Terminal is a simple command line system that provides you with an interface to use code to control the basic macOS system. On the terminal, you can do a lot of cool things like download apps, play Tetris, watch Star Wars and so on.

Related reading: Playing with The Terminal: An Introductory Guide and Advanced Tips


Homebrew is an open source package manager for macOS. Known as the missing package manager for macOS, Homebrew is written in the Ruby programming language.

The package manager is important because packages become heavily interdependent when developers connect their applications with pipes, I/O redirects, or scripts. Using the package manager, you can save yourself the hassle of checking system compatibility and dependencies, and installing applications becomes very easy.

Install Homebrew

Now that you know what Homebrew is, start installing it.

A quick way to open a terminal is to use CMD + space, then type terminal, press Enter and it will pop up.

To install Homebrew, you must first install the Xcode tool, or you can choose to install the full version of Xcode.

Xcode installation tools

$Xcode - select - install
Copy the code

Install homebrew

$ ruby -e"$(curl - fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install).
Copy the code

Some Homebrew commands

  • brew --versionDisplay version
  • brew helpPrinting Help Information
  • brew doctorCheck the problem

Now that Homebrew is installed on your macOS, it’s time to learn the ropes.

1. Cask

Cask brings a simple and fast way to install and manage GUI applications on macOS. Simply put, it’s a way to install applications on a Mac without having to search and install them online.


$ brew install cask
Copy the code


  • List the applications:brew search
  • Search application:brew search (app_name)
  • Installation:brew cask install (app_name)
  • Update:brew cask upgrade
  • Help:brew cask help


2. Youtube-dl

Youtub-dl is a command line program for downloading Youtube videos or videos from any platform at high resolution.


$ brew install youtube-dl
Copy the code


  • Install ffmpeg:brew install youtube-dl ffmpeg
  • Download the highest – res:youtube-dl -f bestvideo+bestaudio 'link'
  • Help:Youtube - dl - -help



Speedtest- CLI is a command line interface for testing Internet bandwidth. It allows you to test specific servers and even provides a URL so you can brag to your friends about your Internet speed.


$ brew install speedtest-cli
Copy the code

Run: speedtest – cli



Imagemagick is a versatile tool for converting one image format to another (such as JPEG to PNG). It can also be used to add borders, effects and resize. Browse more using Convert Help


$ brew install imagemagick
Copy the code


  • Add border (example) :convert testing.png -border 1x1 -bordercolor black result.png
  • Add effect (sample) :convert testing.png -charcoal 2 example.png
  • Resize (sample) :convert testing.png -resize 1920 (or x1080) example.png
  • Help:convert help


5. mas

Mas is the command line interface of the Mac App Store, allowing you to install Mac applications directly from the App Store using the command line. You can search for apps, install all existing updates, print the version number of your app in the store, and so on. There’s even a fun option called “Lucky” that will install the first search result if you dare to try it.


$ brew install mas
Copy the code


  • List all apps:mas list
  • Search the APP:mas search Xcode
  • Install the APP:mas install 497799835(Version number of the application)
  • Applications to be updated:mas outdated
  • Update the APP:mas upgrade


6. wifi-password

Wifi-password works exactly as its name does, showing you the Wi-Fi password for the network you’re currently connected to. After keystring authentication is entered, the password is displayed in bright green.


$ brew install wifi-password
Copy the code

Run: wifi – the password

7. Midnight-commander

Midnight Commander is a tool that combines finder and command line functionality to create an interactive file manager in a terminal. Within Midnight commander, you can navigate your directory structure using a click or arrow on the keyboard.


$ brew install midnight-commander
Copy the code

Run: MC


8. Zsh

Zsh, also known as Z shell, is a Unix shell, with attractive colors, is used as an interactive login shell and command interpreter, command interpreter for shell scripts. Learn more about its use on GitHub.


$ brew install zsh
Copy the code

Set Zsh to the default shell: CHSH -s /bin/zsh


9. htop

Htop is Unix’s interactive system monitor, process viewer, and process manager, and is said to be the successor to the Unix program TOP. It shows an updated list of processes running on the Mac, sorted by CPU usage.


$ brew install htop
Copy the code

Run: sudo htop

Htop: hisham. Hm/Htop /

10. tree

Tree is a tool that lists the contents of a folder in a tree format. This is a lifesaver for those who want to quickly and intuitively show the file structure of a project.


$ brew install tree
Copy the code

Run: tree


11. archey

Archey A displays system information inside the terminal, along with text-based retro apple ICONS.


$ brew install archey
Copy the code


  • Run:archey
  • Color:archey -c
  • Black and white:archey -b

Archey: obihann. Making. IO/archey osx /

12. trash

Trash trash is a simple program that moves files or folders to the trash.


$ brew install trash
Copy the code


  • Run:Trash [-vlesyf] <file> [<file>...
  • Help:Trash - -help


The end of the

If you’re spending a lot of time on a terminal, an additional trick is to download iTerm2. It is said to be better and more customizable than Terminal.

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