Many people who appear to be honest are actually better, conceited, vain, and even sinister inside. You see it at work, you get used to it.

There are some people who write everything on their faces, which often offend people or even make people hate. But what they show is not necessarily what they are.

I’m sure most of you have seen the Old Hong Kong movie The Big Bash. Jacky Cheung and Tony Leung played the sycophant scene is so interesting, including such a paragraph: when two sycophants help the boss give an idea, the boss immediately stop, and then pat his forehead: “Oh… I’ve got an idea…” Say other people’s ideas as if they were your own.

I really more than once encountered this kind of thing in the work, I put forward the idea is often taken by others as their own original, of course, individual thieves complacently describe their ‘original’ will also secretly aim at me, see I have no unhappy… I wasn’t upset, probably because I was amused by the thought of the movie joke.

The academic world is a copy, let alone what ideas, what innovation, all are floating clouds! Don’t you see a lot of innovative projects, have been copied to ashes! However, innovation cannot be abandoned because of this, the earth can not be because there are animals eating grass and vitality, mountain springs will not be because there are assholes stealing water without running water.

Number one: Keep your heart alive because you can’t steal it, and it’s your greatest asset. If you don’t have it, cultivate it with a good heart. Everyone is a dazzling pearl, but is blinded by dust.

I remember when I first joined the company, I worked hard and was full of passion. However, I offended my immediate boss in the first week. I didn’t do anything wrong. I still remember that some colleagues defended me at that time. But then again, there are a few tech guys who don’t have ego when it comes to technology. I haven’t learned my lesson since this. I will point out the unreasonable design of others and suggest how to do it. For those who are weak in language and design patterns, I would kindly recommend some books…… This is good to help others, but did not receive gratitude. Instead, most people will feel that you look down on them, and some will retaliate against those who look down on them instead of reflecting on their own weaknesses.

So remember number two: Don’t give advice. Especially for newcomers, keep a low profile.

3. Constantly acknowledge and compliment your colleagues on their achievements and progress. Note that this is not to curry favor. It is also more positive and necessary to see and affirm the good qualities of others. This will not only strengthen the relationship, but more importantly, encourage the other person.

I’ve always thought that a person without self-knowledge equals garbage. Know your pet name at all times. Words I have a colleague, the foundation is quite weak, but too much love to show themselves, often pointing everywhere, for fear that others do not know that he is a “master”. As a result of the old open “yellow voice” often behind people laugh and do not know it.

Fourth: low-key, modest, and continuously enhance their own strength Into the company and department is a start-up, work after a period of time, I found that because of the particularity of team development is necessary on the basis of company general coding standards to make internal coding and design specification, so ask your boss for my idea, he agreed. So I drew up a manual of internal specifications. But in the process of implementation, some people follow the manual, some people do not follow the manual. The root cause of this situation is that there is no support from the boss. There is no need to analyze the reasons for this, just the fifth point to keep in mind.

The fifth point: not in its position, do not say its things to do their own work. There aren’t many good bosses anywhere who are open-minded and generous, so this is important.

I often find a very interesting thing in meetings when discussing design schemes. The meeting went on normally and harmoniously until it was the turn of some good person to speak. People can’t wait to find fault with him, even if they don’t understand. Xiucai encountered soldiers…… I’ve seen this happen all the time in my previous internships. Whenever at this time I will be in the following exclamation: a good picture of a hundred birds “mock” phoenix picture.

The sixth point: to know how to hide their capabilities, do not always show their edge there is an old employee in the company, the strength is relatively strong, it is a man of one side. However, instead of being promoted in a department reorganization, he was promoted to a manager who was less competent and came later than him. Before that, I had heard the rumor that the old employee was in contact with other companies and was ready to change his job.

No. 7: At the last minute, you should never share the idea of leaving with anyone inside the company because you have been disloyal and unwilling to reuse you from the company’s point of view. However, from the standpoint of employees themselves, it is reasonable that the treatment given by the company is not proportional to their ability, that they do not agree with the company’s culture, that they want to change the environment, and that they want a better opportunity for development. I personally found a rule: in the average company, those who stick to the end of the “test” of the “loyal”, often are not capable of mediocrity. If you were a senior executive, how would you deal with such a “traitor”?

The definition of a woman here is as follows: (1) a national treasure female programmer; (2) Female test, this is not rare; (3) Female assistants, everywhere; (4) Female boss, this is the most deadly! When men are together, there are conflicts and quarrels and they forget. But the female is not the same, accidentally offended, behind a catch the opportunity will put you together, also endless! The most deadly is: secretly ruthlessly Yin you, but in front of the performance like your warm relatives.

One of the leaders of our R&D center is very cute. I don’t know what kind of magic they got into him so that he was demoted, a lot of his authority was taken away, and he was dancing around all day happy. After the event one or two months just reaction is wrong, and then all day long scowl…… At this speed of communicative response, withdrawal is inevitable, which is not really suitable for management. Tech guys tend to be square-headed and not good at dealing with people.

Most programmers are smart, and a little attention can go a long way. But don’t feel so good about yourself. One of our COMPANY’s IT guys, who has been working for more than a decade, was sent out to communicate with clients a few years ago, and his halting mandarin is still heartbreaking.

No. 10: It is important not to report across levels unless there are special circumstances. In a sense your immediate boss is your boss, directly decided your development, you are his soldiers. It is not who is the official to listen to who, otherwise the history of so many mutiny could not be successful, because everyone only listen to the emperor, ha ha. On the other hand, you are loyal to your boss’s boss, who is afraid to hire you because who knows if you will be promoted to a lower rank? !!!!!

Eleven: Be good at reporting to the Boss It is not quite clear that state cadres are servants of the people. But managers of all sizes must be (if they’re not, they’re not a good boss)! That group of splint men, looks like an official, in fact, very hard. Both to deal with the leadership above, and fully mobilize the masses below to make achievements, all day long in a blaze of fire. Bad cop on top, bad cop on plywood. It wasn’t easy anyway. They are very suspicious! I often suspect that the people below are not pulling their weight. Most companies have some sort of task management system, but it’s not enough. You need to find the right time to let him know your progress and your efforts.

Twelve: do not easily cause emotional pollution do not because you a person unhappy, and let others see your face. Learn to hide your emotions. If you are a leader, this is very important.

Find your own position and the position of others, such as the seating order at dinner, the seating order when taking photos, the rank order of the recipients of mass emails, the position order of the authors of documents…… These are all important. “The Book of Changes” has said: Ming phase, lide industry. If you don’t know where you are, you’re not going to get there.

There is no need to be a cynic when I graduated from college, I was very cynic and could not get used to this or that. But what can it do? The nature of the law of the jungle has never changed, you have to learn to try to understand the society, understand the relationships. At some point you’ll realize that it’s all for granted. If you really don’t like a situation, do what you can to change it. Potential, uneven also! All have no potential.

The fifteenth point: remember the good of others, forget the evil of others a person’s heart should not have too much hatred, hatred is the garbage thrown to you by others, you are not a garbage can, always loaded with it to do what? I have been working as an algorithm engineer in the company for nearly three years, and MY mind is as clear as a mirror about how others treat me. I don’t care too much about people who treat me badly, let alone retaliate. On the contrary, when they need my help, I can always help them sincerely and even offer to solve the problem. It’s the only thing I’ve been happy with about myself for years. I believe a word: to live is to practice. But you have to know whether you practice good or evil.

Graduation so many years, look through the road, always feel a little desolate. I really understand a lot of things. Thanks to the people who helped me, also thanks to the people who hit me. Perhaps a person only experienced difficulties can really grow up, so I have to sigh the cruelty of nature.

This article is from the cloud community partner “Programmer Training Camp”. For relevant information, you can pay attention to “Programmer Training Camp”.