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For a detailed explanation of the Javascript Abstract syntax tree, see the companion article: Front-end Advanced Javascript Abstract Syntax Tree

The Javascript code Parse step is divided into two stages: Lexical Analysis and Syntactic Analysis. This step takes the code and outputs the abstract syntax tree, also known as the AST.

As Babel’s ecology becomes more refined, we often use Babel to help us analyze the parsing process of our code. Babel using a ESTree based and modified the AST, its kernel documentation can be in [here] (https://github. com/Babel/Babel/blob/master/doc/AST/spec. Md) found.

During the analysis of Javascript AST, the tool AST Explorer can help us get a better sense of AST nodes.

To help you understand the core Babylon AST node types, 13 common examples are listed here, and the corresponding AST node and node types are analyzed in detail.

The AST of all of the following code is based on Babylon7

Variable declarations


let a  = 'hello'
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Variable declarations. The kind attribute indicates what type of declaration it is, since ES6 introduced const/let. Declarations represent multiple descriptions of declarations, since we can do this: let a = 1, b = 2; .

interface VariableDeclaration <: Declaration {
    type: "VariableDeclaration";
    declarations: [ VariableDeclarator ];
    kind: "var";
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Description of a variable declaration, where id represents the variable name node and init represents an expression for the initial value, which can be null.

interface VariableDeclarator <: Node {
    type: "VariableDeclarator";
    id: Pattern;
    init: Expression | null;
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Identifiers, I think that’s what it’s called, are the names that we define when we write JS, the names of variables, the names of functions, the names of properties, are all called identifiers. The corresponding interface looks like this:

interface Identifier <: Expression, Pattern {
    type: "Identifier";
    name: string;
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An identifier may be an expression or a deconstruction pattern (deconstruction syntax in ES6). We will see Expression and Pattern later.


Literals, not [] or {}, but literals that semantically represent a value, such as 1, “hello”, true, and regular expressions (with an extended Node to represent regular expressions) such as /\d? /. Let’s look at the definition of the document:

interface Literal <: Expression {
    type: "Literal";
    value: string | boolean | null | number | RegExp;
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Value corresponds to the literal value. We can see the literal value type, string, Boolean, numeric, NULL, and re.

Binary operation expression


let a = 3+4
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Binary operation expression node, left and right represent two expressions left and right of the operator, and operator represents a binary operator.

interface BinaryExpression <: Expression {
    type: "BinaryExpression";
    operator: BinaryOperator;
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
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Binary operator, all values are as follows:

enum BinaryOperator {
    "= =" | ! "" =" | "= = =" | ! "" = ="
         | "<" | "< =" | ">" | "> ="
         | "< <" | "> >" | "> > >"
         | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%"
         | "|" | "^" | "&" | "in"
         | "instanceof"
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Assignment expression


This example is a little more complicated and involves more Node types.

    this.state = {date: new Date(a)};Copy the code



Expression statement nodes, where a = a+ 1 or a++ have an expression property that refers to an expression node object (we’ll talk about expressions later).

interface ExpressionStatement <: Statement {
    type: "ExpressionStatement";
    expression: Expression;
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Assignment expression node, the operator property represents an assignment operator, left and right are expressions around the assignment operator.

interface AssignmentExpression <: Expression {
    type: "AssignmentExpression";
    operator: AssignmentOperator;
    left: Pattern | Expression;
    right: Expression;
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Assignment operator, all values as follows :(not many commonly used)

enum AssignmentOperator {
    "=" | "+ =" | "- =" | "* =" | "/ =" | "% ="
        | "< < =" | "> > =" | "> > > ="
        | "| =" | "^ =" | "& ="
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A member expression node is a statement that refers to an object member, object is an expression node that refers to an object, property is an attribute name, computed, if false, means. The property should be an Identifier node, or [] if the computed property is true, that is, the property is an Expression node whose name is the resulting value of the Expression.

interface MemberExpression <: Expression, Pattern {
    type: "MemberExpression";
    object: Expression;
    property: Expression;
    computed: boolean;
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According to this.

interface ThisExpression <: Expression {
    type: "ThisExpression";
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Object expression node. The property property is an array representing each key-value pair of the object. Each element is an attribute node.

interface ObjectExpression <: Expression {
    type: "ObjectExpression";
    properties: [ Property ];
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Property node in an object expression. Key represents a key, value represents a value, and since ES5 syntax has get/set, there is a kind attribute that indicates a normal initialization, or get/set.

interface Property <: Node {
    type: "Property";
    key: Literal | Identifier;
    value: Expression;
    kind: "init" | "get" | "set";
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New expression.

interface NewExpression <: CallExpression {
    type: "NewExpression";
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Function call expression


	console.log(`Hello ${name}`)
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Function call expressions that represent statements of type func(1, 2). Arguments is an array, and the element is an expression node, representing the function argument list.

interface CallExpression <: Expression {
    type: "CallExpression";
    callee: Expression;
    arguments: [ Expression ];
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interface TemplateLiteral <: Expression {
  type: "TemplateLiteral";
  quasis: [ TemplateElement ];
  expressions: [ Expression ];
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interface TemplateElement <: Node {
  type: "TemplateElement";
  tail: boolean;
  value: {
    cooked: string | null;
    raw: string;
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Arrow function


i => i++
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Arrow function expression.

interface ArrowFunctionExpression <: Function, Expression {
  type: "ArrowFunctionExpression";
  body: BlockStatement | Expression;
  expression: boolean;
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The update expression node, ++/–, is similar to the unary operator, except that the type of node object that operator points to is the update operator.

interface UpdateExpression <: Expression {
    type: "UpdateExpression";
    operator: UpdateOperator;
    argument: Expression;
    prefix: boolean;
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The update operator, with a value of ++ or –, is used with the prefix attribute of the UPDATE expression node to indicate before and after.

enum UpdateOperator {
    "+ +" | "--"
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Function declaration


function Hello(name = 'Lily'){}Copy the code



Function declarations, unlike Function declarations above, cannot have id null.

interface FunctionDeclaration <: Function, Declaration {
    type: "FunctionDeclaration";
    id: Identifier;
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interface AssignmentPattern <: Pattern {
  type: "AssignmentPattern";
  left: Pattern;
  right: Expression;
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Block statement nodes, for example: if (…) {// Here is the contents of a block}, a block can contain multiple other statements, so there is a body attribute, which is an array representing multiple statements in the block.

interface BlockStatement <: Statement {
    type: "BlockStatement";
    body: [ Statement ];
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Class declaration


class Clock extends Component{
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interface Class <: Node {
  id: Identifier | null;
  superClass: Expression | null;
  body: ClassBody;
  decorators: [ Decorator ];
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interface ClassBody <: Node {
  type: "ClassBody";
  body: [ ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassProperty | ClassPrivateProperty ];
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interface ClassMethod <: Function {
  type: "ClassMethod";
  key: Expression;
  kind: "constructor" | "method" | "get" | "set";
  computed: boolean;
  static: boolean;
  decorators: [ Decorator ];
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If statement


if(a === 0){
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If statement nodes, typically, have three attributes, the test attribute representing if (…). Expressions in parentheses.

Possession property is an execution statement that represents a condition true, which is usually a block statement.

The alternate property is used to represent an else statement node, usually a block statement, but also an if statement node, such as if (a) {//… } else if (b) { // … }. Alternate can of course be null.

interface IfStatement <: Statement {
    type: "IfStatement";
    test: Expression;
    consequent: Statement;
    alternate: Statement | null;
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A switch statement


  case 0:
    x = 'Sunday'
    x = 'Weekday'
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A Switch statement node has two attributes. The discriminant attribute indicates the discriminant expression immediately following a switch statement, which is usually a variable. The Cases attribute is an array of case nodes, which represents each case statement.

interface SwitchStatement <: Statement {
    type: "SwitchStatement";
    discriminant: Expression;
    cases: [ SwitchCase ];
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Case node of the switch. The test attribute represents the judgment expression for the case, and aggressively is the execution statement for the case.

When the test property is null, it represents the default case node.

interface SwitchCase <: Node {
    type: "SwitchCase";
    test: Expression | null;
    consequent: [ Statement ];
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For statement


for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
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The for loop node, init/test/update, represents the three expressions in the parentheses of the for statement, the initialization value, the loop judgment condition, and the variable update statement (init can be a variable declaration or expression) executed each time the loop executes. All three attributes can be null, for(;;) {}. The body attribute is used to indicate the statement to loop through.

interface ForStatement <: Statement {
    type: "ForStatement";
    init: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null;
    test: Expression | null;
    update: Expression | null;
    body: Statement;
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Module is introduced into


import React from 'react'
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Module declaration.

interface ImportDeclaration <: ModuleDeclaration {
  type: "ImportDeclaration";
  specifiers: [ ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier ];
  source: Literal;
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interface ImportDefaultSpecifier <: ModuleSpecifier {
  type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier";
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Module export


export default Clock
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interface OptFunctionDeclaration <: FunctionDeclaration {
  id: Identifier | null;

interface OptClasDeclaration <: ClassDeclaration {
  id: Identifier | null;

interface ExportDefaultDeclaration <: ModuleDeclaration {
  type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration";
  declaration: OptFunctionDeclaration | OptClassDeclaration | Expression;
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JSX render method


  render() {
    return (
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
        <h2>It is {}.</h2>
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  • babel-handbook
  • babylon
  • estree
  • Use Acorn to parse JavaScript