The front end is changing fast. The new technologies we’re talking about today are Flutter, Servess, WebAssembly, and intelligent Engineering. From relying on the back end to independent research and development, the front end has been full of changes and remodeling in recent years. From the upper layer of application to the bottom layer of the language framework, the emergence of Node allows the front end to touch the back end and operation and maintenance related scenes. Small program, Weex, Rn and Electron allow the front end to get involved in client research and development. Even in some technical projects, the front end also assumes the role of product and operation, which leads to higher and higher market requirements for the front end, which is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.

This is illustrated in the opening section of The D2 forum center, which elaborates on change and opportunity:

1. From PC to wireless

After a long period of crazy growth, mobile Internet has gradually transitioned to a stable period. With the gradual popularization of 5G and the popularity of various wearable devices, our lives have been greatly changed. Users are also gradually inclined to the wireless end, 95% of taobao transactions occur in the wireless end, major manufacturers are actively building their own small program ecosystem, such as wechat, Alipay, Toutiao. For our front-end, the transition from PC to wireless is a change. However, RN, Weex, Flutter, and the growing market demand for the front-end are opportunities, which make the front-end have infinite possibilities.

2. From 2C to 2B

Enterprise 2 b project before a large amount of outsourced to a third party, and now his team research and development, in the background for 2 b has gradually become the key battleground of the front, from the framework, the components in the battlefield, data communication, cross team collaboration, to the technology of data visualization, one can intelligence, engineering, micro front end, all of these are worth exploring. The characteristics of the middle and background field are very suitable for precipitation and accumulation to study how to improve efficiency. From Alibaba’s proposal of “Middle Platform strategy” to the gradual popularity of the concept of middle platform, it is also an opportunity for the front end, which will have more opportunities in the middle and background field in the future.

3. From front end to back end

Traditionally, the front end was limited to functions within the browser, but with the advent of Node we’ve moved to the server side. The front-end is responsible for building the gateway with Node, making the data closer to the UI and bringing the SERVER-SIDE UI from the back end to the front end, which makes our front end team more flexible and robust. At the same time, it also involves process daemon, performance monitoring, and so on. The front end can be involved in a wide range of fields. These are the new era of front-end empowerment.

4. Intelligent front-end engineering

Imgcook and DataV are good practices. Imgcook can generate maintainable front-end code directly from PSD, Sketch and other forms of design through intelligent technology. DataV is a technology product that focuses on data visualization and interactive interface construction. In general, it is machine-generated code and has been implemented on a large scale during this year’s Singles’ Day. The goal is to unleash front-end productivity, help the front end collaborate with designers more effectively, and let the front end focus on more challenging things.

5. Depth of the bottom layer of the language

Front-end development to today, we can not only pay attention to the language of the upper application to understand the bottom implementation, to start from the bottom, participate in the formulation of standards, promote the development of JS language, I hope that in the future in the formulation of standards, can see more and more people’s voice and shadow.

D2 has six main respectively from intelligence, Serverless, engineering and various fields, language framework, micro front made of high quality output on these areas, many products are mixed with ali and her down whole share to gain more understanding of the industry development trend, open the restricted the thinking mode of open before the technology field of vision, I got to know the big players in the industry what technologies they were working on, the big guys in the community what problems they were solving.

The future development of the front end will be closer to the intelligent and cloud. The emergence of intelligent tools liberates the front end productivity and gives us time to go deep into the bottom to study more meaningful things. At present, the front-end development mode has the problem of relying on large packages. New students may take over hundreds of megabytes of node_modules, so the front-end development mode is developing to the cloud. In the future, it may only need a browser to complete front-end development work without any environment.

As the front end moves from “differentiation” to “standardization,” we can do more and more and there’s a lot to explore over the next few years.

Finally, I will post the PPT related to D2 to share the content. If you are interested, you can understand it by yourself. The shared video will be followed by ha.


Recently read the community especially an article to the fire I the front end of the road to growth _ jade “jade” final “model of development fulcrum of leverage” a great inspiration to me, whether to do one thing or engaged in an industry to find the significance of the matter, to have a sense of the meaning, you work the whole mentality is very different. Then to balance the trade-off and investment, and finally adjust the mentality and ability.