The author | Daniel Anderson

This article originally appeared on Medium. It has been translated and shared with permission from the author.

Coding standards can help with:

  • Keep code consistent
  • Easy to read and understand
  • Easy to maintain

The following coding standards are my helpful thoughts on the above points.

1. Use === instead of == for comparison

This is important because JavaScript is a dynamic language, so using == can give you unexpected results because it allows for different types.


if (val == 2)

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if (val === 2)

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2. Never use var, use let instead

Using lets will help avoid the scoping problems caused by the various var’s in JavaScript.


var myVar = 10;

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let myVar = 10;

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3. Use const instead of let

This prevents developers from trying to change things they shouldn’t do, and really helps with readability.


let VAT_PERCENT = 20;

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const VAT_PERCENT = 20;

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4. Always use semicolons (;)

Although this is optional in JavaScript, semicolons are not required as statement terminators in other languages. But use; Helps keep the code consistent.


const VAT_PERCENT = 20;

let amount = 10

return addVat(amount, vatPercent)

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const vatPercent = 20;

let amount = 10;

return addVat(amount, vatPercent);

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5. Naming conventions in JavaScript

  • Lets should be named hump.

  • Const if uppercase snake nomenclature is used at the top of the file. If not at the top of the file, use the camel name.

  • Class should be the PASCAL nomenclature :MyClass

  • Functions should be hump nomenclature :myFunction

6. Use template strings when concatenating strings

Embedding expressions is allowed in template strings.


let fullName = firstName + "" + lastName;

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let fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;

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7. Use ES6 arrow functions whenever possible

The arrow function is a more concise syntax for writing function expressions.


var multiply = function(a, b{

  return a* b;


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const multiply = (a, b) = > { return a * b};

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8. Always use curly braces around control structures

All control structures must use curly braces (for example, if, else, for, do, while, etc.) so that later maintenance is less prone to errors.


if (valid)


if (amount > 100


else if(amount > 200)


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if (valid) {



if (amount > 100) {


else if(amount > 200) {



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9. Make sure the braces start on the same line with Spaces between them


if (myNumber === 0)




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if (myNumber === 0) {



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10. Try to reduce nesting

The if inside the if becomes confusing and difficult to read. Sometimes you won’t be able to solve the problem, but take a good look at the structure of the code and see if you can improve it.


if (myNumber > 0) {

  if (myNumber > 100) {

       if(! hasDiscountAlready) {

           return addDiscountPercent(0);

       } else {

           return addDiscountPercent(10);


  } else if (myNumber > 50) {

    if (hasDiscountAlready) {

       return addDiscountPercent(5);


  } else {

    if(! hasDiscountAlready) {

      return addDiscountPercent(0);

    } else {

      return addDiscountPercent(1);



else {



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if (myNumber <= 0) {

   return error;


if(! hasDiscountAlready) {

    return addDiscountPercent(0);


if (myNumber > 100) { 

    return addDiscountPercent(10);


if (myNumber > 50) { 

    return addDiscountPercent(5);


return addDiscountPercent(1);

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As you can see from the above example, when you reduce nesting, it becomes easier to read.

11. Use default parameters whenever possible

In JavaScript, if you call a function without passing an argument, its value is undefined


myFunction(a, b) {

  return a + b;


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myFunction(a = 0, b = 0) { 

   return a + b;


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12. The ‘Switch’ statement should use ‘break’ and have ‘default’

I usually try not to use the switch statement, but if you really want to use it, make sure every condition breaks and write defalut.


switch (myNumber)


  case 10


  case 20


  case 30:



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switch (myNumber)


  case 10



  case 20



  case 30:







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13. Do not use wildcard imports


import * as Foo from './Foo';

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import Foo from './Foo';

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14. Use Boolean shortcuts


if (isValid === true)

if (isValid === false)

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if (isValid)

if(! isValid)

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15. Try to avoid unnecessary ternary statements


const boo = a ? a : b;

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const boo = a || b;

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Coding standards in any language can really help improve the readability and maintainability of your application. If you work in a team, one of the hardest things to do is enforce coding standards. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Code review, line by line Pass code.
  • Tidy up or use some kind of code analyzer
  • When creating new content, have one of your senior developers initialize it, and other developers can use the code as a guide.

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