1. Be good at Google searches
Being a coder means you need to search for answers to your questions. By using Google effectively, you will save a lot of development time.
2. Commitment and delivery
It’s best to let your team know that a task will take three weeks and be delivered in two ways. By promising and overdelivering, you will build trust.
3. Get along with designers, they’re your friends
Designers provide solutions to users’ pain points. Learn from them and work cohesively to build effective products.
4. Find mentors
Find someone you can learn from and draw inspiration from. If you need a technical mentor, Coding Coash is a good place to start.
5. Become a mentor
Be a mentor that others can learn from and draw inspiration from. You can become a mentor through Coding Coash.
6. Write useful comments
Write comments that parse the “why” rather than the “what”.
7. Name variables and functions correctly
Functions and variables should express exactly what they are for, so myCoolFunction is unfriendly.
8. Take time off
We all need time to decompress. Take the trip you want to take to help your brain relax . Your colleagues will thank you, too
9. Remove useless code
There is no reason to accumulate more technical debt.
10. Learn to read code
Reading code is an undervalued skill, but a very valuable one.
11. Establish a healthy work/life balance
After working long hours, you need time to decompress. Turn off work notifications and remove references from your phone.
12. Schedule only necessary meetings
Can it be resolved by email or Slack message? Avoid meetings if you can. If not, pay attention to the duration of development and hit the target event directly.
13. Matchmaking
The matching program allows you to play the role of teacher and student.
14. Write your email
Capture your audience’s attention with a clear message. No one wants to read your four-page email.
15. Join the community
Surround yourself with like-minded people who will inspire you to get out of your slump.
16. Clean up your branches
Clean out your version control branches just like you clean out your house before your relatives arrive. If you don’t need it, get rid of it; Please don’t throw it in the closet.
17. Don’t be conservative
To acceptance. Don’t tell people they’re not good enough to get into the industry. Every man has value.
18. Keep learning
You have chosen a major that requires constant learning. Learn to love it!
19. Don’t give up
It’s not always easy. But we all started in the same place. You can do it.
Take on tasks that scare you
If it doesn’t scare you, it won’t help you grow.
21. Identify requirements before you start
Before delving into the code, you should understand the acceptance criteria. It will save you time and energy.
22. Have a toolbox
Have a set of tools that are known internally and externally. Understand which tools can be used for which purpose and when a project can benefit from a project.
23. Accept constructive criticism
Seek constructive criticism from trusted colleagues and friends. This will help you grow as a programmer and a person.
24. Be open-minded
Technology changes, and it changes frequently. Don’t be against new technology; Study it and form an opinion.
25. Technology stays relevant
Stay up to date on the latest tech news by following publications, blogs, podcasts, and tech news.
26. Focus on problem solving
Strong problem solving skills can solve any problem. Stick to whatever it takes to solve the problem.
27. Stay humble
No matter your position or what company you’re working for, remain humble.
28. Learn to give a great speech
Understand how to engage an audience and deliver an effective presentation/presentation.
29. Please check all options before implementing them
Don’t jump right into the first possible solution. Check all paths before delving into the code.
30. Find your niche
There are many sectors in the tech industry. Find the area that interests you the most and become an expert in that area.
31. Develop good habits
Try to establish consistent and healthy habits such as eliminating distractions, slacking on tasks, attending meetings, and starting with the most important task first. It may take some getting used to, but it will be worth it in the long run.
32. Learn to debug
Check out your browser’s debugging tools. Understand IDE debugging details. By learning the most effective ways to debug problems and track down errors, you will be able to solve the most difficult errors.
33. Hone your current skills
Just because you know a skill now doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice it. Skills will fade away over time unless they are consciously improved. And the industry is growing so fast that it’s important to keep practicing. Get out of the “I’ve always done it this way” mindset and into the “Is there a better way to do this?” The way of thinking.
Just because you now have a six-pack of cookies doesn’t mean you can eat a pack of cookies a day
and stay that way.
34. Know why
Sometimes you have to voice your opinion, so it’s important to understand the reasons behind it. Why is solution A better than solution B? Provide valid arguments and your ideas will be more sound and easily accepted.
35. Know your value
You are a commodity and should be paid appropriately. Pay attention to the industry average value for your geographic location. If you’re making less money, it’s time to talk to your manager. Go for what you deserve.
36. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
If you have a problem and are spending too much time looking for a solution, it’s time to ask for help. We’re all human, and we all need help. There is no shame in reaching out to colleagues for support.
37. Learn to learn
People learn in different ways. Some people learn best through video tutorials, others by reading books. Figure out your learning style and work hard.
38. Be nice to others
Sometimes you will be asked to provide feedback on a colleague. Please be kind to others. You can express your opinion of the co-worker’s lack of initiative without rubbishing him or her.
39. The nap
Eight hours of continuous coding is almost impossible. You burn out quickly and make a lot of mistakes. So set a timer to remind yourself to stop and take a break. Go for a walk and have coffee with a colleague. Being off screen will have a positive impact on your productivity and the quality of your work.
Track your progress
Coding takes time, and it can be frustrating when you don’t see progress. Therefore, it is important to track your achievements and progress towards your goals. Keep a small list by your computer and write it down every time you implement something, no matter how small. Small achievements add up to big rewards.
41. Don’t rely on frameworks or libraries
Understanding the details of the language is more important than understanding the details of frameworks and libraries. You don’t necessarily need to learn one framework or library after another, but understanding how frameworks and libraries work will help you write clearer, more efficient code.
42. Love code review
Having someone read and analyze your code can be scary, but can provide you with valuable feedback that will make you a better programmer. You should also strive for good code reviews.
43. Understand tangential space
Understand some of the basics of focus space, such as design, marketing, front-end or back-end development. It will help you become a more rounded programmer.
44. Don’t choose comfortable technology, choose the right one
Each project has different requirements, so we must choose the right tools for our work. While it is comfortable to choose previously used technologies , alternatives should be explored if they do not fit the needs of the project.
45. Take responsibility for your mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes, and you’ll make plenty of them throughout your career. Therefore, it is important to accept responsibility when you make a mistake. This will help you build trust with your team members and management.
46. Review your code
Before pulling code, look at your own code. If this were the work of a colleague, what comment would you make? It is important to first try to diagnose a problem or error before requesting a code review.
47. Learn from your failures
Failure is simply not having the desired effect, but that’s not a bad thing. We’ve all had a lot of failures in our careers. Understand why you failed. What would you do differently next time?
Be aware of your weaknesses
Know yourself. What are your weaknesses? Maybe you always forget to update your tests before you push them. Maybe you really suck at answering emails. Understand your weaknesses so that you can actively address them.
49. Be curious
The industry is growing, so curiosity is important. If you don’t know something, whether it’s a project requirement or a line of code, say so. No one will criticize you for asking for clarification. This will help you create better code.
50. Don’t try to learn everything
There’s so much knowledge in the world, there’s no way to conquer it. Choose a few topics to master and let the rest take care of itself. You can gain knowledge about other fields of work or tangential knowledge, but you can’t master everything.
51. Stop being emotional
Just because you write some code doesn’t mean you need to attach it emotionally. No one likes their work thrown away, but code has a life cycle, so there’s no need to know anything about it.
52. Get back on the team
Great teams have each other’s backs. This creates a safe space to try new things without fear of retaliation.
53. Find inspiration in your community
Find people in your industry that you admire. It will motivate you to continue working on your project or try something new.
54. Cherish your work
No matter how much experience you have or what your title is, your work has value. Give it the value it deserves.
55. Disable distractions
Turning off Slack notifications, texts, emails, and social media will help you focus on maximizing your workday. Jerry will not collapse if it takes him 30 minutes to respond to his messages.
56. Can support
Try and support your team members, whether it’s attending important presentations or helping them if they’re having a hard time.
57. Treat sincerity with sincerity
If someone is doing a good job, please tell them. Active re-execution is a great way to build trust with team members and help their careers. They might be able to help you, too.
58. Test your code
Testing is important. Unit testing, regression testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing, testing your code, your product will be more stable.
59. Plan your approach
When you receive a request for a new feature or an error message, plan ahead. What do you need to solve this problem or develop secondary features? Even a few minutes to plan an attack can save hours of frustration.
60. Learn pseudocoding
Pseudo-coding is a great skill because it allows you to think about complex problems without wasting time writing lines of code. Write down a method on a piece of paper, run the different test cases and see where the traps are.
Track your accomplishments
If you win an award for your work, write it down. If you develop a key feature, write it down. You’ll create backlogs that help you boost or boost morale during a tough day.
62. Learn coding basics
Learn some basic sorting or search algorithms and data structures. These are language independent and can help you solve cross-language problems.
63. Select technologies to extend service life and maintainability
While it is fun to test the latest technologies, choose those that are easy to maintain in enterprise applications. Your team will thank you for years to come.
64. Learn design patterns
Design patterns are a useful tool for building code. You may not need to use them for every project, but a basic understanding of them will help you build larger applications.
65. Reduce ambiguity
Write readable and simple code, not complex code to show off your snazzy programming skills. This will make it easier for your team members to contribute.
Pay off technical debt
Technical debt can have a huge performance impact, so if you can refactor, you should.
67. Output often
Make frequent use of small change logs, rather than monthly mass updates. This way you are less likely to introduce errors and breaks to change the state.
68. Submit early and often
Submitting early and often is the best way to ensure your work stays clean and reduce the stress of unexpectedly recovering from important changes.
69. Know when to ask for help
Not only should you not be afraid to ask for help, but you should also learn when to ask for help. You should always try to solve problems and keep track of your affairs before asking for help. But when you’ve been obsessing over a simple problem for more than an hour and the costs outweigh the benefits, you should enlist the help of a colleague.
70. Ask valid questions
Try to be specific when asking questions.
71. Give feedback on unfinished work
You don’t have to wait until your work is done to give feedback. If you are unsure of direction, have a trusted colleague check the effectiveness of your solution.
72. Read the documentation
Documentation is the purest source of real knowledge about technology, so learning to read it can help you become an expert quickly.
73. Try everything
There’s nothing stopping you from trying to solve the problem. What have you got to lose?
74. Speaking at meetings
Your ideas and opinions are valuable, so attending meetings will help you build relationships with your team and management.
75. Work across teams
If you get an opportunity to work with another team in the company, take it.
76. Passion projects
When you’re working 40 hours a week, it’s important to spend some time on a passion project. They can help you reinvigorate your love of coding and experiment with techniques you might not have access to at work.
77. Determine your career goals
It’s important to know where you want your career to go. If you don’t, you are trying to shoot without a target.
78. Participate in the conversation
Comment on blogs and participate in Twitter topics. Engage with the community. You’ll learn a lot as an active bystander rather than a wallflower.
79. Prioritize tasks
Learning to prioritize tasks will help you become more productive. Keep active to-do lists for immediate daily tasks and long-term tasks in the most important order.
80. Don’t lose sight of details
Details play a big role in a project.
81. Trust your teammates
Your teammates are hired for their skills. Use them and trust them to get the job done.
Learn to delegate
If you are in a leadership position, learn how to delegate effectively. This will save you time and frustration. You can’t do all this on your own.
83. Don’t compare yourself to others
The only thing you should compare yourself to is who you were yesterday.
84. Surround yourself with Allies
Learning to program is a long and not always easy journey. Surround yourself with like-minded people who will encourage you to keep going.
85. Scale begins
Scale is a hopeless way to start. Build with scalability in mind, but don’t start scaling until you need to. That way you don’t overwhelm your team with unnecessary bloat, but you maintain the ability to grow.
86. Measure the performance impact
If you want to use a cool new technology, you should weigh the performance impact of doing so. Can you implement something like this without a performance impact? If so, you might want to rethink your approach.
87. Don’t discriminate
Don’t discriminate against new technology or ideas. Be open to the possibility of learning new skills. Don’t discriminate. We all deserve respect.
88. Apply for jobs for which you are not qualified
You will never fulfill every requirement of the job. So take the opportunity to apply! What do you have to lose?
Modularize your code
You can write all your code in one long file, but that’s not maintainable. By modularity, we ensure that our code is easy to digest and test.
90. Don’t just copy and paste
If you’re going to copy and paste a solution from Stack Overflow, you should understand exactly what it does. Focus on the code you choose to introduce.
91. Create an inspiring environment/setting
If you like your workspace and technical setup, you’ll be more motivated to work. Create your own!
Remember where you come from
We all start in the same place. As your skills and titles develop, don’t forget where you came from.
93. Stay positive
If something goes wrong, try to stay positive. Tomorrow is another day. Optimism helps energize your team and keep your mind healthy.
94. Constantly re-evaluate your workflow
Just because something works now doesn’t mean it always will. Re-evaluate your workflow and adjust it in time.
95. Learn how to work from home
If you can afford to work from home, learn to work effectively. Find a separate office space without distractions. Boneskull wrote a great article about working from home that you should check out.
96. Accessibility code
Accessibility is not an afterthought, nor is it necessarily difficult. Everyone should be able to use your product.
97. Honor your commitments
If you tell someone you’re going to deliver something by a certain date, keep that promise. If you can’t meet the deadline, say so as soon as possible.
98. The active points
If you have some extra bandwidth, find a task to help your team! They will appreciate your initiative.
99. Build an amazing team
A great portfolio sets you apart. Use it as an opportunity to showcase your coding and design skills.
100. Remember why you like programming
You got into the business because it intrigued you. If you feel depressed and resentful, take a break. Give yourself space to rekindle your passion for coding.
101. Share your knowledge
If you’ve learned something cool, please share! Attend local gatherings or meetings. Teach your colleagues or be mentored during lunch. Sharing your knowledge increases your knowledge and spreads wealth.
Well, everything! I hope you enjoyed my article on the secrets to being a great programmer (and human)!
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- Tips For Being A Great Programmer (& Human)
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