2020-1024 = 996!

Did you work overtime today, Saturday? I added it anyway! I went to the company for an early meeting in the morning and came home at noon to write this article.

Today, I would like to recommend an open source free Spring Boot project, which is my most recent Spring Boot series article — Spring-boot-Route.

Github address: **github.com/binzh303/sp…

Spring-boot-route includes nine parts, including basic knowledge, Web development, data access, cache services, message queues, log management, service monitoring, scheduled tasks and other knowledge. Twenty-three articles cover almost common technical points in development. The specific contents are as follows:

The code is as follows:

The code and article have been uploaded to Github. Click on the link below to go directly to Github. If you think the article is good, click star to support it.

The content in this series varies in degree of difficulty, but it’s basically something I’ve used or wanted to learn over the years. At the beginning, there were almost 30 articles in the outline. After repeated elaboration, security framework modules and several uncommon technical points were removed, and 23 articles were retained to form this series.

There’s a plan in there

I started to make an outline in September and wrote a few articles here and there. During the National Day, I wrote this series at home and started to push it on the official account. Did not expect to update just on October 23, this is not intended to catch 1024. Until the rest of last night, I thought today was October 23, today’s article title I have thought of “1024 eve, I brought him to you”. But this morning, I found that there were too many topics about 1024 in my moments. I opened my calendar and found that the date had arrived.

Why write this series

There are three main reasons for writing this series. First, in the days when I updated my official account, many readers added me. The first thing they said to me was that I was working soon or I was still in school, and they asked me what I should learn. Secondly, I insist on updating an article every day. The most difficult thing is not to write an article, but to consider what content to write. Just after updating this series, I will not worry about what to write during this period of time. Third: In my years of work, I think there are three things that a qualified programmer should do: set up his own blog, write an open source project, and publish a book. I finished building the blog last year (and shut it down, of course), but I have no plans to publish the book yet, so I’ll just do the second thing. Visit Github every day, and it’s time to do something for open source.

The gains and losses of this time

To be honest, THIS series of articles is a bit too long for me. The most obvious is that before writing this series of public number of articles to read more than 200, good articles can reach more than 400, and this series of articles to read the basic maintenance of less than 100. Although said to write the public number is the most important or precipitation themselves, but no one to read the article you write or a little uncomfortable, like actors without an audience. Of course, there are also a small number of people who adhere to the practice of following the article, they leave comments, like, share, you are my motivation to finish the update.

Although few people read the series on the official account, it has also been recognized by some industry insiders on other websites. Among them, editors from several publishing houses have also joined me and contacted me to publish books on this series.

I have no plans to do that at the moment, and I will keep an eye on the series for some time to come. If you have any content you want to add, please directly feedback to me on wechat or issue on Github. I’ll add it to the series if I feel it’s necessary.

Spring Boot series tutorial directory

Spring-boot-route (I) Several ways for Controller to receive parameters

Spring-boot-route (2) Several methods of reading configuration files

Spring-boot-route (3) Upload multiple files

Spring-boot-route (4) Global exception processing

Spring-boot-route (5) Integrate Swagger to generate interface documents

Spring-boot-route (6) Integrate JApiDocs to generate interface documents

Spring-boot-route (7) Integrate jdbcTemplate operation database

Spring-boot-route (8) Integrating mybatis operation database

Spring-boot-route (9) Integrate JPA operation database

Spring-boot-route (10) Switching between multiple data sources

Spring-boot-route (11) Encrypting database configuration information

Spring-boot-route (12) Integrate REDis as cache

Spring-boot-route RabbitMQ

Spring-boot-route Kafka

Spring-boot-route (15) Integrate RocketMQ

Spring-boot-route (16) Use logback to produce log files

Spring-boot-route (17) Use AOP to log operations

Spring-boot-route (18) Spring-boot-adtuator monitoring applications

Spring-boot-route (19) Spring-boot-admin Monitoring service

Spring-boot-route (20) Spring Task Implements simple scheduled tasks

Spring-boot-route (21) Quartz Implements dynamic scheduled tasks

Spring-boot-route (22) Enables email sending

Spring-boot-route (23) Developed wechat official accounts

Spring-boot-route (24) Distributed session consistency processing

Spring-boot-route (25) two lines of code to achieve internationalization

Spring-boot-route (26) Integrate webSocket

This series of articles are frequently used in the work of knowledge, after learning this series, to cope with daily development more than enough. If you want to know more, just scan the qr code below and let me know. I will further improve this series of articles!