Readers who want to learn C take a look!

I sorted out a weekly learning route according to the C language learning video catalog, hoping to learn it according to this schedule after the semester begins. Readers who want to learn C can also refer to it. Some knowledge may be difficult to learn, such as binary, which involves low-level aspects of the content, recommended multiple consumption.

The article is from the wechat official account silent King ii

Programming languages are interlinked, C language as the mother of most programming languages, or is very worth learning to lay a foundation. Okay, so let’s take a look at the learning path that I’ve compiled, mostly from the video catalog, and I’ve trimmed it a little bit.

The first week

1. Computers and programming languages

2. The way computers think

3. Why C language

4. A brief history of C

5. C programming software

6, the first C language small program

7, explain the first C language small program

8. Simple calculation

9. How to edit code and compile source code on command line in macOS

In the second week of

1. How to define variables

2. Variable assignment and initialization

3, C language program input

4. Constants and variables

5. Floating point

6. Expressions

7. The precedence of the operator

Swap the values of the two variables

Compound assignment and increment and decrement

The third week

1, 0 and O display difference

2. If statement

3. Relational operators


Else statement

Nested if-else statements

Cascading if-else-if statements

8. Switch statement

The fourth week

1. While loop

2. Do while loop

3. For loop

4, break keyword

5, the continue keyword

6. Nested loops

7. Goto statement

Week 5 (Exercises)

1. Sum of the first N terms

2. Reverse the numbers

3. Finding the greatest common Divisor (Toss and turn division)

4. Find the set of integers that meet the given conditions

5, the number of daffodils

The multiplication table

Summation of prime numbers

8. Guess games

6 weeks

1. Data types

2. The number of digits of an integer

3. Integers and binary

4. Integer range

5. Integer formatting

Octal and hexadecimal

7. How to select an integer type

Float numbers: double and float

9, floating point range and precision

10. Character types

11. Escape characters

12. Type conversion

13. Bool type

14. Logical operators

Seven weeks

1. Function definition and call

2. The return value of the function

3. The order and prototype of functions

4. Function parameters and transfer

5. Local variables

8 weeks

1. Array definition

2, array index

3. Two-dimensional arrays

The & operator

5, pointer

6. Pointers and arrays

7. Pointers and const

8. Pointer operation

9. Dynamic memory allocation

Mutable arrays

The ninth week

1. String variables

2. String input and output

3. String arrays

4. Single character INPUT and output

5. String function strlen

String function STRCMP

String function strcat

String search function

The first ten weeks

1, the enumeration

2. Structure type

3. Structure and Function

4. Structure within structure

5. Type definition

Global variables

Static local variables

The tenth week

1. Macro definitions

2. Macros with parameters

3. Header files

4. Format input and output

5. File input and output

6. Binary files

7. Bitwise operation

8. Shift operation

12 weeks

1, the linked list

2. Functions of linked lists

3, linked list search

4. Delete linked lists

Week 13

By this week, basically the theoretical knowledge of C language is finished, and then it is the stage of real knowledge from practice. Whether you can learn it or not depends on whether you can write code that meets the requirements by yourself. Many beginners suffer in this respect, typing too little code, resulting in the code when they feel like a programmer, to actively write code to feel that they have not yet started. The reason is very simple, is because the code is too little, even can say, some small routines of the code is to memorize.

So where do we find problem sets? Are there some classic examples? What about finding the greatest common divisor, daffodils, multiplication tables?

Of course, has a hundred classic questions with reference answers. I took a look at them and they are really good.

If you can do all of these exercises, you can basically pat your chest with confidence and swear that you are a qualified C language programmer.

In addition to the above, I will list some classic topics (from CSDN) for your reference. You can say that no matter what programming language you learn, these examples are unavoidable.

1. Fibonacci numbers

2, Determine how many primes there are between 101 and 200, and print all primes and the number of primes.

3. Find all the completions up to 1000.

4. Yang Hui Triangle.

5. String inversion.

6. Output struct array elements with pointer variables.

Create a simple linked list with three nodes.

There are more classic examples in the comments section.

Around ten

Some readers like to watch videos, while others prefer online learning sites. Can you recommend some? All right, hold on. I’m on my way. I’ve got everybody ready.

Although it is an English language learning site, it is not a problem to read as long as you keep your high school vocabulary. Even if there is a problem, with the help of translation tools will be no problem at all. The latest Safari browser also offers instant translation, which can be translated into Chinese by clicking a small translation icon in the address bar.

The following is the translation of the content, feel very comfortable translation.

The bottom of the site also provides an online exercise function, after changing the sample code, click the “Run” button to directly Run, and see the output results in time.

15 weeks

What is the purpose of studying so hard in freshman year?

We may want to successfully enter the factory after graduation from university (don’t want to take life for money can choose the bank science and technology post), then want to enter the factory, you need to brush the algorithm as early as possible, algorithm strong people into the factory or relatively easy.

The article comes from wechat public number: Silent King ii, original link:…

As a programming learner, if you want to improve your programming ability, learn C/C++ programming knowledge, and strive to become a high-paying software development engineer in the future!

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