I. Message forwarding process
1. View the log that was called when the method was not implemented
You can see the text of msgfay-xxx in path/TMP /
Comment objcmsgloglock. lock() and objcmsglogLock. unlock() in logMessageSend if there is no content in the MSgdoc-xxx file
2. Overall process
ResolveInstanceMethod – > forwardingTargetForSelector – > methodSignatureForSelector and forwardInvocationResolveInstanceMethod gives yourself a chance to implement it
ForwardingTargetForSelector can be forwarded to the other classes
MethodSignatureForSelector and forwardInvocation last chance to deal with
Two, the dynamic resolution method to go twice
Symptom: resolveInstanceMethod walks twiceFirst break the point in the resolveInstanceMethod function
And then print it on the second entry
You can see that the second time is initiated by lookUpImpOrNilTryCache
The call chain can be found in the source code: LookUpImpOrForward (6495) – > resolveMethod_locked – > resolveInstanceMethod – > lookUpImpOrNilTryCache – > _lookUpImpTryCache – > look UpImpOrForward
Through print: resolveInstanceMethod – > forwardingTargetForSelector – > methodSignatureForSelector – > resolveInstanceMethod
So why is it designed this way? I don’t fucking know… Hahaha…
Third, the overall flow chart
1. Search the cache
2. Find the method list
3. Forwarding messages