No matter where you are on your programming journey, these 12 programming articles have something you need to learn.

“The best time to learn computer programming was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.” — Computer science proverb (maybe)

Whether you’re a new programmer, an experienced Web developer, a back-end guru, a grizzled systems programmer, or some other mysterious species of computer geek? No matter where you are in the broad ecosystem of software developers, the one constant in our field is the need to understand new technologies and how they can be applied. This is a collection of the most read articles of the past year, and I’m happy to share them with you here.

study hard

No matter your skills or interests, learning how to write computer programs can turn knowledge of a specific field into a superpower. Unfortunately, at least for now, it’s not possible to learn how to program by sitting in front of a computer and receiving electromagnetic radiation. Until then, I recommend these excellent articles to help stimulate your programming skills. They address some important questions, such as thinking about which language to learn and different ways to get started.

  • Which programming language should you learn? (translation)
  • 12 Ways to Learn Python
  • Three Popular Programming languages you can Learn with Raspberry PI
  • Using Python to guide Children’s Computer Thinking

Day day up

Experienced programmers know that the only thing harder than learning to program is keeping your skills and knowledge up to date. But we are a self-taught people, always looking to improve our professional knowledge and understanding. Even if we don’t expect to use new technologies, we know someone will always ask about them. These articles on Rust, WebAssembly, and Podman are good places to start learning about some of the emerging trends in software technology.

  • Why use Rust in WebAssembly?
  • Extend the command line realm with WebAssembly
  • How does root-free Podman work?
  • Why did you choose Rust as your next programming language

Veterans die

Despite all the new technology, looking back can help you move forward. Today’s amazing technology is built on the tools of yesterday and will give us a good understanding of the capabilities and limitations of these tools even if we have never written code in these legendary languages. This series of articles focuses on C, practical applications written in AWK, and an interesting discussion of computer languages that are declining in popularity but perhaps not dead yet.

  • [C] the great influence of
  • How to write C main function
  • Drinking coffee with AWK
  • What’s your favorite “dead” language?

To learn more than

No matter where you are in the programming process, there is always more to learn. I hope these top resources from 2019 will help you prepare for 2020. Thank you, the authors, and you, the reader.


By Erik O ‘shaughnessy, lujun9972

This article is originally compiled by LCTT and released in Linux China