Just last week, we officially opened source the Bruno Flutter component project.


Liverpoolfc.tv: bruno.ke.com/

This is a product-design-development specification language that covers more than 30 types of 100+ commonly used Flutter components.

First, component display

It includes more than 30 types of common components, such as charts, forms, pop-ups, buttons, filters, etc.

Second, theme customization and switching

Bruno not only supports global theme color replacement, but also supports customization of component rounded corners, font size, internal spacing, and other attributes. In addition to customizing global styles to create their own brand styles, customization of individual components is supported to meet the needs of special alienated scenarios.

Iii. Supporting Resources of Sketch

Secondary development based on Sketch MeaXure achieves automatic component identification and annotation. The developer can clearly see the components of the page from the annotations produced on the design side, and the information is conveyed seamlessly.

Detailed instructions and documents

Bruno’s official website carries basic capabilities such as product design materials, supporting documents of components, Demo download and search, as well as tutorial development and operation of Sketch plug-in design page.

V. Maintenance and follow-up

After the long-term maintenance of the project and the release of open source, null-safe migration is a very important issue. Due to Bruno’s many components and large size, air-safety adaptation may take a lot of time. So we launched the air security migration project. We are still committed to air safety adaptation, but we hope that more people will join us and become part of the project. You can join us according to the Null Safety Guide.

Six, the last

Bruno is a project with a long time span and many contributors within the company, although it has accumulated tens of thousands of references across multiple lines of business. But from the perspective of open source projects, it still needs to be refined and polished. If you have any problems or suggestions, please contact us for cooperation. We look forward to working with you to make Bruno the most influential component project in the Flutter ecosystem.

Thanks to every developer who contributed to the project:

Other open Source projects: Open source! Flutter fluency optimization component Keframe