Array deduplication 12 options

Let’s go full circle and summarize our array methods:

  • pop
  • push
  • shift
  • unshift
  • slice
  • splice
  • sort
  • reverse
  • concat
  • join
  • indexOf
  • lastIndexOf
  • map
  • forEach

There are several other ways to handle arrays

The -includes: method is used to determine whether an array contains a specified value, returning true if it does and false otherwise.

– find: Returns the first found item

-some: Returns a Boolean value, true as long as one is true

-every: Returns a Boolean value. True is returned only when each item is true

– filter: Returns a new array after filtering. If it returns true, it is retained, and false is filtered out

– reduce: converges

Below we enter the topic ~ (hope can be helpful to you ~ small make up a little skin!! Hahahahahaha)

Method 1: Set: is not a data type, is a data structure; Members of the only

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        lets = new Set(ary); / / Array. The from: willsetData structures turn into real arrays;return  Array.from(s)
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Method 2: Object attribute names must be unique

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        let obj = {};
        for(leti=0; i<ary.length; i++){let cur = ary[i];
            if(obj[cur]){ //ary.splice(i,1); Ary [I]=ary[ary.length-1]; ary.length--; // delete the last item I --;continue; } obj[cur]=cur; // add a key pair to obj; Attribute name and attribute value are the same}} unique(arr);Copy the code

Method 3: indexOf

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        let newAry = [];
        for(leti=0; i<ary.length; i++){let  cur = ary[i];
            if(newAry.indexOf(cur)===-1){ newAry.push(cur); }}return newAry;
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Method 4: sort

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
       let a = ary.sort(function (a,b) {
           return a-b;
       for(leti=0; i<a.length; i++){if(a = = = [I] a [I + 1]) {a.s plice (I + 1, 1); i--; }}return a;
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Method 5: includes. Returns true if the array contains that item; Does not contain return false;

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        let newAry = [];
        let len = ary.length;
        for(leti=0; i<len; i++){let cur = ary[i];
        return newAry;
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HasOwnProperty: Check if the property name is a private property of the object. Returns a Boolean value;

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        let obj = {};
        return ary.filter(function(item,index,a) {// item: each member of the array // index: the corresponding index of the member // a: the entire array // hasOwnProperty to check whether the attribute is present;return  obj.hasOwnProperty(typeof item+item)?false:obj[typeof item+item]=true;
           if(obj.hasOwnProperty(typeof item+item)){
               return false
               obj[typeof item+item]=true;
               return true;
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Method 7: Filter +indexOf

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        return ary.filter(function (item,index,a) {
            return ary.indexOf(item)===index;

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8. Splice

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        for(leti=0; i<ary.length; i++){for(j=i+1; j<ary.length; j++){if(ary[i]===ary[j]){ ary.splice(j,1); j--; }}}return ary;
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Method 9: Recursion

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        let  len= ary.length;
        ary = ary.sort(function (a,b) {
            return a-b;
        function loop(index) {
        return ary;
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Method 10: Map: uses the characteristics of Map data structure to store values;

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];function unique(ary) {
        let newAry =[];
        let map = new Map();
        for(leti=0; i<ary.length; i++){if(! map.has(ary[i])){ map.set(ary[i],true);
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Method 11: Reduce

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];functionUnique (ary) {// reduce: The first is the function, and the second argument is passed to the prev of the first callback;returnAry. Reduce ((prev,next)=>{// The return value of this function is the next prev;returnprev.includes(next)? prev:[...prev,next]; },[]) } console.log(unique(arr));Copy the code

Method 12: A set similar to method 1, using the residual operator…

letArr =,1,12,3,1,88,66,9,66 [12];let a = [ Set(arr)];

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Today first sort out these to heavy method, welcome the big guys to give advice to supplement ~ღ(´ ᴗ · ‘) than heart