Spring Boot is the most popular technology stack in the Java field at present, songg published at the beginning of the year “Spring Boot + Vue full stack development practice” has been reprinted 8 times so far, Spring Boot’s popularity can be seen. Songge is often asked if there is a recommended Spring Boot learning materials? B: of course! Just buy the song brother book, haha. Besides books? Of course is the open source project, today pine brother collated a few quality Spring Boot open source project for your reference, hope to be able to help to learn Spring Boot partners! Friends do not know what project to write in the resume or the project is not bright, I can only help you to this!

Micro personnel

  • Star is 11.8 k
  • Project address: github.com/lenve/vhr

Micro personnel is a human resource management system separated from the front and back ends. The project is developed by SpringBoot + Vue. The project gets through the front and back ends, and provides very detailed documents, from the Spring Boot interface design to the development ideas of the front-end Vue, the author recorded all in the project wiki, is a rare Java full stack learning materials.

Project renderings:

Screenshot of some documents of the project:


  • Star number 8 k
  • Project address: gitee.com/geek_qi/clo…

Cloud-platform is the first micro-service development Platform based on Spring Cloud in China. It has a unified authorization and authentication background management system, including user management, resource rights management, gateway API management and other modules, and supports the parallel development of multiple business systems. Serves as a development scaffold for back-end services. The code is concise and the architecture is clear, suitable for learning and direct project use. The core technology adopts Spring Boot 2.1.2 and related core components of Spring Cloud (Greenwich.RELEASE), the Nacos registration and configuration center, and the integration of traffic Guard Sentinel. The vue-element-Admin component is used in the front end.

Project demonstration:


  • Star, number 2931
  • Project address: gitee.com/52itstyle/s…

This is a payment case, which provides detailed payment code cases including Alipay, wechat and UnionPay. For those who have payment needs, this project is most suitable.

Project renderings:

V tribe

  • Star is 3.7 k
  • Project address: github.com/lenve/VBlog

V tribe is a multi-user blog management platform, using Vue + SpringBoot + ElementUI development. The biggest advantage of this project is its simplicity, which belongs to the kind of complete function but very simple, very suitable for beginners.

Project renderings:


  • Star, number 2546
  • Project address: gitee.com/xiandafu/sp…

A management background system based on SpringBoot 2, including user management, organization management, role management, function point management, menu management, permission allocation, data permission allocation, code generation and other functions, compared with other open source background systems, SpringBoot-Plus has a certain complexity. The system is based on Spring Boot2.1 technology, and the front-end uses Layui2.4. Database with MySQL/Oracle/Postgres/used as an example, are theoretically cross database platform.

Project renderings:


  • Star is 3.7 k
  • Project address: gitee.com/52itstyle/s…

From 0 to 1 to build distributed seckill system, divorced from the case architecture is playing rogue, SpringBoot development case from 0 to 1 to build distributed seckill system, the project case is basically formed, gradually improve.


  • Star, number 6436
  • Project address: github.com/linlinjava/…

A mall project, including Spring Boot back end + Vue administrator front end + wechat small program user front end + Vue user mobile end, Features include list, classification, sorting, details list, brand, brand details, new start, choice of popular recommendation list, coupons, coupons, coupon (group-buying business remains to be perfect), search, product details, product evaluation, product sharing, shopping cart, order, order list, order details, address, the collection, footprint, feedback, and customer service; Management platform functions include member management, mall management, commodity management, promotion management, system management, configuration management, statistical statements and so on.

Project renderings:


  • Star number: 3.9 k
  • Project address: gitee.com/JeeHuangBin…

The background rights management system based on SpringBoot2.0 has simple and beautiful interface and agile development system architecture. The core technology adopts Spring, MyBatis and Shiro without any other heavy dependency. Internet cloud rapid development framework, microservice distributed code generation agile development system architecture. The project code is concise, annotated, easy to use, but also centralized distributed, micro services, and contains many basic modules and monitoring, service modules. Module includes: timing task scheduling, server monitoring, surveillance platform, platform setting, development platform, single sign-on, Redis distributed cache, member, marketing, online users, the number of log, online, visits, call times, direct cluster, interface documentation, generating module, code examples, video installation, tutorial document Code generation (single table, master Schedule, tree table, list and form, Redis cache docking code, chart statistics, map statistics, Vue.js), Dubbo, springCloud, SpringBoot, Mybatis, Spring, SpringMVC.

The little mermaid

  • Star, number 3499
  • Project address: gitee.com/mumu-osc/Ni…

The name suggests it’s a good project, and it is. NiceFish (Mermaid) is a series of projects that aim to demonstrate front and rear separated development modes: front-end browsers, mobile, various development modes in the Electron environment; There are two versions of the back end: SpringBoot and SpringCloud, and versions of Angular, React, and Electron on the front end.

Project renderings:


  • Star, number 1370
  • Project address: gitee.com/tomsun28/bo…

Bootshiro is a real RESTful URL resource stateless authentication permission management system based on Spring Boot + Shiro + JWT. Different from other projects, this project provides page configurable and dynamic RESTful API security management support, and implements data transmission dynamic secret key encryption, JWT expiration refresh, user operation monitoring, and application security hardening.

Project renderings:


  • Star, number 2643
  • Project address: gitee.com/owenwangwen…

Ocp is an enterprise-level micro-service framework based on Layui + SpringCloud (user rights management, Configuration center management, application management,….) , its core design goal is to separate the front and rear end, rapid development and deployment, simple learning, powerful, providing fast access to the core interface ability, its goal is to help enterprises build a set of framework similar to Baidu capability open platform.

Project renderings:

The wu is empty CRM

  • Star, number 650
  • Project address: gitee.com/wukongcrm/7…

Wukong CRM is a front-end separation CRM system based on JFinal + VUE + ElementUI.

To be honest, jFinal is all you need to know. There is no need to study it. The combination of Vue + ElementUI can be studied carefully, and the way the front and back end interact can be studied carefully.


  • Star, number 5168
  • Project address: github.com/paascloud/p…

The core technology of paascloud-master is implemented in two family buckets of SpringCloud and Vue, which adopts the goal of taking from open source and using it for open source. Therefore, there is no charging framework for using open source. In the whole technology stack, only ali cloud SMS service is charging, which is the forward-looking framework of Java at present. Can solve the problem of micro service architecture for small and medium-sized enterprises, can help enterprises quickly set up a website. Due to the high server cost and the principle of minimizing the development cost, this project consists of 10 back-end projects and 3 front-end projects. It really realizes the solution of stateless unified permission authentication based on RBAC, JWT and OAUTH2, realizes the unified management of exceptions and logs, and realizes the solution of 100% arrival of MQ landing guarantee.

Project renderings:


The stones of other mountains can be used to attack jade. When we learn a lot of knowledge, we need a project to bring it all together, and these open source projects are great for that. Now before and after the end of the separation of development is increasingly hot, songge also strongly suggest that you have time to learn this development. Although we are Java engineers, we can’t stand still and see how front-end single-page applications are built and how front-end engineering works, which can help us develop a more reasonable and user-friendly back-end interface. All right, 15 open source projects to help you take the next step on the full stack road!