Happy New Year, happy holidays always unconsciously open the computer ๐Ÿ˜„. The open source world is full of surprises every day. Here are 15 interesting open source projects we’ve compiled, hoping you’ll enjoy some of them.

1. Depending on the take

Site: github.com/tnfe/shida

Vision Building is a video visual construction project. You can quickly produce a short video with a simple drag-and-drop approach that is as easy to use as an H5 builder like Yiqixiu or MAKA. At present, there are few open source projects about video visualization construction in the industry. “Vision Building” is a relatively complete open source project, and I only hope you like it.

2. C2F

Site: Github.com/drawcall/c2…

For starters, the complex style code of the Flutter widget is really hard to remember. We want to build a website that converts CSS style code to FLUTTER style code online. It can help Web developers quickly get started with Flutter.

3. TransX

Site: github.com/tnfe/transx

A small and exquisite VUE component switch animation library, support 10 kinds of animation switch, the effect is very cool and very lightweight oh ~


Site: Github.com/slipHQ/run-…

Run-wasm is an easy-to-use tool for running WASM-based code execution in a browser. The goal of the project was to build a simple way to execute various programming languages in a browser through WebAssembly. People should be able to easily embed executable code snippets on their websites using this project!

5. InkPaint

Site: Github.com/drawcall/in…

InkPaint is a lightweight Canvas graphics rendering library that runs on Node. js. InkPaint allows you to dynamically compose images, PDFS, and more on the server. InkPaint is also a common library between Node.js and the browser, and still works on the browser side.

6. Awesome-1kb

Site: Github.com/xucz/awesom…

Collect ๐Ÿ a variety of small and exquisite 1KB javascript small library, sparrow is small five viscera.

7. concent

Site: Github.com/concentjs/c…

Built-in dependency collection, predictable, zero intrusion, progressive, high-performance React development framework. Concent is a framework designed to provide state management services for React. It extracts the essence of existing frameworks and best practices recognized by the community. With good module design, It not only ensures the best performance of React but also allows users to decouple the relationship between UI logic and business logic very flexibly. Improve code readability, maintainability, and extensibility as a whole. To learn more, please visit the official document concentjs. Making. IO/concent – doc.


Site: github.com/tnfe/csijs

Csi.js is a front-end logging system that logs error information to the local localStorage. No dependence, no invasion. It’s very simple to use, easy to introduce into your system, and doesn’t cause any impact. It can help you reconstruct a crime scene quickly.


Site: github.com/tnfe/limu

limuย is short ofย love immutable, born for efficient creation and operation of immutable object.

import { produce, createDraft, finishDraft } from 'limu';
Copy the code


const baseState = {
  a: 1,
  b: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
  c: {
    c1: { n: 1 },
    c2: { m: 2 },
const nextState = produce(baseState, (draft)=>{
  draft.a = 2;
  draft.b['2'] = 100;

console.log(nextState === baseState); // false
console.log(nextState.a === baseState.a); // false
console.log(nextState.b === baseState.b); // false
console.log(nextState.c === baseState.c); // true
Copy the code

10. deno-tutorial

Site: Github.com/hylerrix/de…

Long-term update of the art of Deno Research! Learning Deno Step by step & Easy To Fix Node & Future Deno Web Application Development

  • Basic: Step by step learning the basic knowledge of Deno;
  • Library chapter: Into the inner world of the standard library;
  • CLI chapter: Explore the CLI command line knowledge;
  • Web: Building the foundation of Web development;
  • Node chapter: easy first and difficult to complement Node knowledge, explore the differences and similarities with Deno;
  • Rust: Discover more about Rust at the bottom of Deno
  • Front-end: Explore the way of Deno Web front-end application development;
  • Back end: Explore the way of Deno Web back end application development;
  • Architecture: go deep into Deno to read V8, learn architecture;
  • Ecology: Introduce Deno ecology related content;
  • Translation: Translate quality, authorized English first-hand blog posts.
  • And more

11. dooringx lowcode

Site: Github.com/H5-Dooring/…

Dooringx-lib is the base for DooringX, a visual drag-and-drop framework with the DooringX plug-in removed. Dooringx-lib offers its own set of data stream events and pop-up solutions that allow you to quickly customize your own visual drag and drop platform. Dooringx-lib maintains a set of data streams at runtime, including THE JSON data section, the left component section, the right configuration item section, the shortcut key section, the pop-up section, the events and functions section, and the data source section.

In addition to providing basic drag-and-drop, move, zoom, select all, rotate functions, exposed components can be used. If you feel that the component is not customized enough, you can restyle it or rewrite it yourself.

12. opencv-wasm

Site: Github.com/echamudi/op…

Precompile OpenCV to JavaScript + WebAssembly for Node.js and deno environments. In this WASM-compiled OpenCV, there is no need to install OpenCV on the machine. The entire OpenCV library is already in this package (Opencv.js and Opencv.wasm). This module has zero dependencies.

13. threejs-mesh-modifiers

Site: Github.com/drawcall/th…

A Three. Js mesh deformation modifier, including nearly ten modifiers, such as Bend, Bloat, Noise, Skew and Taper, etc. It is very lightweight and easy to use, and it can give you unexpected results.

14. flutter_tiktok

Site: Github.com/DingMouRen/…

Flutter Tiktok combat, Flutter to achieve Tiktok UI effect.

15. fair ui

Site: github.com/wuba/fair

Fair is a dynamic framework designed for Flutter, enabling projects to dynamically update widgets through the Fair Compiler tool’s automatic conversion of native Dart source files.

Fair’s UI rendering is non-destructive and can be restored at pixel level. Look at the effect of an escape of the Best Flutter UI Templates section of the page:

Thank you for your patience!