In this article, we will introduce 15 simple Python tips to help you keep things simple, efficient, and easy to understand.

1. Sort objects by multiple key values

Suppose you want to sort the following dictionary list:

people = [ 
{ 'name': 'John'."age": 64 }, 
{ 'name': 'Janet'."age": 34 }, 
{ 'name': 'Ed'."age": 24 }, 
{ 'name': 'Sara'."age": 64 }, 
{ 'name': 'John'."age": 32 }, 
{ 'name': 'Jane'."age": 34 }, 
{ 'name': 'John'."age": 99},]Copy the code

Not only do you sort it by name or age, but you also sort both fields simultaneously. In SQL, the query would look like this:

SELECT * FROM people ORDER by name, age
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In fact, the solution to this problem can be quite simple. Python guarantees that sort provides a stable sort order, which also means that items that are more similar will retain their original order. To implement sorting by name and age, do the following:

import operator 
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Be careful how you reverse the order. First sort by age, then by name, and use operator.itemgetter() to get the age and name fields from each dictionary in the list, so you get the result you want:

[{'name': 'Ed'.'age': 24}, 
{'name': 'Jane'.'age': 34}, 
{'name': 'Janet'.'age': 34}, 
{'name': 'John'.'age': 32}, 
{'name': 'John'.'age': 64}, 
{'name': 'John'.'age': 99}, 
{'name': 'Sara'.'age': 64}]Copy the code

The first name is the main sorting item, and if the names are the same, they are sorted by age. Therefore, all Johns are grouped together by age.

2. Data categories

Python has been able to provide data categories since version 3.7. It has many advantages over regular classes or alternative methods such as returning multiple values or dictionaries:

  1. Data classes require very little code
  2. Data classes can be compared because EQ can do this
  3. Data classes require type hints, reducing the possibility of errors
  4. You can easily print data classes for debugging, because __repr__ can do this

Here is an example of a data class at work:

from dataclasses import dataclass 
      rank: str
      suit: str
     print(card == card) 
     # True 
     # 'Q' 
     Card(rank='Q', suit='hearts')
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3. List derivation

List derivation can be used to replace annoying loops in list entries with the basic syntax

[ expression for item in list if conditional ]
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Let’s look at a very basic example of populating a list with a sequence of numbers:

mylist = [i for i inrange(10)] 
    # [0, 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
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Because you can use expressions, you can also do some math:

squares = [x**2for x inrange(10)] 
    # [0, 1, 4, 9,16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
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You can even call external functions:

        return (a +5) /2
       my_formula= [some_function(i) for i inrange(10)] 
       # [2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0]
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Finally, you can use the if function to filter the list. In this case, only values divisible by 2 are retained:

filtered = [i for i inrange(20) if i%2= =0] 
    # [0, 2, 4, 6,8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
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4. Check the memory usage of the object

Use sys.getSizeof () to check the memory usage of an object:

import sys 
     mylist =range(0.10000) 
   # 48
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The reason this large list is only 48 bytes long is because the range function returns classes that are represented as lists. A sequence of numbers is much more efficient to store than using an actual list of numbers. We can use list derivation to create a list of actual numbers in the same range:

import sys 
     myreallist = [x for x inrange(0.10000)] 
   # 87632
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We can learn more about Python and memory usage by using sys.getsizeof().

5. Look for the most frequent values

To find the most frequent values in a list or string:

test = [] 
  print(max(set(test), key = test.count)) 
  # 4
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  • Max () returns the maximum value in the list. The key argument takes a custom sort order from a single argument function, test.count in this case, that applies to each item on the iterator.
  • Test. count is a built-in feature of list. It takes a parameter and counts the number of occurrences of that parameter. So test.count(1) will return 2 and test.count(4) will return 4.
  • Set (test) returns all unique values in test, so {1, 2, 3, 4}

So in this line of code you will accept all the unique values of test, that is {1, 2, 3, 4}. Next, Max applies the list.count function to it and returns the maximum value.

There’s a more effective way:

from collections import Counter 
# [4:4)
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6. Attribute package

You can use attrs instead of data classes for two reasons:

  1. Python version later than 3.7 is used
  2. Want more features

Theattrs packages support all major Python releases, including CPython 2.7 and PyPy. Some ATTRs can provide hypergeneric data classes such as validators and converters. Take a look at some sample code:

    name =attrib(default='John') 
    surname =attrib(default='Doe') 
    age =attrib(init=False) 
    p =Person() 
     # Output: 
   # Person(name='John', surname='Doe',age=NOTHING) 
   # Person(name='Bill', surname='Gates', age=60)
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In fact, the attrs authors are already using pePs that introduce data classes. Data classes are intentionally kept simpler and easier to understand, and ATTRs provides all the features you might need.

7. Merge dictionaries (Python3.5+)

dict1 = { 'a': 1.'b': 2 } 
  dict2= { 'b': 3.'c': 4 } 
  merged= { **dict1, **dict2 } 
  print (merged) 
  # {'a': 1, 'b':3, 'c': 4}
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If there are overlapping keys, the keys in the first dictionary will be overwritten. In Python 3.9, merging dictionaries became even cleaner. The merge in Python 3.9 above can be rewritten as:

merged = dict1 | dict2
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8. Return multiple values

Functions in Python can return multiple variables without dictionaries, lists, and classes. It works like this:

defget_user(id) :# fetch user from database 
      return name, birthdate 
     name, birthdate =get_user(4)
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This is a limited number of return values, but anything with more than three values should go into one (data) class.

9. Filter list elements

The use of the filter ()

The filter() function takes two arguments:

  1. The function object
  2. Iterable objects

Next we define a function and filter a list.

First we create a list and remove elements less than or equal to 3:

original_list = []# define list
Define the filter function
4 def filter_three(number) :5
  return number > 3
filtered = filter(filter_three, original_list)
filtered_list = list(filtered)
# (4, 5)
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We define the list original_list. Then we define a function that takes the numeric parameter number, filter_three, and returns True if the value of the parameter passed is greater than 3, False if it is not. We define the filter object filtered, Filter () takes a function object as the first argument, and a list object as the second argument.

Similarly, list comprehensions can be used to filter list elements as an elegant way to generate and modify lists. Here’s how to do the same with list comprehensions:

original_list = []2
filtered_list = [ number for number in original_list if number > 3]# Introduce conditional judgment in list derivation
# (4, 5)
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10. Modify the list

The use of the map ()

The built-in map() function in Python makes it possible to apply a function to every element in an iterable.

For example, if we want to get the square of each element in a list object, we can use the map() function, as in the following example:

original_list = []
def square( number) :
    return number **2
squares =map(square, original_list)
squares_list = list( squares)
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Similar to how filter() works, let’s see what happens:

First we defined original_list and the function square() that takes a numeric argument and returns its square value. Then we defined a map object squares, similar to filter(). The first argument map() takes is a function object, The second argument is the list object and finally we squares the Map object and we get the result we want.

Similarly, we can use the list derivation to accomplish the same task:

original_list = []
squares_list = [number ** 2for number in original_list]
#[1,4,9, 16,25]
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11. Use zip() to combine lists

There are cases where we need to combine two or more lists together, which is very convenient to do with zip(). The zip() function takes multiple lists as arguments to get a one-to-one combination of elements at each location, as in the following example:

numbers = [ 1.2.3]
letters = [ 'a'.'b'.'c']
combined = zipNumbers, letters combined_list =list( combined)
for item in zip( numbers,letters ):
    print(item[0].'\t', item[1])
#[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]
#1 a
#2 b
#3 c
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12. Reverse the list

A list in Python is an ordered data structure. As such, the order of the elements in a list is important. Sometimes we need to reverse the order of all the elements in a list.

original_list = []

reversed_list = original_list[ : : -1]

print('Before flipping:', original_list)
print('After flipping :', reversed_list)
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13. Check the presence of elements in the list

We can use the in operator in cases where we want to check for the presence of an element in a list. For example, if we have a list of all the winning teams, we can query for the presence of a team, as in the following example:

games = [ 'Yankees '.'Yankees '.'Cubs '.'Blue Jays '.'Giants ']
def isin(Item, list_name) :
    if item in list_name: print(f"{item} is in the list! ")
    else: print(f"{item} is not in the list! ")

isin( 'Blue Jays ' , games)
isin( ' Angels', games)

#Blue Jays is in the list!
#Angels is not in the list!
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14. Flatten the nested list

In some cases we may encounter nested lists where each element is a separate list. In this case we can use a list derivation to flatten the nested list, as in the following example of two levels of nesting:

nested_list = [[1.2.3], [4.5.6], [7.8.9]]

flat_list = [i for j in nested_list for i in j]


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Additional information:

PIP install dm-tree is a library designed to flatten out nested structures. It can flatten out nested lists at any level. The following is an example:

import tree

nested_list_2d = [[1.2.3], [4.5.6], [7.8.9]]

nested_list_3d = [[[1.2], [3.4]],
                          [[5.6], [7.8]],
                          [[9.10], [11.12]]]

#[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,,8, 9, 10, 11,12]
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15. Check for uniqueness

If you want to see if all values in a list are unique, you can use Python’s set data structure features, such as the following example:

list1 = []
list2 = []

def isunique( 1) :
    if len(l) == len(set(l)) :
       print(the only!') eise: print(('Not only!') isunique(list1) isunique(list2) # # not only!Copy the code

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