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This article introduces 12 Chrome plugins that are very efficient and useful, and also includes a download address

If you want to do a good job, you need to do a good job. Chrome is the most important part of a programmer’s day job (if you don’t know yet, check out 130s). Without further ado, here’s how Chrome can improve your productivity — it supports a wide range of add-ons that can help you get more done in less time while using less system resources than some apps.

Take notes, plan your day, improve your inbox, and Max your productivity without closing your browser. (Note: These add-ons are also available in Opera)

Writing and note-taking

Whether you’re preparing a report, writing an article, or listening to a lecture, having a handy note-taking plugin at your fingertips will definitely help!

For notes and to-do lists

Google Keep

Recommended reasons:

Google Keep is fast, light and perfectly suited to a fast pace of work — you can quickly add notes with the click of a button on your browser.

I prefer Keep to Evernote and Microsoft OneNote: It’s less cluttered and allows me to focus on jotting down ideas quickly, rather than offering a bunch of features for typography and linking.

That doesn’t mean Keep has only one feature: it saves images and text on your page, and you can make notes on it. If you’re going to write something, you can always open it up and jot down texts, lists and reminders.

The Panel view function of Keep is very popular with me. I can build a small window on the side while keeping the tabs open.

➤ Google to Keep for a link:

For brainstorming


Recommended reasons:

Papier is a super simple note-taking tool, and “always on call” is what makes it so much better than desktop apps.

Just install the plug-in, open a new TAB, and an instant notepad appears. Graphs automatically save content and support basic typography and keyboard shortcuts. The interface is clean and crisp, and all you see is a blank page that responds to your notes and new ideas, and a night mode if the interface is too harsh.

Because it’s a one-page notebook with no document storage, it feels more like a place to scribble ideas than to save and retrieve individual documents. Papier also offers a basic rich text format that you can launch with shortcuts to switch to a Web-based text editor.

Although it looks lightweight, Papier is all about bringing your ideas to life in real time, thanks to an almost invisible interface. This is especially useful when you need to brainstorm, jot down fleeting ideas, and take notes while looking at your browser.

➤ Papier for a link: 69i57j69i60&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Task Management

Got a ton of work to do? Make a list in your browser, and at the end of the day you can easily see your progress.

To prepare a short list


Recommended reason:

The “new TAB page” is a hot spot for plugins, and Jot is one of them. It displays a nice wallpaper every time you open a TAB, and it lets you list today’s To-Do list and notes in big posters every time you open a blank TAB.

If you don’t need a variety of advanced task management features, Jot is the one for you.

➤ Jot for a link:

To plan your day


Recommended reasons:

Momentum has added some useful widgets to your new TAB to help you easily plan your day and achieve your goals.

There’s a clock, local weather, a to-do list, a custom shortcut link, and more background images than you can read.

All elements of the interface can be adjusted to your liking. The best part is the “Focus” widget, which shows your main goals for the day at the bottom of the good afternoon.

For $2 a month, you get more customizations, such as syncing apps like Todoist and Wunderlist, and Foucus can learn To display tasks from your To-Do list.

➤ Momentum for a link:

It’s for scheduling tasks


Recommended reasons:

If you use Chrome a lot but don’t have a default To-do List manager, try Todoist. It has a powerful task list built into the browser toolbar and offers a lot of functionality in a few inches.

For starters, you can simply add tasks or turn the activity TAB into a list of items. It lets you set priorities and set deadlines or repetition patterns for each to-do item. Your schedule for the next seven days will appear gracefully in front of you.

Todoist can add and view tasks in the same place better than Wunderlist’s method of adding a plug-in for each feature. Todoist can also add tasks to The Google Calendar through Zapier, which works with a number of apps. Make starred messages in Slack a to-do list.

➤ Todoist access links:

To take control of the project


Recommended reasons:

If you’ve used several apps to manage tasks and projects, Taco’s new TAB replacement is enough to make him laugh.

With Taco apps like Wunderlist, Evernote, Asana, Basecamp and Trello, you can put all your items in a new TAB and then optimize by dragging and dropping items from the Up Next table without opening each app.

It is strong enough To filter tasks by item, but can also be used as easily as a normal To-Do list. What I like about Taco is that it lets me do my job.

➤ Taco get links:


Reading and Research

The Internet is full of all kinds of useful and useless information, and soon you get lost in it. Instead, use these tools to make the most of your time. Read books. Do your research.

It’s for scanning articles

Reading Tim

Recommended reasons:

Time shows you in the upper left corner of the browser how much Time it takes to read the content on the page, which is very useful for determining whether to scan it now or save it for later.

If you want to research something and want to know which articles to read first, this plugin will help you quickly find the main points of the article.

The default Reading Time is 228 words per minute, but to get the results right, you have to take a 1 minute test at Staples and then enter your Reading speed in the plugins option.

➤ Reading Time to obtain the address:

For later reading


Recommended reasons:

If you come across an interesting article but have no time to read it, you can save it in Pocket and read it later.

Simply click the button on the toolbar or press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+S and the page you are viewing will be added to the read queue. When you are free, you can open Pocket’s Web application and APP and read without other interference.

TimeToRead If you’re carrying more items in your pocket, you can also install a TimeToRead: It adds a tag to each article to show how much time it takes to read it.

This can help you choose what to read based on how much time you have, or sort it by length of time. For those of you who have a growing list of things to read, this can help you organize your reading list.

➤ Pocket for a link:

It’s for speed reading


Recommended reasons:

When you’re pressed for time and need to familiarize yourself with a text quickly, you need to speed read. Reedy lets you select any article paragraph on the page and read it in its clean interface.

You know, information overload is a very real problem, and Reedy can definitely help you de-clutter it. When I’m bombarded with lengthy emails and press releases, Reedy lets me skim through them and decide if I need to take the time to follow up. If you often need to read a lot, it’s worth a try.

➤ Reedy for a link:

To summarize the article


Recommended reasons:

This plugin combs through a text by highlighting highlights of the text. Once you’ve chosen the highlights and shared them with your friends, they’ll only see what you’ve chosen, along with numbers showing how much time you’ve saved them.

This feature isn’t limited to sharing: I later discovered that it can be used to tag sources in articles or podcasts. The highlights I make are saved, searchable and even displayed in Pocket and Instapaper accounts.

➤ Highly for a link:


Bookmarks and search classes

Used to rediscover needed online resources


Recommended reasons:

There are so many tools for bookmarking pages that you can switch computers and forget what’s in your browser. Refind was created to solve this problem.

He can save bookmarks in the cloud and highlight them when you Google related content, so mom won’t have to worry about me bookmarking an article multiple times. ➤ Refind for a link:

To track page changes

Page Monitor

Recommended reasons:

RSS readers can aggregate the blogs you follow, but if you want to receive real-time alerts of updates, you’ll have to use Page Monitor.

The plugin requires you to add the page you want to follow to the list, and it keeps track of changes and alerts you with a “ding” when new content comes up.

As a journalist, I use Page Monitor to quickly track tech news — you can also use it to track stocks and exchange rates, product launches and sales, etc. The extended export feature is especially convenient, and I can share the addresses of the websites I look at with my colleagues at once.

➤ Page Monitor for a link:

These are 12 powerful Chrome add-ons that can boost your productivity. If you try a few, you’ll never leave them, and you may have removed a few extra desktop apps along the way. Let us know your favorite plugin in the comments!