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Blog park address: “Da Shi lives in big front” original blog directory

Huawei cloud community address: [you want to play strange front-end upgrade guide]

Bytedance Happiness big front end team invites all the best to come and play, the team is harmonious and loving, the technology is hardcore, and the byte style is positive, covering the front end of the technology stack in all directions, there is always a place for you, Base Beijing, social recruitment internship has HC, do not hesitate, please directly aim at [email protected]~, Interested can add wechat WENqiangshi consultation.


You deserve all the good things, but you have to ask for them.

10,000 hours of practice

The 10,000-hour rule, which you may have read in a lot of chicken soup, basically means that a genius is someone who puts in a lot of hard work, and 10,000 hours of practice is what it takes to rise from mediocre to expert in a field (I have a feeling that someone is already rubbing their hands).

I found my first job as a front-end engineer at the end of July 2017. At that time, I didn’t have any formal technical experience except a little angular.js skills that I had learned by myself. I still remember that it was the hottest time in the summer of 2017. Every day, I went to various small companies for interviews with my resume in the sun. Finally, I was admitted to an outsourcing company in Xi ‘an after three rounds of interviews, which took about a week.

In August 2020, I was fortunate enough to become a front end engineer at ByteDance. If we calculate it as 6 working days per week and average 11 hours per working day, then this period of time is about (52 weeks *3 years +4 weeks)*6 working days/weeks *11 hours/day =10164. Even if it has just passed 10000 hours, as a wild coder who changed his profession at nearly 30 years old, Such a result is not easy to come by, from how difficult it is to outsource to the big factory, people in the circle know that they have their own down-to-earth efforts in addition to luck. I am writing this article one week after I joined the company. I hope to say goodbye to the past and raise my head confidently. I hope to Inspire Creativity and Enrich Life in the new one.

I do the right thing

  • Work hard and reply in time

    In the workplace, this is always the first principle. In my past jobs, my average performance was at the level of B+. At least I did not take the job lightly because it was boring and easy. Be sure to force yourself to reflect, whether it’s learning a new technology, observing your own strategy for something, or thinking about your product or business, whatever you want to write about, but do it.

  • Supplementary JS foundation

    When I started my career in 2017, the first thing I did was to supplement the JS foundation. To be fair, even though I was able to write a complete deliverable product with Angular. JS + PHP +mySQL, I could not distinguish the array method from the string method in JS. Almost every day to get up at five o ‘clock in the morning, then read the blog notes, rhino, little red book, book, butterfly and so on can be found on the market a ninja books a look, so nearly 2 months basic knowledge level greatly raised, eventually, of course, you will realize the JS basis and weight loss, are almost eternal topic.

  • Participate in a simple open source JS project

    In mid-August 2017, I came across a small project on Github about native JS programming called JavaScript30, which is a 30-day programming exercise designed to help developers understand native JavaScript syntax. When they follow the project do exercise every day, every problem requires oneself use ES5 and ES6 grammar to write two versions, and then to look at someone else’s analysis and coding, two weeks later, found himself with the author more broken, subsequent part didn’t provide the source code and annotations, so he began to contribute code, write the problem solving guide, It took nearly 2 months to complete the second half of the problem solving. This project has more than 1400 stars. If you are also new to JAVASCRIPT, you may wish to practice [JavaScript30 Problem Solving Guide]. While it’s not a well-known wheel, working on an open source project is a great experience in its own right. The bar is not as high as you might think, but it can refresh your perception of yourself.

  • I took on some personal work

    This is a slightly touchy topic, but it’s been a long time since you’ve done it (because time spent doing other things might be more rewarding in the long run, and you’ll get there someday), and you feel that these experiences are meaningful to you. I’m actually very recommendation technology is good and spare capacity of students fully do avoid at least once, you can find yourself to the Internet or through an acquaintance, you may also face and others bid, may imagine will eventually fall into the pockets of their profits too high, may be its own agreement, in addition to fix in the process of its development, but also motivates other collaborators, Even in the end, you are dragged down by your teammates, or you have to pretend to be a grandson, give gifts and treat to dinner in order to make the final payment. The programmer’s pride and face are blown away in the real world minute by minute. Then you understand that there is no “easy” in the adult world, and there are not so many “shoulds” in the world. I have a rule that I will only take personal work, if a personal work does not exercise me, I will introduce others. I’ve learned RN, ionic, Python, three.js, and a lot of other things in this way, and I’ve worked on some of the larger projects with dashed bands, There are few opportunities in regular small companies and jobs.

  • Keep listening to the front-end open class

    Is a hard advertising, since when, I saw on the net of jing cheng one light is introduced, then public class to do it, just remember the old (is the founder of jing cheng one light) yuan an hour just ten lines of code, oneself go to find information more than five hours to understand it, but he drew the outline of the blueprint for the front end of the knowledge system really let a person full of expectation, Due to personal time, I didn’t sign up for the elite class until this year. However, I attended almost 100 free open classes in the past three years, which enabled me to pay attention to and understand cutting-edge technologies in the outsourcing work environment that used to rely heavily on Angular. js. Like other longed for class network foundation course (his first two years almost free course depends on the front end groups, App statistical learning about 1000 hours), geek time project (don’t loathe to give up the point, little lu does not have a string, especially a year GMTC video conference), ali D2 video) (youku, This year the nuggets on the fire of the “front-end early chat” conference, are very good, you can pick interested to listen to see, such as a plan to watch a video every week, in fact, soon finished watching. I did not brush the Nuggets frequently. To be honest, I could hardly read the above articles when I had two years of front-end experience. I did not know what others were discussing and sharing because I did not use them in my work.

  • Keep learning and writing tech blogs

    In May 2018, when I had about one year of working experience, I began to try to write a technical blog named “Da Shi Lives in the Front End”. The articles sorted out in my blog seemed to be standardized and serious, but in fact, the first article I wrote was just a description of a VUE project. How should the way of writing the path when referencing pictures in the component correspond to the configuration in webpack? It wasted my whole day with less than 300 words in total. I really tried my best…… My method is to find a front field in early each not familiar with technology, and then learn this month and bloggers all around the theme, so his own blog mostly is the nature of the series), the final 1 and a half years, wrote down more than 110 don’t blog about, mostly is the basic knowledge of learning notes (because of the work environment, Really didn’t have a chance to output what valuable practical experience, can only continue to consolidate foundation), initially has no purpose, writing is his way of learning, it can help me to check if they really understand some knowledge points, and then the harvest is unexpected, in the look up at the starry sky, should not be mock 】 this article describes a lot, No longer expand, I hope you can also keep learning and output, as long as the start, always not too late.

  • We did an external technical share

    Work is also done a lot of public technology sharing, and were invited to share other groups do, doesn’t mean that you must be very cow force can share technology, after all, share not pretend B, you have to do is to let others know that you have carefully thought about something, and are willing to share, this is very important, of course, it also can help you to overcome self-abased psychology to a certain extent. In November 2019, when I had about 2.5 years of working experience, I was lucky to share some knowledge about browser in the Annual meeting of Google Xi ‘an Developer Community. I prepared PPT carefully (actually I love making PPT) and made many new friends. There are few such opportunities, if there is an encounter, I hope you try to seize, otherwise when you are still a face of shyness to their own inner play, the opportunity may be taken away by others, feel that they can and feel that they can not, are often right.

  • Pay to attend a growth counseling program with industry leaders

    In the New Year of 2020, with about 2.5 years of work experience, I signed up for Scott’s Front-end Chat consulting camp (the same front-end chat that often dominated the nuggets’ screens). This is a 2-year 1-to-1 technical consulting program, and you can talk to Scott about any workplace or technical problems you encounter. His experience and resources are enough to cover most of the actual scenes you encounter. I prefer to sort out the outline and some of my own thinking to improve the quality of communication. It’s important to have someone guide you, but counseling is not babysitting. You’ll be better served if you figure out what you’re dealing with first. Most of the time people are not unwilling to help you, but just do not know how to help. Of course the counseling model is very much in the eye of the beholder, and I think it’s also a model exploration for Scott himself, and if you’re the type of person who waits for someone to come to you for guidance, it probably doesn’t work that way.

  • Step out of your comfort zone when opportunities are presented to you

    When you find yourself in a difficult situation, do you have the courage to step out of your comfort zone? At the end of 2019, about 2.5 years into the industry, I interviewed many large factories in Xi ‘an and Hangzhou. Although almost all of them reached the HR level, I only got two mediocre offers. There were two ways for me to accept a small increase in salary and stay in Xi ‘an, or choose to go to Hangzhou with a large increase. If you’re 30, have a car, an apartment and are single, would you be okay with moving to another city? I can, compared with loneliness, mediocrity is more difficult to bear, also because I know that if I stay, I may be eliminated in the workplace because of my vision and ability in 4 to 5 years.

    Outsourcing work is still in hangzhou, although boring but also not very busy, working environment is also good, but when I see a formal employee in the work, undertake the task of and the ability to mobilize resources, soon realized that even though everyone in the office together, but actually not on a track, they are much faster than by exercise and growth of the outsourcing employees, While we are just there to help others clean up after a battle, when I want to take the initiative to learn more, the only thing that pops up on my desk is the glaring notice ** “Outsourcing students have no authority” **. The most frightening part of such an environment is that the differentiated treatment everywhere will make people develop a “victim mentality”, thinking that everything they face is caused by the objective environment, and eventually forgetting that they have the power and ability to choose.

    The original plan was to challenge Dachang and Base Hangzhou in the spring of 2021 after attending the half-year course of Jingcheng Yideng. However, under the strict supervision and whole-process monitoring of the director of Yideng Class, I got the offer unexpectedly and luckily, but base was in Beijing and the salary increase did not reach my expectation. As I just got used to the life in Hangzhou, I was faced with a choice again, whether to step out of my comfort zone and seize the opportunity to enter Dachang (renting a house in Beijing is really expensive, and other consumption is not exaggerated), or to challenge the Dachang in Hangzhou after half a year of steady progress according to my own plan. After a short consultation and consideration, I chose Beijing. Remembering the story of god saving believers, when the opportunity comes, it doesn’t always turn out the way you expected.

    After byteDance started working, I was glad I didn’t miss the opportunity, it really meant another world to a tech worker who had only worked for an outsourcing company.

I’m a byte-fan

The real value of Dachang is not the obvious perks and glamour, but the opportunity for savage evolution.

  • The best benefits in the country

    Byte’s welfare treatment is recognized as good in the circle, so good that I almost cried when I stood on the overpass the first day after work. I have never experienced such treatment in outsourcing, such as no clock, room allowance, free three afternoon tea gym, 16-inch MacBook with the top. 4 k 27 inches of big screen attached to the double screen can also directly to computer charging (led display IT little elder brother said if there is need can also apply for a 24 inch), I also fill the miss anniversary of the anniversary package, led the team colleague is also a great cafe gathered around, but the most let me happy is not because the identity of the outsourcing.

    Readers who have not spent time at an outsourcing company may not appreciate how strong the contrast is. In the outsourcing company, I hired only much later than others received 13 inch macbook, IT told me recently out of stock, after the group found that others use except me is 16 inches, outsourcing students job card and staff’s color is different, the feeling of inferiority that really is hard to describe, my name is special, Park access control throughout the brush can not open, really caused a lot of trouble, every day downstairs by the security guard stopped, MY heart is not happy, once only put the work card in the pocket. At that time also applied for the monitor, but goose after connecting to the computer average 5 minutes black screen once, black 3 times later I have never used, I know can go to change, but really too lazy to spend that effort. The connection line and data conversion chip used in the work were all bought from a treasure at my own expense, and the paid account used in the test was also filled with money by myself, not to mention the feeling of being slight when cooperating with formal employees.

    There is no meaning of black outsourcing companies. Objectively speaking, outsourcing is better than many small companies in terms of welfare and salary, but the improvement and spiritual harvest it can bring to technicians is really limited. Everyone has different ideas and pursuits, and it can always meet the demands of a large number of people.

    Friendly onboarding process and huge knowledge base

    The company arranged very detailed induction training, from corporate culture and values, to various norms and systems and working methods, and then to the introduction of office software skills, benefits and so on. I really tried my best. On the day of entry, the supervisor and supervisor will communicate with you about the development plan and expectations, and tell you about the principles, red lines and basic workflow of byte engineers. No one ever talked to me about this in my previous working environment. All administrative affairs can be connected to the relevant departments through flying books, really very convenient. Really let a person admire bytes of the knowledge base construction, unified entrance can navigate to the vast amounts of guide and knowledge precipitation, even every other product line of technical and business documents, and so on, the only problem is left to clubs recruit students digest these massive amounts of data of time is very limited, the thought of “the deer and the cauldron” in chan kan-nam to trinket wei said, “this is just a beautiful martial arts catalogue, That pile over there is the secret book of unbeatable martial arts……” In the end, how much can be absorbed depends on one’s own will and action.

    I see identification

    Bytes of many colleagues like to wear t-shirts, 7 anniversary, eight anniversary, a lot of girls with byte LOGO printed canvas bag, there are a lot of customized peripheral products, at the meeting everybody often take “byte rocks” when arguments, also use open Dui “byte engineer culture” as a principle, you could say that this is “brainwashing”, But it is essentially a kind of value identification. To this day, I can still recite the 16-word motto of my university, and I often use it to motivate myself when I am at a low point. It is still rooted in identity. These spiritual things carry our deep pride, give us faith to hold when the wind is against us, faith is the solid foundation of what we hope for, the proof of what we do not see. I just want to talk about my own opinion. If you hate me for being brainwashed and I hate you for having no faith, you should laugh at each other and say stupid words to each other. Just be happy when you pass by yourself.

    An engineering culture that pursues excellence

    Took part in the two weeks of code review, in charge of the colleagues will advance to send the weeks will outline to group, I was 3 years experience for the first time such a code review, are “public” on the implementation of the code from the business function is usually a problem, is a logical strategy of discussion, programming style, some syntactic sugar, even the performance and design patterns, It is very likely that a few days later a colleague will post a document in the group to explain his or her understanding. This kind of colleague and technical atmosphere is wonderful. In our previous code review, more than 70% of cases revolved around a term called “devil string”, which is really Low by comparison. When I came to byte, I realized that you could communicate or even reject the product design if you thought it was unreasonable. The mock data of the original interface could be directly requested from the backend students. In addition to having no choice but to accept the mock data, there were many honest and effective ways of cooperation.

    Hard, but the heart is not tired

    Busy and full of vitality, this is my feeling when I work in byte for a week, busy is really busy, but there is harvest, the company is in savage evolution, each individual is also growing fast, of course, it may be the freshness of anesthesia their fatigue. Some people say that 1.2 times the growth rate makes people happy, 1.5 times the growth rate makes people anxious, 2 times the growth rate makes people painful, higher speed makes people collapse, you can bear any level of pressure, you can have any level of growth rate. I do not envy those who grow at a faster speed, after all, growth needs to pay a price, and the price that everyone can accept is not the same, I hope to find a more suitable pace for myself. Because just started work, business is not familiar with, I almost didn’t leave the office every day is more than 11 points, even so, colleagues share many of the technical data can only lie in the favorites, first I haven’t learned how to better scheduling time, probably the rhythm will continue for a period of time, but I have enjoyed, friends say this is because “a heart, is not tired. After work, byte people are also very good at playing, some like riding, some like killing wolves, some like swimming and practicing yoga, which is quite different from my previous impression of Dachang, but mixing in the circle of young people obviously feels that I have become young (don’t hit me, and don’t accept ridicule).

    I started to focus on productivity

    Used to think their work efficiency and time management do not bad, at least can take time to do a little you want to do but have not done, but now only to find that maybe this is just an illusion, you always easy to do, of course won’t feel the pressure of time, even when the project schedule is tight, and to work overtime, go through the 996 seems to have it all wrong. There are obvious, objective reasons why we tend to extend our time rather than think about how we can be more productive and get more done in the same amount of time.

    But if one day, you find that there are so many things on hand that it is impossible to finish them if you only work overtime, you will start to think about how to improve the efficiency of work. Time is like the R gap, there is always crowding. I bought books on time and energy management to see what else I could try. I bought a new mechanical keyboard because I wasn’t used to the keys and clicks on the macbook, which slowed me down when I typed code. I bought the Logitech Anywhere 2S mouse because I thought the trackpad was a bit slow to perform the same actions, but I didn’t want to give up the trackpad’s quick gestures. I bought KOKUYO’s loosetbook and the inside pages of the Weekly Schedule matrix because I thought ToDoList was much easier to keep track of OKR’s landing than a cloud document, and it was great for scheduling things on a weekly basis….. Then I made a series of plans for in-depth study of common tools used in work. The time for such details was really scary. You use 5 seconds for one operation, while others may use 1 second for shortcut keys. * * tool is in order to improve the production efficiency, but the premise is you of the work must be skilled enough to it, if you will be on the battlefield, I’m afraid I won’t put the firearms use way probably familiar with the blunt, familiar with tools of process is the process of new habit, will inevitably have a lot of not adapt, but carry over, and it is really delicious. ** may form a study group, how about playing together?

The next three years

Growth is always a subject.

I like an analogy my friend used to tell me: When you want to drive to travel around the world, it doesn’t need to give their car with enough to run the whole world the amount of oil, and only need to fill it up with the first tank is ok, there are so many station on the road, you can come on, there are so many people on the road, you also need not everything on their own, only want a tank ran the whole people and the land is all of the world, But they may never set out, only those who really experienced the scenery, will let people really become rich, even if you are embarrassed to see the scenery. In the first three years of my career, I spent a lot of time laying the groundwork because I wanted to go further, not faster. Software development is essentially an engineering field, which means that knowledge is of limited use as a guide, while experience, skills and ultimately what is valuable are often acquired through step-by-step practice and exploration. For example, if you have learned a lot of theoretical knowledge in school, you will still be confused when you walk into a factory after graduation. It takes a process to transform knowledge into skills.

In the next three years, I hope to spend more energy on the accumulation of practical experience and learn to understand technology, system, team and business from a higher level. The bonus of knowledge reserve in a single direction makes me qualified to enter the current track, but I am very clear in my heart that the road ahead will probably get narrower depending on technology alone, while opportunities at a higher level mean a more comprehensive ability stack, and professional technology is only one of the plates, or even a plate with low weight. Growth is a process of constantly breaking yourself and reinventing yourself. In fact, the most important thing is just some courage and patience.

In the future, there is still a long way to go. In the next three years, I will meet the unknown myself.