Now no matter what framework you use the front end of the interview, always ask you the framework of two-way binding mechanism, some even require you to the scene to realize a two-way binding, that did not study the knowledge of students, of course, it is difficult, then this article with 160 lines of code you achieve a minimalist two-way binding mechanism. If you like, you can click Bozam/follow, support, hope you can have a harvest after reading this article.
This is an interview question: Can you write a two-way data binding for Vue? Based on careful study + changes, and added detailed notes while made.
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Results: GIF
The demo address:
Codepen: Mimicking Vue minimalist bidirectional binding
Github: Mimicking Vue minimalist bidirectional binding
Understanding Object. DefineProperty () :
This API is the core of bidirectional binding. Its main function is to rewrite the get and set methods of data.
Let obj = {singer: "singer"}; Let value = "blue and white porcelain "; DefineProperty (obj, "music", {// value: 'qilixiang ', // Sets the property of the Object. DefineProperty (obj, "music", {// value:' qilixiang ', // Sets the property of the Object. // Writable: true, // Writable: true, // Can't change an object like this: If true, / / music can be enumerated The default cannot be enumerated (traverse) / / get, cannot be set when the set set writable and value, to pairs Settings, Get () {// let value = "set the return value of get "; // Open comments to read property is always' forcibly set get return value 'return value; }, set(val) {// assign song value = val; }}); console.log(; // obj. Music; // Signals are configured without any additional information, and work freely without additional information is different. // obj. Music = "listen to your mother "; console.log(; For (let key in obj) {// By default, attributes defined by defineProperty cannot be enumerable // You must set Enumerable to true otherwise you can only get singer attributes console.log(key); // singer, music }Copy the code
The sample demo:
Yeah, there’s a demo.
Draw the key points:
- Get,set cannot set writable and value, they are a couple of existences, cross or exist at the same time, error
- through
Set property,Cannot be deleted or traversed by defaultOf course you can change them by setting them. - Get and set are functions that can do a lot of things.
Compatibility: Internet Explorer 9,Firefox 4, Chorme 5,Opera 11.6,Safari 5.1
See MDN for more details
Implementation idea:
MVVM series bidirectional binding, key steps:
- Implement data listener Observer, with
Overrides get and set of data, in which value updates notify subscribers to update data. - Compile template implementation, depth traversal dom tree, the instruction template of each element node replacement data and subscription data.
- The Watch implementation connects the Observer to Compile, subscribing to and receiving notification of each property change, and executing the corresponding callback function bound by the directive to update the view.
- The MVVM entry function integrates all three.
Flow chart:
This part is very clear, now a little meng force also doesn’t matter, after looking at the code, their copy down to play, look back to realize the idea, I believe there will be harvest.
Specific code implementation:
HTML structure:
<div id="app"> <input type="text" v-model="name"> <h3 v-bind="name"></h3> <input type="text" v-model="testData1"> <h3>{{ testData1 }}</h3> <input type="text" v-model="testData2"> <h3>{{ testData2 }}</h3> </div>Copy the code
See this template, I believe that the students who have used Vue will not be unfamiliar.
Call method:
Using two-way binding in a VUe-like manner:
Onload = function () {var app = new myVue({el: '#app', // dom data: {// data1: '#app', // dom data: {// data1: '#app', testData2: 'Minimalist bidirectional binding ', name: 'OBKoro1'}})}Copy the code
Create myVue function:
This is actually the fourth step in our implementation thinking to integrate the data listener this._observer(), the instruction parser this._compile(), and the watch pool of the _watcherTpl that connects the Observer to Compile.
Function myVue(options = {}) {this.$options = options; $el = document.querySelector(options.el); // Get dom this._data =; _watcherTpl = {}; / / this watcher pool. _observer (enclosing _data while forming); Get set this._compile(this.$el); // Pass in dom, execute function, compile template publish subscribe};Copy the code
Watcher function:
This is the third step in the implementation idea, because the data listener _observer() below needs to use the Watcher function, so it is covered here first.
As stated in the implementation, this serves as a link between the Observer and Compile:
Publish subscriptions at the _compile() stage of the template
Update the view during the assignment operation
// new Watcher() publishes subscribe for this._compile() + update view when set(assignment) in this._observer() function Watcher(el, vm, val, attr) { this.el = el; // The DOM element corresponding to the directive this.vm = vm; // myVue instance this.val = val; This.attr = attr; // dom retrieves the value, such as value, of the input. // innerHTML Retrieves the dom value this.update(); Function () {this.el[this.attr] = this.vm._data[this.val]; // Get the latest value of data and assign it to dom update view}Copy the code
Yes, there is only so much code. You may need to connect the whole code and read it several times to understand it.
Implement data listener _observer() :
To implement the first step in the idea, iterate over data to rewrite all attribute get sets with Object.defineProperty().
It then fires when assigning a value to one of the object’s properties.
In the set we can listen for changes in the data and then trigger watch to update the view.
myVue.prototype._observer = function (obj) { var _this = this; Array.keys (obj).foreach (key => {// walk the data _this._watchertpl [key] = {// forEach data () _cache: []}; var value = obj[key]; Var watcherTpl = _this._watcherTpl[key]; DefineProperty (_this._data, key, {// The 64x / 64X is different, and no different information can be added to enumerable. True, / / can traverse the get () {the console. The log (` ${key} for value: ${value} `); return value; // Set (newVal) {// Set console.log(' ${key} update: ${newVal} '); if (value ! == newVal) { value = newVal; Watchertpl._directives. ForEach ((item) => {// Traverse the subscription pool item.update(); // Where to iterate over all subscriptions (v-model+v-bind+{{}}) triggers the subscription Watcher update view published in this._compile()}); }}})}); }Copy the code
Implement Compile template compilation
Here’s the third step in the implementation thinking, so let’s summarize what we did here:
The first step is to deeply traverse the DOM tree, walking through each node and its children.
Initialize the render page view by replacing variables in the template with data.
Adds the properties bound by the directive to the corresponding subscription pool
When data changes, you are notified and update the view.
myVue.prototype._compile = function (el) { var _this = this, nodes = el.children; Var I = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; I ++) {var node = nodes[I]; if (node.children.length) { _this._compile(node); // If there is a V-model attribute and the element is INPUT or TEXTAREA, If we listen to its input events (node hasAttribute (' v - model) && (node. TagName = 'input' | | node. The tagName = = 'TEXTAREA')) { node.addEventListener('input', (function (key) { var attVal = node.getAttribute('v-model'); _this._watchertpl [attVal]._directives. Push (new Watcher(// Replace DOM with property data and issue subscription to update data node, _this, attVal, 'value' )); return function () { _this._data[attVal] = nodes[key].value; Set =>set triggers watch update view}})(I)); } if (node.hasattribute ('v-bind')) {var attrVal = node.getAttribute('v-bind'); // Bind data _this._watchertpl [attrVal]._directives. Push (new Watcher(// Replace DOM with attribute data and issue subscription to update data node, _this, attrVal, 'innerHTML' )) } var reg = /\{\{\s*([^}]+\S)\s*\}\}/g, txt = node.textContent; // Rematch {{}} if (reg.test(TXT)) {node.textContent = txt.replace(reg, (matched,) Placeholder) => {// matched matched text nodes include {{}}, placeholder is {{}} {getName = _this._watchertpl; GetName = getName[placeholder]; // Get the value of watch data if (! Getname._cache) {// No event pool is created. Getname._cache = []; } getName._directives. Push (new Watcher(// replace DOM with property data and publish subscription to update data node, _this, placeholder, 'innerHTML'); return placeholder.split('.').reduce((val, key) => { return _this._data[key]; }, _this.$el); }); }}}Copy the code
Complete code &demo address
GitHub complete code
Codepen: Mimicking Vue minimalist bidirectional binding
Github: Mimicking Vue minimalist bidirectional binding
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This paper is just a simple method to achieve bidirectional binding, the main purpose is to help students understand the bidirectional binding mechanism of MVVM framework, but it is not very perfect, there are still many defects, such as: the depth of data is not realized to get, set and so on data. I hope that after reading this article, you can have a harvest.
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The above 2018.6.24
Analysis of Vue principle & implementation of bidirectional binding MVVM
Interview question: Can you write a two-way data binding for Vue?
Excuse me! Take ten minutes of your time and let MVVM principles return to you