To use timers in DART, import the package ‘DART :async’; Timer class that can be configured to trigger one or more times.


  • Timer(Duration duration, void callback())
  • Timer. Periodic (Duration Duration, void callback(Timer Timer)) Repeated Timer

Single timer

main() {
  // Single timer
  Timer(Duration(seconds: 2), () = > {print('This is a one-time timer with a 2 second delay.')});
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Repeat timer

main() {
  // Cancel the timer after I >10
  num i = 1;
  Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) {
    print(timer.isActive); // true returns whether the timer is still active
    print(timer.runtimeType); // the runtime type of the _Timer object
    if (i > 10) {
      print(timer.toString()); // Returns a string representation of this object
      timer.cancel(); // You can use timer.cancel() to cancel the timer and avoid infinite callbacks
      print(timer.hashCode); // Hash value of this object
      print(timer.isActive); // false}}); }Copy the code runs the given callback asynchronously as soon as possible Function() callback);

import 'dart:async';

main() {
  var futureInstance = Future.value(12345);
  for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
    Future.microtask(() => print('This is the future.microtask () microtask method'));
    print('First for loop:$i');
    futureInstance.then((value) => print(value));;
  for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    print('Second for loop:$i');
  Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 0), () = > {print("Disposable timer.")});

void methods() async {
  print("Run the given callback asynchronously as soon as possible");

void externalApproach() {
  print("This is the external method.");
/* This is the external method first for loop: 0 second for loop: 0 second for loop: 1 12345 This is the future.microtask () microtask method as soon as possible to run the given callback one-time timer */
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