“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Hello everyone, I’m Zhang Jintao.

In the blink of an eye, 2021 is coming to an end, and I do my annual ritual of doing a little review. A lot happened in 2021 that’s worth noting, too.

Living and changing jobs

The epidemic in the past two years has more or less had an impact on everyone’s life, and it is the same for me. It may be more of a change of heart and mindset.

As I mentioned in my 2020 retrospective, “The Cloud Native Path for a New Programmer dad,” my adorable baby and I were born in 2020.

Compared to last year’s hectic, learning and exploring, this year has been a lot easier. In the middle of the night, there was no need to get up to coax him or milk him, but there was also a lot of interaction and it became more fun.

I also became more aware of the importance of being with my family. I was always busy before, so I spent less time with my family.

Thanks to my job change this year, I now work remotely in API7.ai and do open source full-time. Besides, I can spend more time with my family.

Here are two interesting things I would like to share with you:

The news of his resignation exploded

Those of you who add me to wechat or follow my other social media accounts may notice that I update frequently.

On the day I left my old company, I sent the customary “See you later” message, and I went on a date with cutie.

Surprisingly, the news got a lot of attention.

Circle of friends needless to say, there are many small partners to send me messages to inquire about the situation.

There were 3 million displays and more than 1 million interactions on the screen. On Maimai, it even gave me the top 100 maimai weekly list. Thank you for your attention.


In fact, I had planned to finish the handover earlier and take some time off after leaving, but my boss asked me to stay longer, so Friday is the last day.

After two days of the weekend, which was almost the same as usual, I went directly to work at api7.AI and flew to Zhuhai to build a small group with the team.

It was almost seamless, just a normal weekend. That’s not too much for a model worker, is it? (ha, ha, ha

All that remote work stuff

Now let’s talk about my current job. As mentioned earlier, I am working on open source remotely and full-time.

Those of you who are familiar with me may know that I have been involved in open source projects and open source communities for a long time. However, I used to generate electricity through love, and now I work full time in open source and have a company to pay my salary, which is quite nice.

About open source and career planning, I have done an offline sharing before. If you are interested, you can check the summary of the sharing content: Career planning and growth of programmers under the wave of open source

As a Global open source commercialization company, API7.ai provides me with a remote job without limiting my work site, so I chose to work at home after I just joined the company.

But that week I discovered a serious problem. I couldn’t get off work.

Because I do open source at work, but I do open source after work (it’s a hobby and a habit), and because I work from home, there are fewer boundaries and it feels more like I’m working all the time.

But the second week I adjusted, I rented an office outside, and I started to have some boundaries, or rituals, and it felt like I was off work. (Although the results are still the same, still open source during work time and open source during break time)

Then the rhythm is adjusted, the feeling is no longer the same, the so-called “ritual” is no longer concerned, and you know when to take a break.

Some people say that working remotely can be lonely, but I don’t feel lonely at all. On the contrary, I think the current situation is particularly good.

When I participated in the open source community and events, we mostly communicated with each other in words, and we didn’t actually see each other for years. Writing here, I suddenly think of Ben Darnell, the author of Python Tornado framework. I invited him to Hangzhou to share with PyCon China 2016, but I was still working in Beijing at that time. To be honest, we haven’t seen each other offline in all the years we’ve been talking, but it doesn’t feel like anything. (Digress)

As for the work content, I am mainly working on Kubernetes Ingress Controller and Service Mesh based on Apache APISIX, which is consistent with my personal interest, so I am quite happy. Some friends say that I turned my interest into a job, but I think it is basically true. After all, EVEN without this job, I will continue to do open source.

Personal learning and growth

My research direction this year is mainly on cloud native technologies and solutions such as Kubernetes and Service Mesh, in addition, I am more familiar with Apache APISIX.

As last year, most of the time spent on Kubernetes was spent sorting out the design and evolution of certain features, and the knowledge of the oddities increased even more. As a Reviewer on the Kubernetes Ingress-Nginx project, maintaining such an active open source project is hard work.

Ranked 66th on the contributor list of the Docker project’s main repository, with no significant improvement.

Otherwise, I spent some time on Cilium and eBPF, and may share some of that later.

Contribution to the community

I remember that I won a Versailles prize in last year’s year-end summary in Sifu community (remember to settle the advertising fee), and this time I also do a routine summary and review.


I did a total of 19 public tech shares in 2021.

In the second half of the year, I did 15 technical presentations in 6 months.

The busiest season is in July and November, with four shows a month. The most relaxing month is August, with no activities scheduled. (In fact, August was also scheduled, but postponed/cancelled due to the epidemic).

One of the special ones was the sharing in The overseas DoK community in English in July. Due to the time difference, the sharing was done at 0 o ‘clock that day, and it was already 1 o ‘clock in the morning. Taxi on the way home the driver asked me what I was doing, and then said you do programmers is too serious overtime, ha ha ha.

Another time, in July, AT the GOTC conference in Shanghai, I talked about supply chain attacks and SBOM. To be honest, I didn’t see the concept of SBOM mentioned at any of the national conferences until then. But since August, the concept seems to have become more common. In addition is in this also face a lot of small partners, especially happy.

I have uploaded all the publicly available PPT in these technical sharing to github.com/tao12345666… You can help yourself if you’re interested.

An interview with

There were two interviews this year, if I remember correctly.

  • Open Source China interview with Zhang Jintao: From Web Developer to The first K8s Ingress – Nginx Reviewer in China

  • Zhang Jintao, dialogue GitOps Star: “Liver Emperor” will also delay from time to time

The article

I wrote 40 articles this year, significantly less than the 57 I wrote last year. Among them, “K8s Ecology Weekly” has also broken off several articles, and we will strive to keep updating and updating next year.

Here are some articles with good feedback:

“Get It Right” series:

  • Thoroughly understand the cornerstone of container technology: Cgroup

  • The cornerstone of thoroughly Understanding container technology: Namespace (Part 1)

  • The cornerstone of thoroughly Understanding container technology: Namespace (Part 2)

  • Thoroughly understand Events in Kubernetes

Some of the most interesting features in the K8s Ecology Weekly series are:

  • K8S ecological weekly | Kubernetes v1.23.0 release, new features in

  • K8S ecological weekly | Kubernetes v1.22.0 release, new features to see!


  • Five years into the open source project, Runc V1.0 has finally been released!

  • Lima: Docker Desktop for Mac is a free, open source and free alternative

  • Career Planning and Growth of open source programmers – Share summary

The final convention is to post a picture:

The small target for 2022 is still not written. May: Peace and joy!

And you before this article, thank you for your attention and support, I hope we can harvest!

Please feel free to subscribe to my official account [MoeLove]