Hello, I’m Open source jun.

The open source project to share with you today is ** [JVMStudy] **


Gold nine silver ten job-hopping season arrived again, recently there are often fans in the background with me complain, oneself go to big factory interview, the interviewer always like to ask JVM!

** Actually this idea is very scary! It doesn’t matter, afraid not still feel useless. ** The main reason to ask the JVM is to see your potential in the technical direction. If you know the JVM well, you are willing to learn, good at learning, and have a deep attitude towards technology.

And the JVM is really important, so LET me give you a few examples:

A running Java process may suddenly run out of OOM memory

The online system is stalling, the CPU is running crazily, and the GC time is soaring, which seriously affects the service response time.

Faced with a bunch of JVM parameters, you miss out on potential performance gains

If you want to know the status of your online application’s garbage collection, you don’t know where to start, and service monitoring is out of your control.

A piece of code has a problem and is being executed inefficiently, but you just can’t find the underlying cause

These are the kinds of problems you might encounter in an online project. If you’re in charge and don’t know anything about the JVM, are there no solutions?

And basically all of the interview questions are based on the actual situation, not only you need to know how to use these techniques, but also why to use them.

Having said that, we also know the importance of the JVM, today I recommend you an open source project, used to learn the knowledge of the JVM.

Project introduction

This is an open source project for underlying JVM parsing, which includes the following

The author made an online site for it, which is convenient for everyone to study on mobile

In the process of sorting out, the author referred to many authoritative materials to ensure the accuracy of knowledge.

I hope you can go further and further in the development of the road, not just be a CV engineer, more understanding of the bottom things, improve their core competitiveness.

The project address

Making: www.github.com/shaoxiongdu…

Online site: _jvmstudy.top _

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