Aptitiude package manager has a similar Easter egg, which you can execute –help to view options and execute actions;

root@jacktian-virtual-machine:~# apt-get help apt 1.7.0 (amd64) Apt to get [option] command apt to get [option] install | remove packages 1 / package 2... Apt-get [option] source package 1 [package 2...] Apt-get can be used to download packages and related information from certified software sources for installation, upgrade, or removal of packages. During these processes, package dependencies are handled properly. Update-retrieve the updated software package list upgrade-Perform an upgrade install-install the new software package (note: The package name is libc6 instead of libc6.deb) remove - uninstall the package purge - Uninstall and clear the configuration of the package autoremove - uninstall all packages that are automatically installed and no longer used dist-upgrade - distribution upgrade, See apt-get(8) dselect-upgrade - Upgrade build-dep - configure required dependencies for source packages clean - delete all downloaded package files autoclean - Delete the downloaded old package file check - Check to verify the integrity of the system dependencies source - download the source package file download - download the specified binary package to the current directory changelog - download the specified software package, See apt-get(8) for more information about the available commands. The program configuration options and syntax are explained in apt.conf(5). For information on how to configure software sources, see sources.list(5). Packages and their version preferences can be set with apt_Preferences (5). For details on security, please refer to APT-Secure (8). This APT is super powerful.Copy the code

The test results are as follows:

Recommended reading

99% of Linux operation and maintenance engineers must master the command and use

Common commands of the Oracle database in Linux

Common commands of the vi/vim editor in Linux

Install and manage programs in Linux (basic process of package encapsulation, RPM command, source code compilation and installation)

Manage accounts and rights in Linux

Linux disk and file system management

Process and scheduled task management in Linux

Analyze and rectify system faults in Linux

Common KVM commands in Linux

Easily take you to play with the Linux environment under the date syntax!

Exciting 10 command line games that anyone can play with just 2 commands!

In this paper, to the end.

Original is not easy, if you think this article is a little useful to you, please give me a like, comment or forward for this article, because this will be my power to output more quality articles, thanks!

By the way, dig friends remember to give me a free attention yo! In case you get lost and you can’t find me next time.

See you next time!