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I could have updated and finished all the interview questions this morning, but I was really busy this morning, so I didn’t have time until now. Please forgive me
140000 | 400 multichannel JavaScript 🎓 interview questions with answers 🌠 items (the first part 1-100)
140000 | 400 multichannel JavaScript 🎓 interview questions with answers 🌠 items part ii (101-200)
140000 | 400 multichannel JavaScript 🎓 interview questions with answers 🌠 items (third part 201-300)
140000 | 400 multichannel JavaScript 🎓 interview questions with answers 🌠 items (the fourth part 301-370)
140000 | 400 multichannel JavaScript 🎓 interview questions with answers 🌠 items (the fifth part 371-424)
Serial number | The problem |
1 | What are some possible ways to create objects in JavaScript? |
2 | What is a prototype chain? |
3 | What is the difference between call, apply and bind? |
4 | What is JSON and its common operations? |
5 | What is the purpose of the array slice() method? |
6 | What is the purpose of the array splice() method? |
7 | What’s the difference between slice() and splice()? |
8 | How do you compare Object and Map |
9 | What’s the difference between the == and === operators? |
10 | What is a lambda or an arrow function? |
11 | What is a first class function? |
12 | What is a first order function? |
13 | What is a higher order function? |
14 | What is a function of one variable? |
15 | What is a Curryized function? |
16 | What is a pure function? |
17 | What is the let keyword used for? |
18 | What’s the difference between let and var? |
19 | Why did you choose the name let as the keyword? |
20 | How do you redeclare variables in a switch block without errors? |
21 | What is a temporary dead zone? |
22 | What is IIFE (Perform function expressions immediately)? |
23 | What are the benefits of using modules? |
24 | What is memoization? |
25 | What is a reactor-based power lift? |
26 | What are classes in ES6? |
27 | What are closures? |
28 | What is a module? |
29 | Why do you need modules? |
30 | What is scope in javascript? |
31 | What is a Service Worker? |
32 | How to manipulate the DOM using the Service Worker? |
33 | How do you reuse information when the Service Worker restarts? |
34 | What is IndexedDB? |
35 | What is Web Storage? |
36 | What is a Post message? |
37 | What is a Cookie? |
38 | Why do you need cookies? |
39 | What are the options in a cookie? |
40 | How do you delete cookies? |
41 | What’s the difference between cookies, local storage, and session storage? |
42 | What are the main differences between localStorage and sessionStorage? |
43 | How do you access web storage? |
44 | What methods are available for session storage? |
45 | What are stored events and their event handlers? |
46 | Why do you need Web storage? |
47 | How do you check Web storage browser support? |
48 | How do you check web Workers browser support? |
49 | Take the example of a Web worker |
50 | What are web Worker restrictions on DOM? |
51 | What is a promise? |
52 | Why do YOU need promises? |
53 | What are the three states of a promise? |
54 | What is a callback function? |
55 | Why do we need a callback? |
56 | What is callback hell? |
57 | What is a server send event? |
58 | How do you receive event notifications from the server? |
59 | How do you check browser support for server send events? |
60 | What events are available from the server? |
61 | What are promise’s main rules? |
62 | What is a callback within a callback? |
63 | What is promise chaining? |
64 | What is promise.all? |
65 | What is the purpose of the RACE method in promise? |
66 | What is strict mode in javascript? |
67 | Why is strict mode needed? |
68 | How do you declare strict mode? |
69 | What is the purpose of the double exclamation mark? |
70 | What is the purpose of the delete operator? |
71 | What is a Typeof operator? |
72 | What is an undefined attribute? |
73 | What is a null value? |
74 | What’s the difference between null and undefined? |
75 | What is eval? |
76 | What’s the difference between Window and Document? |
77 | How do you access history in javascript? |
78 | How do you check if caps lock is on? |
79 | What is isNaN? |
80 | What’s the difference between an undeclared variable and an undefined variable? |
81 | What is a global variable? |
82 | What’s wrong with global variables? |
83 | What is a NaN property? |
84 | What is the purpose of the isFinite function? |
85 | What is an Event flow? |
86 | What is event bubbling? |
87 | What is event capturing? |
88 | How do you submit forms using JavaScript? |
89 | How do you find operating system details? |
90 | What’s the difference between document Load and DOMContentLoaded events? |
91 | What are the differences between Native, Host, and User Objects? |
92 | What are the tools or techniques for debugging JavaScript code? |
93 | What are the pros and cons of promises versus callbacks? |
94 | What is the difference between attribute and property? |
95 | What is a same-origin policy? |
96 | What is the purpose of void 0? |
97 | Is JavaScript a compiled or interpreted language? |
98 | Is JavaScript a case sensitive language? |
99 | Is there a relationship between Java and JavaScript? |
100 | What is an event? |
101 | Who created JavaScript? |
102 | What’s the preventDefault method use? |
103 | What’s the use of stopPropagation? |
104 | What steps does return false involve? |
105 | What is a BOM(Browser Object Model)? |
106 | What’s the use of setTimeout? |
107 | What’s the use of setInterval? |
108 | Why is JavaScript considered single threaded? |
109 | What is event Delegation? |
110 | What is ECMAScript? |
111 | What is JSON? |
112 | What are the syntax rules for JSON? |
113 | What is the purpose of JSON stringization? |
114 | How do you parse JSON strings? |
115 | Why do YOU need JSON? |
116 | What is a PWA? |
117 | What is the purpose of the clearTimeout method? |
118 | What is the purpose of the clearInterval method? |
119 | How do you redirect new pages in javascript? |
120 | How do you check if a string contains a substring? |
121 | How do you validate email in javascript? |
122 | How do you use javascript to get the current URL? |
123 | What are the various URL properties of the Location object? |
124 | How do I get a query string value in javascript? |
125 | How do I check if an object has a key? |
126 | How do you loop through or enumerate javascript objects? |
127 | How do you test an empty object? |
128 | What is a parameter object? |
129 | How do you capitalize the first letter of a string? |
130 | What are the pros and cons of for loops? |
131 | How do you display the current date in javascript? |
132 | How do you compare two date objects? |
133 | How do you check if a string starts with another string? |
134 | How do you clip strings in javascript? |
135 | How do you add a key-value pair in javascript? |
136 | ‘! Does the — ‘symbol represent a special operator? |
137 | How do you assign default values to variables? |
138 | How do you define a multi-line string? |
139 | What is an App Shell Model? |
140 | Can we define properties for functions? |
141 | What’s the way to find the number of arguments that a function expects? |
142 | What is a polyfill? |
143 | What are break and continue statements? |
144 | What is a JS tag? |
145 | What’s the good of putting the statement first? |
146 | What are the benefits of initializing variables? |
147 | What are the suggestions for creating new objects? |
148 | How do you define JSON arrays? |
149 | How do you generate random integers? |
150 | Can you write a random integer function to print integers in a range? |
151 | What is tree shaking? |
152 | What does it take for tree shaking? |
153 | Is eval recommended? |
154 | What is a regular expression? |
155 | What are the string methods available in regular expressions? |
156 | What are the modifiers in regular expressions? |
157 | What is a regular expression pattern? |
158 | What is a RegExp object? |
159 | How do I search for patterns in a string? |
160 | What is the purpose of the exec method? |
161 | How do I change the style of an HTML element? |
162 | What’s 1+2+’3′? |
163 | What is a debugger statement? |
164 | What is the purpose of debugging breakpoints? |
165 | Can I use reserved words as identifiers? |
166 | How do you detect mobile browsers? |
167 | How to detect mobile browsers without regular expressions? |
168 | How do you use JS to get the width and height of an image? |
169 | How do I synchronize HTTP requests? |
170 | How do I make asynchronous HTTP requests? |
171 | How do you convert a date to another time zone in javascript? |
172 | What is the property used to get the window size? |
173 | What are conditional operators in javascript? |
174 | Can you apply chaining to conditional operators? |
175 | What are some ways to execute javascript after the page loads? |
176 | What’s the difference between proto and prototype? |
177 | For example, you really need a semicolon |
178 | What is the freeze method? |
179 | What is the purpose of the freeze method? |
180 | Why do I need to use the freeze method? |
181 | How do you detect browser language preferences? |
182 | How to convert a string to title case using javascript? |
183 | How do you detect disabled javascript in a page? |
184 | What are the various operators supported by javascript? |
185 | What are REST parameters? |
186 | What happens if you don’t use the REST parameter as the last parameter? |
187 | What are the bitwise operators available in JavaScript? |
188 | What is the spread operator? |
189 | How do you determine if an object is frozen? |
190 | How do you determine whether two values are the same or not using an object? |
191 | What is the purpose of using Object’s IS method? |
192 | How do I copy properties from one object to another? |
193 | What are the applications of assignment methods? |
194 | What is a Proxy object? |
195 | What is the purpose of the SEAL method? |
196 | What are the applications of the SEAL method? |
197 | What’s the difference between the freeze and SEAL methods? |
198 | How to tell if an object is SEAL? |
199 | How do I get an enumerable key-value pair? |
200 | What are the main differences between the object. values and object. entries methods? |
201 | How do I get a list of keys for any object? |
202 | How do you create an object using Prototype? |
203 | What is a WeakSet? |
204 | What’s the difference between a WeakSet and a Set? |
205 | List the set of methods available on a WeakSet? |
206 | What is a WeakMap? |
207 | What is the difference between WeakMap and Map? |
208 | List the collection of methods available on WeakMap? |
209 | What is the purpose of Uneval? |
210 | How do you encode a URL? |
211 | How do you decode (decode) a URL? |
212 | How do you print the content of a web page? |
213 | What’s the difference between uneval and eval? |
214 | What is the anonymous function? |
215 | What is the priority between local and global variables? |
216 | What is a javascript accessor? |
217 | How do you define properties on object constructors? |
218 | What’s the difference between get and defineProperty? |
219 | What are the advantages of getters and setters? |
220 | Can I add getters and setters using defineProperty methods? |
221 | What is the purpose of switch-case? |
222 | What conventions do I need to follow to use SWtich Case? |
223 | What is a primitive data type? |
224 | What are the different ways to access object properties? |
225 | What are function parameter rules? |
226 | What is an error object? |
227 | When you receive a syntax error |
228 | What are the different error names for error objects? |
229 | What are the various statements in error handling? |
230 | What are the two types of loops in javascript? |
231 | What is NodeJS? |
232 | What is an Intl object? |
233 | How do you perform language-specific date and time formatting? |
234 | What is an iterator? |
235 | How does synchronous iteration work? |
236 | What is an event loop? |
237 | What is a call stack? |
238 | What is an event queue? |
239 | What is a decorator? |
240 | What are the properties of the Intl object? |
241 | What is a unary operator? |
242 | How do I sort the elements in an array? |
243 | What is the purpose of compareFunction when sorting arrays? |
244 | How do you reverse an array? |
245 | How do you find the minimum and maximum values in an array? |
246 | How do I find the minimum and maximum values without the math function? |
247 | What is a null statement and its purpose? |
248 | How do I obtain module metadata? |
249 | What is a comma operator? |
250 | What are the advantages of the comma operator? |
251 | What is typescript? |
252 | What’s the difference between javascript and typescript? |
253 | What are typescript’s advantages over javascript? |
254 | What is an object initializer? |
255 | What is a constructor? |
256 | What happens if you write a constructor multiple times in a class? |
257 | How to call the constructor of a superclass? |
258 | How do you get a prototype of an object? |
259 | What happens if I pass a string type to the getPrototype method? |
260 | How do I set the prototype of one object to another? |
261 | How do you check if an object is extensible? |
262 | How do I prevent object extension? |
263 | What are the different ways to make an object non-extensible? |
264 | How do I define multiple properties on an object? |
265 | What is MEAN in JavaScript? |
266 | What is confusion in javascript? |
267 | Why the need for confusion? |
268 | What is Minification? |
269 | What are the benefits of shrinking? |
270 | What’s the difference between obfuscation and encryption? |
271 | What are the commonly used miniaturization tools? |
272 | How do you perform form validation using javascript? |
273 | How do I perform form validation without javascript? |
274 | What are the DOM methods available for constraint validation? |
275 | What are the available constraints to validate DOM properties? |
276 | What is a valid attribute list? |
277 | Example using the rangeOverflow property? |
278 | Is enumeration provided in javascript? |
279 | What is enumeration? |
280 | How do you list all the properties of an object? |
281 | How do I get a property descriptor for an object? |
282 | What are the properties provided by the property descriptor? |
283 | How do you extend classes? |
284 | How do I change the URL without reloading the page? |
285 | How do I check if an array contains a specific value? |
286 | How do you compare scalar arrays? |
287 | How do I get a value from a get parameter? |
288 | How do you print numbers with a comma as a thousand delimiter? |
289 | What’s the difference between Java and javascript? |
290 | Does javascript support namespaces? |
291 | How do you declare a namespace? |
292 | How do I call javascript code in an iframe from a parent page? |
293 | How do I get a time zone offset from a date? |
294 | How to dynamically load CSS and JS files? |
295 | What are the different ways to find HTML elements in the DOM? |
296 | What is jQuery? |
297 | What is the V8 JavaScript engine? |
298 | Why do we call javascript a dynamic language? |
299 | What is an air freight operator? |
300 | How do I set cursor waiting? |
301 | How do you create an infinite loop? |
302 | Why do I need to avoid with statements? |
303 | What is the output of the following for loop? |
304 | List some features of ES6? |
305 | What is ES6? |
306 | Can I redeclare let and const variables? |
307 | Does const make the value immutable? |
308 | What are the default parameters? |
309 | What are template literals? |
310 | How do I write a multi-line string in template text? |
311 | What is a nested template? |
312 | What is a tag template? |
313 | What is a raw string? |
314 | What is deconstructive assignment? |
315 | What is the default value in the destruct assignment? |
316 | How do you swap variables in a deconstructed assignment? |
317 | What are enhanced object literals? |
318 | What is dynamic import? |
319 | What are the use cases for dynamic imports? |
320 | What is typed arrays? |
321 | What are the advantages of module loaders? |
322 | What is collation? |
323 | What is a… Of the statement? |
324 | What is the output of the expansion operator array? |
325 | Is PostMessage safe? |
326 | What’s wrong with a PostMessage target source being a wildcard? |
327 | How do you avoid receiving postMessages from attackers? |
328 | Can I avoid postMessages altogether? |
329 | Are postMessages synchronized? |
330 | What is the Javascript paradigm? |
331 | What’s the difference between internal and external javascript? |
332 | Is JavaScript faster than server-side scripting? |
333 | How do you get the status of a checkbox? |
334 | What is the purpose of the double tilde operator? |
335 | How do you convert characters to ASCII? |
336 | What is an array buffer? |
337 | What is the output of the following string expression? |
338 | What is the purpose of an Error object? |
339 | What is the purpose of an EvalError object? |
340 | What is the list of case errors thrown from non-strict mode to strict mode? |
341 | Are all objects prototypes? |
342 | What’s the difference between arguments and arguments? |
343 | What is the purpose of the some method in an array? |
344 | How do you combine two or more arrays? |
345 | What’s the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy? |
346 | How do you create a specific number of copies of a string? |
347 | How do you return all matched strings based on a regular expression? |
348 | How do you trim strings at the beginning or end? |
349 | What is the output of the following console statement with a unary operator? |
350 | Does javascript use mixins? |
351 | What is the thunk function? |
352 | What is asynchronous Thunk? |
353 | What is the output of the following function call? |
354 | How do I remove all newlines from a string? |
355 | What’s the difference between backflow and redraw? |
356 | What happens when you negate an array? |
357 | What happens if we add two arrays? |
358 | What is the output of adding an addition operator to a false value? |
359 | How to use special characters to create from a string? |
360 | How to remove false values from an array? |
361 | How do you get the unique value of an array? |
362 | What is a deconstructive alias? |
363 | How do I map array values without using the Map method? |
364 | How do you empty an array? |
365 | How do you round a number to some decimal number? |
366 | What’s the easiest way to turn an array into an object? |
367 | How do you create an array with some data? |
368 | What is the placeholder for the console object? |
369 | Is it possible to add CSS to console messages? |
370 | What is the purpose of the dir method on console objects? |
371 | Is it possible to debug HTML elements in the console? |
372 | How do I use console objects to display data in tabular format? |
373 | How do you verify that a parameter is a number? |
374 | How do you create a copy to clipboard button? |
375 | What’s the shortcut to getting a timestamp? |
376 | How do you flatten multidimensional arrays? |
377 | What is the simplest multiconditional check? |
378 | How do you capture the browser back button? |
379 | How do I disable right-click on a Web page? |
380 | What is a wrapper object? |
381 | What is AJAX? |
382 | What are the different ways to handle asynchronous code? |
383 | How do I cancel an extraction request? |
384 | What is voip API? |
385 | What is the minimum timeout limit? |
386 | How do you implement zero timeout in modern browsers? |
387 | What is the task in the event loop? |
388 | What is a microtask? |
389 | What are the different event loops? |
390 | What is the purpose of queueMicrotask? |
391 | How do you use javascript libraries in typescript files? |
392 | What’s the difference between promises and observables? |
393 | What is a heap? |
394 | What is an event table? |
395 | What is a microtask queue? |
396 | What’s the difference between a shim and a polyfill? |
397 | How do you detect raw or non-raw value types? |
398 | What is Babel? |
399 | Is Node.js completely single-threaded? |
400 | What are common use cases for observables? |
401 | What is RxJS? |
402 | What’s the difference between a function constructor and a function declaration? |
403 | What is the short circuit state? |
404 | What’s the easiest way to resize an array? |
405 | What is observable? |
406 | What’s the difference between a function declaration and a class declaration? |
407 | What is an asynchronous function? |
408 | How do you prevent promises swallowing errors? |
409 | What is deno? |
410 | How do you make objects iterable in javascript? |
411 | What is the correct tail call? |
412 | How do you check if an object is a promise? |
413 | How do I check if a function is called as a constructor? |
414 | What is the difference between the Arguments object and the REST parameter? |
415 | What is the difference between extension operators and REST parameters? |
416 | What are the different types of generators? |
417 | What is a built-in iterable? |
418 | for… Of and the for… What’s the difference between in statements? |
419 | How do I define instance and non-instance properties? |
420 | What’s the difference between isNaN and number. isNaN? |
421 | How do I call IIFE without any extra parentheses? |
422 | Can I use expressions in switch cases? |
423 | What’s the easiest way to ignore promise errors? |
424 | How to style console output using CSS? |
371. Can I debug HTML elements in the console?
Yes, you can fetch and debug HTML elements in the console just as you can inspect them.
const element = document.getElementsByTagName("body") [0];
Copy the code
It prints HTML elements in the console,
We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
372. How do I use console objects to display data in tabular format?
The console.table() is used to visualize a complex array or object of data that is displayed in a table form on the console.
const users = [{ "name":"Haiyong"."id": 1."city": "Beijing"}, { "name":"Max"."id": 2."city": "London"}, { "name":"CSDN"."id": 3."city": "Paris"}];console.table(users);
Copy the code
Data visualized in tabular form,
== Attention == : Please remember,
IE does not support this.
We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
373. How do you verify that a parameter is a number?
The combination of the IsNaN and isFinite methods is used to verify that the parameter is a number.
function isNumber(n){
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
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We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
374. How do you create a copy to Clipboard button?
You need to select the content of the input element (using the.select() method) and use execCommand to execute the copy command (i.e. ExecCommand (‘copy’)). You can also perform other system commands, such as cut and paste.
document.querySelector("#copy-button").onclick = function() {
// Select the content
// Copy to clipboard
Copy the code
We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
375. What is the shortcut to get a timestamp?
You can use new Date().gettime () to get the current timestamp. There is an alternative shortcut to get the value.
console.log(+new Date());
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We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
376. How do you flattens multidimensional arrays?
Flattening two-dimensional arrays using the Spread operator is trivial.
const biDimensionalArr = [11[22.33], [44.55], [66.77].88.99];
constflattenArr = [].concat(... biDimensionalArr);[11, 22, 33, 44, 55,
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But you can make it work for multi-dimensional arrays with recursive calls,
function flattenMultiArray(arr) {
constflattened = [].concat(... arr);return flattened.some(item= > Array.isArray(item)) ? flattenMultiArray(flattened) : flattened;
const multiDimensionalArr = [11[22.33], [44[55.66[77[88]], 99]]];
const flatArr = flattenMultiArray(multiDimensionalArr); // [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99]
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We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
377. What is the simplest multiconditional check?
Instead of checking each value as a condition, you can use indexOf to compare the input to multiple values.
// Verbose approach
if (input === 'first' || input === 1 || input === 'second' || input === 2) {
// Shortcut
if (['first'.1.'second'.2].indexOf(input) ! = = -1) {
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We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
378. How do you capture the browser back button?
The window.onbeforeUnload method is used to capture browser back button events. This helps alert users to the loss of current data.
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
alert("You work will be lost");
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We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
379. How do I disable right-click on a Web page?
You can disable right-clicking on the page by returning false from the property on the OnContextMenuBody element.
<body oncontextmenu="return false;">
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We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
380. What is a wrapper object?
Raw values such as strings, numbers, and Booles have no properties or methods, but they are temporarily converted or cast into objects (wrapped objects) when you try to perform operations on them. For example, if you apply the toUpperCase() method to a raw string value, it does not throw an error but returns uppercase of the string.
let name = "csdn";
console.log(name.toUpperCase()); Log (new String(name).toupperCase ());
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That is, every primitive except null and undefined has a wrapper object, and the wrapper object list is String, Number, Boolean, Symbol, and BigInt.
We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
381. What is AJAX?
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, which is a set of related technologies for asynchronously displaying data (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XMLHttpRequest API, and so on). That is, we can send data to and get data from the server without reloading the web page.
We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
382. What are the different ways to handle asynchronous code?
Below is a list of different ways to handle asynchronous code.
3. Asynchronous/wait 4. Third-party libraries such as Async.js, Bluebird, etc
We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
383. How do I cancel an extraction request?
Until a few days ago, one of the drawbacks of native Promises was the inability to cancel a FETCH request directly. But the js specification for the new AbortController allows you to use signals to abort one or more FETCH calls.
The basic process for canceling a obtain request is as follows,
1. Create an AbortController instance 2. Get the signal properties of the instance and pass the signal as an option 3. For example, letting us pass the same signal to multiple FETCH calls will cancel all requests using that signal,
const controller = new AbortController();
const { signal } = controller;
fetch("http://localhost:8000", { signal }).then(response= > {
console.log(`Request 1 is complete! `);
}).catch(e= > {
if(e.name === "AbortError") {
// We know it has been cancelled!}}); fetch("http://localhost:8000", { signal }).then(response= > {
console.log(`Request 2 is complete! `);
}).catch(e= > {
if(e.name === "AbortError") {
// We know it has been cancelled!}});// Wait 2 seconds to abort both requests
setTimeout(() = > controller.abort(), 2000);
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We go back to problem 350, we know what we know
384. What is voip API?
The Web speech API is used to enable modern browsers to recognize and synthesize speech (that is, convert speech data into Web applications). The API was introduced by the W3C community in 2012. It has two main parts,
SpeechRecognition (asynchronous Speech recognition or speech-to-text) : It provides the ability to recognize Speech context from audio input and respond accordingly. This is accessed through the SpeechRecognition interface. The following example shows how to use the API to retrieve text from speech,
window.SpeechRecognition = window.webkitSpeechRecognition || window.SpeechRecognition; // webkitSpeechRecognition for Chrome and SpeechRecognition for FF
const recognition = new window.SpeechRecognition();
recognition.onresult = (event) = > { // SpeechRecognitionEvent type
const speechToText = event.results[0] [0].transcript;
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In this API, the browser will ask you to grant permission to use the microphone
SpeechSynthesis (text to speech) : It provides the ability to recognize and respond to speech context from audio input. This is accessed through the SpeechSynthesis interface. For example, the following code is used to get speech/speech from text,
if('speechSynthesis' in window) {var speech = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hello World! ');
speech.lang = 'en-US';
Copy the code
The above example can be tested on the Developer’s console in chrome(33+).
== Note == : This API is still a working draft and only available in Chrome and Firefox (of course Chrome only implements the specification)
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385. What is the minimum timeout limit?
Both the browser and the NodeJS javascript environment are throttled with a minimum latency greater than 0 milliseconds. This means that even if a delay of 0 milliseconds is set, it will not happen immediately.
Browsers: They have a minimum latency of 4 milliseconds. This limitation occurs when sequential calls are triggered due to callback nesting (a certain depth) or after a certain number of sequential intervals.
== Note == : The minimum delay for older browsers is 10 milliseconds.
Nodejs: They have a minimum delay of 1 millisecond. This limitation occurs when the delay is greater than 2147483647 or less than 1. The best example to explain this timeout restriction behavior is the sequence of the following code snippets.
function runMeFirst() {
console.log('My script is initialized');
setTimeout(runMeFirst, 0);
console.log('Script loaded');
Copy the code
And the output will be in
Script loaded
My script is initialized
Copy the code
If you do not use setTimeout, the order of the logs will be sequential.
function runMeFirst() {
console.log('My script is initialized');
console.log('Script loaded');
Copy the code
The output is,
My script is initialized
Script loaded
Copy the code
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386. How do you implement zero timeout in modern browsers?
Because of a minimum delay greater than 0ms, you cannot use setTimeout(fn, 0) to execute the code immediately. But you can use window.postMessage() to implement this behavior.
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387. What is the task in the event loop?
A task is any javascript code/program that is scheduled to run through standard mechanisms such as initially starting the program, running event call-back, or firing intervals or timeouts. All of these tasks are arranged in a task queue.
Here is a list of use cases to add tasks to a task queue,
1. When a new javascript program is executed directly from the console or is run from a
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388. What is a microtask?
A microtask is javascript code that needs to be executed immediately after the task/microtask currently being executed completes. They are essentially a blockage. That is, the main thread is blocked until the microtask queue is empty.
The main sources of microtasks are promise. resolve, promise. reject, MutationObservers, IntersectionObservers, etc
== Note == : All of these microtasks are processed in the same round of the event loop.
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389. What are the different cycles of events?
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What is the purpose of queueMicrotask?
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How do you use javascript libraries in typescript files?
As you know, not all JavaScript libraries or frameworks have TypeScript declarations. But if you still want to use libraries or frameworks in our TypeScript files without compiling errors, the only solution is declare keywords and variable declarations. For example, suppose you have a library called customLibrary, which has no TypeScript declaration, and customLibrary calls a namespace in the global namespace. You can use this library in typescript code, as shown below,
declare var customLibrary;
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At run time, typescript supplies the type customLibrary to the variable as the any type. An alternative to not using declarative keywords is as follows
var customLibrary: any;
Copy the code
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392. What’s the difference between promises and observables?
Some major differences in tabular form
promises | observables |
Only one value is emitted at a time | Emit multiple values (streams of values from zero to multiple) over a period of time |
Natural desire; They will be called immediately | Lazy nature; They need to call a subscription |
A Promise is always asynchronous, even if it is resolved immediately | An Observable can be synchronous or asynchronous |
No operators are provided | Provides operators such as Map, forEach, Filter, Reduce, retry, and retryWhen |
Cannot cancel | Use the unsubscribe() method to cancel |
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393. What is a heap?
The heap (or memory heap) is the memory location where we hold objects when we define variables. That is, this is where all memory allocation and unallocation takes place. The heap and the call stack are the two containers of the JS runtime.
Whenever the runtime encounters variable and function declarations in the code, it stores them in the heap.
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394. What is an event table?
An event table is a data structure used to store and track all events that will be executed asynchronously after a period of time or after some API request is resolved. That is, every time you call the setTimeout function or call an asynchronous operation, it is added to the event table.
It doesn’t perform functions on its own. The main purpose of the event table is to track events and send them to the event queue, as shown in the figure below.
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395. What is a microtask queue?
The Microtask Queue is a new Queue where all tasks initiated by promise objects are processed before the callback Queue.
The microtask queue is processed before the next render and draw job. However, if these microtasks run for a long time, they can lead to decreased visual quality.
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396. What’s the difference between a shim and a polyfill?
Shim is a library that brings new apis to an old environment, using only the means of that environment. It doesn’t have to be limited to Web applications. For example, ES5-shim.js is used to emulate ES5 functionality on older browsers (mostly pre-IE9).
A polyfill, on the other hand, is a piece of code (or plug-in) that provides the technology that you (the developer) want the browser to provide locally.
In short, a Polyfill is a spacer for the browser API.
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397. How do you detect raw or non-raw value types?
In JavaScript, primitive types include Boolean, string, number, BigInt, NULL, Symbol, and undefined. Non-primitive types include objects. But you can easily identify them using the following features,
var myPrimitive = 30;
var myNonPrimitive = {};
function isPrimitive(val) {
return Object(val) ! == val; } isPrimitive(myPrimitive); isPrimitive(myNonPrimitive);Copy the code
If the value is a primitive data type, the Object constructor creates a new wrapper Object for the value. But if the value is of a non-primitive data type (an Object), the Object constructor will give the same Object.
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398. What is Babel?
Babel is a JavaScript translator for converting ECMAScript 2015+ code to backward compatible JavaScript versions in current and older browsers or environments. Some of the main features are listed below,
2. Missing Polyfill functionality in the target environment (using @babel/Polyfill) 3. Source code conversion (or Codemods)
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Is 399.Node.js fully single-threaded?
Node is single-threaded, but some functions included in the Node.js library (such as fs module functions) are not. That is, their logic runs outside of the node.js single thread to improve the speed and performance of the program.
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400. What are common use cases for observables?
Some of the most common Observable use cases are network sockets with push notifications, changes in user input, repeat intervals, and so on
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401. What is RxJS?
RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a library that uses Observables to implement Reactive programming, making it easier to write asynchronous or callback-based code. It also provides utility functions for creating and using Observables.
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What is the difference between a function constructor and a function declaration?
The created Function constructor does not create closures for its creation context, but they are always created at global scope. That is, a function can only access its own local and global-scope variables. Function declarations can also access external function variables (closures).
Let’s look at this difference through an example,
Function constructor:
var a = 100;
function createFunction() {
var a = 200;
return new Function('return a; ');
console.log(createFunction()()); / / 100
Copy the code
Function declaration:
var a = 100;
function createFunction() {
var a = 200;
return function func() {
returna; }}console.log(createFunction()()); / / 200
Copy the code
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403. What is the short circuit state?
The short circuit condition applies to the condensed way of writing simple if statements. Let’s illustrate this scenario with an example. If you want to log in to a portal with authentication criteria, the expression is as follows,
if (authenticate) {
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Since javascript logical operators evaluate from left to right, you can simplify the above expression by using the && logical operator
authenticate && loginToPorta();
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404. What is the easiest way to resize an array?
The length property of an array can be used to quickly resize or empty an array. Let’s apply the length attribute to the number array to change the number of elements from 5 to 2,
var array = [];
console.log(array.length); / / 5
array.length = 2;
console.log(array.length); / / 2
console.log(array); / / [1, 2]
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Arrays can also be cleared
var array = [];
array.length = 0;
console.log(array.length); / / 0
console.log(array); / / []
Copy the code
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405. What is observable?
An Observable is basically a function that returns a stream of values to an observer, synchronously or asynchronously, over time. The consumer can get the value by calling the subscribe() method.
Let’s look at a simple example of an Observable
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
const observable = new Observable(observer= > {
setTimeout(() = > {
observer.next('Message from a Observable! ');
}, 3000);
observable.subscribe(value= > console.log(value));
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Note: Observables are not part of the JavaScript language yet, but it is recommended to add them to the language
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406. What’s the difference between a function declaration and a class declaration?
The main difference between function declarations and class declarations is in the case of the reactories. function declarations are promoted, but not class declarations.
const user = new User(); // ReferenceError
class User {}
Copy the code
const user = new User(); // No error
function User() {}Copy the code
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407. What is an asynchronous function?
An asynchronous function is a function declared with the async keyword that can write asynchronous, committ-based behavior in a more concise style by avoiding commitment chains. These functions can contain zero or more await expressions.
Let’s look at the following example of an asynchronous function,
async function logger() {
let data = await fetch('http://someapi.com/users'); // Pause until the fetch returns
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It’s basically syntactic sugar for ES2015 promises and generators.
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408. How do you prevent promises swallowing errors?
JavaScript’s ES6 promises to make your life easier when working with asynchronous code without the need for callback pyramids and error handling on every two lines. But Promises have some pitfalls. One of the biggest is to swallow mistakes by default.
Suppose you want to print an error to the console in all of the following cases,
Promise.resolve('promised value').then(function() {
throw new Error('error');
Promise.reject('error value').catch(function() {
throw new Error('error');
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
throw new Error('error');
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But there are many modern JavaScript environments that don’t print any errors. You can solve this problem in different ways,
1. Add a catch block at the end of each chain: You can add a catch block at the end of each promise chain
Promise.resolve('promised value').then(function() {
throw new Error('error');
}).catch(function(error) {
Copy the code
But it’s hard to type for each commitment chain, and it’s lengthy.
2. Add completion methods: You can replace the THEN and catch blocks for the first solution with completion methods
Promise.resolve('promised value').done(function() {
throw new Error('error');
Copy the code
Suppose you want to get the data using HTTP and then process the resulting data asynchronously. You can write done in the following block,
.then(function(result) {
return processDataAsync(result);
.done(function(processed) {
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In the future, if the processing library API changes to synchronous, you can delete the done block, as shown below,
.then(function(result) {
return displayData(processDataAsync(result));
Copy the code
Then you forget to add the done block to the THEN block resulting in a no-hint error.
ES6 Promises: Bluebird extends the ES6 Promises API to avoid the problems in the second solution. This library has a “default” onRejection handler that prints all errors from the rejected Promise to stderr. After installation, you can handle unhandled rejections
throw error;
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And discard the rejection, just process it with an empty capture
Promise.reject('error value').catch(function() {});
Copy the code
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409. What is deno?
Deno is a simple, modern, and secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime that uses the V8 JavaScript engine and Rust programming language.
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410. How do you make objects iterable in javascript?
By default, normal objects are not iterable. But you can make an object iterable by defining attributes on it through symbol.iterator.
Let’s use an example to prove this,
const collection = {
one: 1.two: 2.three: 3[Symbol.iterator]() {
const values = Object.keys(this);
let i = 0;
return {
next: () = > {
return {
value: this[values[i++]],
done: i > values.length } } }; }};const iterator = collection[Symbol.iterator]();
console.log(iterator.next()); // → {value: 1, done: false}
console.log(iterator.next()); // → {value: 2, done: false}
console.log(iterator.next()); // → {value: 3, done: false}
console.log(iterator.next()); // → {value: undefined, done: true}
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You can simplify this process by using generator functions,
const collection = {
one: 1.two: 2.three: 3[Symbol.iterator]: function * () {
for (let key in this) {
yield this[key]; }}};const iterator = collection[Symbol.iterator]();
console.log(iterator.next()); // {value: 1, done: false}
console.log(iterator.next()); // {value: 2, done: false}
console.log(iterator.next()); // {value: 3, done: false}
console.log(iterator.next()); // {value: undefined, done: true}
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411. What is the correct tail call?
First, before we talk about “proper tail calls,” we should first understand tail calls. A tail call is a subroutine or function call that is executed as the final action of the calling function. While proper tail call (PTC) is a technique where the program or code does not create additional stack frames for recursion when a function call is tail call.
For example, the following header recursion of classical or factorial functions relies on the stack for each step. At each step, we have to deal with n times factorial of n minus 1.
function factorial(n) {
if (n === 0) {
return 1
return n * factorial(n - 1)}console.log(factorial(5)); / / 120
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However, if you use tail-recursive functions, they continue to pass all the data they need into the recursion without relying on the stack.
function factorial(n, acc = 1) {
if (n === 0) {
return acc
return factorial(n - 1, n * acc)
console.log(factorial(5)); / / 120
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The above pattern returns the same output as the first one. But the accumulator keeps track of total as a parameter, rather than using stack memory in the recursive call.
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412. How do you check if an object is a promise?
If you don’t know if a value is a Promise, wrap the value as promise.resolve (value), which returns a Promise
function isPromise(object){
if(Promise && Promise.resolve){
return Promise.resolve(object) == object;
throw "Promise not supported in your environment"}}var i = 1;
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
console.log(isPromise(i)); // false
console.log(isPromise(p)); // true
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Another way is to check the.then() handler type
function isPromise(value) {
return Boolean(value && typeof value.then === 'function');
var i = 1;
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
console.log(isPromise(i)) // false
console.log(isPromise(promise)); // true
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413. How do I check if a function is called as a constructor?
You can use the new.target pseudo-property to check whether a function is called as a constructor (using the new operator) or as a regular function call.
New.target returns a reference to the constructor or function if it is called using the new operator. For function calls, new.target is undefined.
function Myfunc() {
if (new.target) {
console.log('called with new');
} else {
console.log('not called with new'); }}new Myfunc(); // called with new
Myfunc(); // not called with new
Myfunc.call({}); not called with new
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What is the difference between arguments objects and REST arguments?
There are three main differences between the Arguments object and the REST parameter
The arguments object is an array-like object, but not an array. The REST parameter is an array instance. 2. The arguments object does not support the sort, map, forEach, or pop methods. These methods can be used for REST parameters. 3. Rest arguments are just those that are not given separate names, and the argument object contains all the arguments passed to the function
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415. What is the difference between extended operators and REST parameters?
The Rest parameter collects all remaining elements into an array. The Spread operator, on the other hand, allows an iterable (array/object/string) to be extended to a single parameter/element. That is, Rest parameters are the opposite of extension operators.
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416. What are the different types of generators?
There are five types of generators,
1. Generator function declaration:
function* myGenFunc() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
const genObj = myGenFunc();
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2. Generator function expression:
const myGenFunc = function* () {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
const genObj = myGenFunc();
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3. Generator method definitions in object literals:
const myObj = {
* myGeneratorMethod() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3; }};const genObj = myObj.myGeneratorMethod();
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4. Generator method definition in class:
class MyClass {*myGeneratorMethod() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3; }}const myObject = new MyClass();
const genObj = myObject.myGeneratorMethod();
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5. Generator as computational property:
const SomeObj = {
*[Symbol.iterator] () {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3; }}console.log(Array.from(SomeObj)); // [1, 2, 3]
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417. What is a built-in iterable?
Here is a list of iterable objects built into javascript,
2. Strings: iterate over each character or Unicode code point. 3.Maps: iterate over its key-value pair 4. Sets: iterates over their elements 5. Parameters: special variables in a function that resemble arrays 6. DOM sets such as NodeList
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418. The for… Of and the for… What’s the difference between in statements?
for… In and for… The of statement iterates over js data structures. The only difference is what they iterate over:
for.. In All enumerable property keys of an iterator for.. Of Specifies the value of an iterable. Let’s use an example to explain this difference,
let arr = ['a'.'b'.'c'];
arr.newProp = 'newVlue';
// Key is the attribute key
for (let key in arr) {
// value is the attribute value
for (let value of arr) {
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Because of the for… The in loop iterates over the keys of the object, and the first loop records 0, 1, 2, and newProp as it iterates over the array of objects. for.. The of loop iterates through the values of the ARR data structure and records a, B, and C in the console.
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419. How do I define instance and non-instance properties?
The Instance attribute must be defined in the class method. For example, the name and age attributes define internal constructors as follows,
class Person {
constructor(name, age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age; }}Copy the code
However, you must define Static(class) and stereotype data properties outside of the ClassBody declaration. Let’s assign an age to the Person class as follows,
Person.staticAge = 30;
Person.prototype.prototypeAge = 40;
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420. What’s the difference between isNaN and Number. IsNaN?
1. IsNaN: the global function isNaN converts arguments to numbers and returns true if the resulting value isNaN. 2.Number.isNaN: This method does not convert parameters. But it returns true when the type is Number and the value is NaN. Let’s see the difference through an example,
isNaN(" hello ");// true
Number.isNaN('hello'); // false
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421. How do I call IIFE without any extra parentheses?
Calling a function expression immediately (IIFE) requires a pair of parentheses to wrap the function containing the statement set.
(function(dt) {
console.log(dt.toLocaleTimeString()); }) (new Date());
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Since both IIFE and void operators discard the result of an expression, you can avoid the extra parentheses of void operatorfor IIFE, as shown below,
void function(dt) {
console.log(dt.toLocaleTimeString()); } (new Date());
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422. Can I use expressions in switch Cases?
You may have seen the expression used in the Switch condition, but you can also use it in the Switch case by assigning a truth value to the switch condition. Let’s take weather conditions based on temperature,
const weather = function getWeather(temp) {
switch(true) {
case temp < 0: return 'freezing';
case temp < 10: return 'cold';
case temp < 24: return 'cool';
default: return 'unknown';
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423. What’s the easiest way to ignore promise errors?
The easiest and safest way to ignore a Promise error is to invalidate it. This method is also ESLint friendly.
await promise.catch(e= > void e);
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424. How do I style console output using CSS?
You can use the CSS Formatting content specifier %c to add CSS styles to the console output. Console string messages can be attached to another parameter after the specifier and CSS style. Let’s use console.log and the CSS specifier to print red text, as shown below,
console.log("%cThis is a red text"."color:red");
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You can also add more variety to the content. For example, you can change the font-size of the text above
console.log("%cThis is a red text with bigger font"."color:red; font-size
Copy the code
We know what we know. We go back to problem 400
I’ve been writing a tech blog for a long time, and this is one of my interview questions. Hope you like it!
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