
  1. Merges two ordered arrays and computes the median number
/ / m,2,4,5,6,8,11 [1]
/ /,5,6,8,10 [2] n
// 1. If there are even numbers, take the average of the two middle numbers
// 2. The time complexity cannot exceed O(m+n).

function merge(arr1, arr2) {
    let newArr = [];
    let i=0; 
    let j=0;
    // Add in order
    while(i ! == arr1.length && j ! == arr2.length) {if (arr1[i] < arr2[j]) {
        } else{ newArr.push(arr2[j]); j++; }}// Dispose of the unadded
    while(i ! == arr1.length) { newArr.push(arr1[i]) i++; }while(j ! == arr2.length) { newArr.push(arr2[j]) j++; }// find the median
    let len = i+j;
    if(! (len %2)) {
        return (newArr[len/2] + newArr[len/2 - 1) /2
    } else {
        return newArr[parseInt(len/2)]}}Copy the code


  1. Prototype and prototype chain

What are the following three equal to

function foo(){}
const bar = new foo()
bar.__proto__ === foo.prototype
foo.__proto__ === Function.prototype
foo.prototype.constructor === foo

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  1. A div’s height of 100px is defined by its content. If you add the style height:50px; Overflow: Hidden, will backflow redraw be triggered? If it has the style position:absolute first, what will be triggered by adding the style above?

    • The visible size of the element changes, so a backflow redraw occurs
    • When it is absolutely positioned, away from the normal document flow, the width also becomes spread out by its contents, as can be seen that a change in size triggers a backflow redraw
  2. What kinds of document flows are there

    • Normal document flow
    • Floating document flow
    • Locating the document flow
  3. There are ways to get out of the normal document flow

    • floating
    • Absolute positioning
    • Fixed position