As a programming language, Python is relatively easy to get started with. So many people choose to learn Python by themselves, and there are many related materials on the Internet, which can basically meet the needs of getting started.

Today I’m going to share with you a less basic, but definitely classic and useful advanced Python tutorial — Fluent Python. It consists of six parts and 20 chapters, with a total of 1021 pages. Detailed content, graphic, full of dry goods, practical strong, help you to advance for programming master!

See the end of the article for information collection!!

See the end of the article for information collection!!

Supporting mind maps


  • Part I Prologue
  • The second part is data structure
  • The third part treats functions as objects
  • The fourth part is metaprogramming
  • The fifth part control flow
  • The sixth part is object-oriented usage

Part I Prologue

  • Chapter 1. The Python data Model

The second part is data structure

  • Chapter 2. Arrays of sequences
  • Chapter 3 Dictionaries and collections
  • Chapter 4 text and byte sequences

The third part treats functions as objects

  • Chapter 5 First-class functions
  • Chapter 6 uses first-class functions to implement design patterns
  • Chapter 7 function decorators and closures

The fourth part is metaprogramming

  • Chapter 8 object references, mutable garbage, and garbage Collection
  • Chapter 9 on Python-style objects
  • Chapter 10 sequence modification, hashing and slicing
  • Chapter 11 Interfaces: From protocols to Abstract base classes
  • Chapter 12 advantages and Disadvantages of inheritance
  • Chapter 13. Correct load Operators

The fifth part control flow

  • Chapter 14. Iterables, iterators, and Generators
  • Chapter 15 context Managers and ELSE blocks
  • Chapter 16 coroutines
  • Chapter 17 deals with concurrency using futures
  • Chapter 18 uses the Asyncio package to handle concurrency

The sixth part is object-oriented usage

  • Chapter 19 dynamic properties and features
  • Chapter 20 attribute Descriptors
  • Chapter 21 class metaprogramming

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