TNTWeb – The full name of Tencent News Zhongtai front-end team, partners in the group have practiced and accumulated experience in Web front-end, NodeJS development, UI design, mobile APP and other large front-end fields.

At present, the team mainly supports the front-end development of Tencent news business. Besides business development, some front-end infrastructure has been accumulated to enable business efficiency improvement and product innovation.

The team advocates open source construction, has a variety of technical masters, the team GitHub address:

The author of this article is CZ GitHub:

When developing a JavaScript project, it’s common to use previously developed utility functions. Collecting these functions will save you a lot of development time when you need them. This article brings you 15 common utility functions that you can use to solve problems in an elegant way.

  1. Reverse digital
const reverseNumber = n= >
  parseFloat(`${n}`.split(' ').reverse().join(' ')) * Math.sign(n);

reverseNumber(123); / / 321
reverseNumber(-200); / / - 2
reverseNumber(32.4); / / 4.23
reverseNumber(-32.4); // -4.23
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  1. Gets the largest n number in the array
const maxFromArray = (array, number = 1) = > [...array]
  .sort((x, y) = > y -x).slice(0, number);

maxFromArray([]); / / [6]
maxFromArray([].2); / / [6, 6]
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  1. Calculating factorial
const factorial = (number) = >
  number < 0
    ? (() = > {
      throw new TypeError('Type error');
    : number <= 1
    ? 1
    : number * factorial(number - 1);

factorial(4); / / 24
factorial(10); / / 3628800
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  1. Check whether the current operating environment is a browser
const isBrowser = () = >! [typeof window.typeof document].includes('undefined');

isBrowser(); // false (Node)
isBrowser(); // true (browser)
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  1. Check whether the current running environment is Node.js
const isNode = () = >
  typeofprocess ! = ='undefined'&&!!!!! process.versions && !! process.versions.node; isNode();// true (Node)
isNode(); // false (browser)
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  1. Gets the parameters on the URL
const getURLParams = url= >
  (url.match(/([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))/g) || []).reduce(
    (a, v) = > (
      (a[v.slice(0, v.indexOf('='))] = v.slice(v.indexOf('=') + 1)), a

getURLParams(''); / / {}
// {name: 'tntweb', age: '20'}
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  1. rgb(x,x,x)Color representation format is converted to object format
const toRGBObject = rgbStr= > {
  const [red, green, blue] = rgbStr.match(/\d+/g).map(Number);
  return { red, green, blue };

toRGBObject('rgb(100, 150, 200)'); // {red: 100, green: 150, blue: 200}
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  1. Escape strings for use in HTML
const escapeHTML = str= >
    /[&<>'"]/g.tag= >
        '&': '& '.'<': '< '.'>': '> '."'": '& # 39; '.'"': '" '
      }[tag] || tag)

escapeHTML('<a href="#">tntweb</a>'); 
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  1. Unescapes HTML characters
const unescapeHTML = str= >
    /& |< |> | & # 39; |" /g.tag= >
        '& ': '&'.'< ': '<'.'> ': '>'.'& # 39; ': "'".'" ': '"'
      }[tag] || tag)

unescapeHTML('< a href=" #" > tntweb< /a> ');
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  1. Generates a random integer in the specified range
const randomIntegerInRange = (min, max) = >
  Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

randomIntegerInRange(1.7); / / 1-7
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  1. Convert the tilde path to an absolute path
const reversePath = str= >
  str.replace(($| / / ^ ~| \) /,`The ${require('os').homedir()}$1 `);

reversePath('~/web'); // '/Users/[userName]/web'
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  1. Gets the current URL without any parameters or fragment identifiers
const getBaseURL = url= > url.replace(/ [? #]. * $/.' ');

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  1. Returns the length of the string in bytes
const byteSize = str= > new Blob([str]).size;

byteSize('🚗'); / / 4
byteSize('Hello World'); / / 11
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  1. Gets the elements of the array randomly
const randomly = arr= > arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];

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  1. Check that the string is valid JSON
const isValidJSON = str= > {
  try {
    return true;
  } catch (e) {
    return false; }}; isValidJSON('{"name":"tntweb","age":20}'); // true
isValidJSON('{"name":"tntweb",age:"20"}'); // false
isValidJSON(null); // true
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