Problem 1: the number of islands
Given a matrix of 01’s, 1 represents land, 0 represents ocean, and if two 1s are next to each other, then they belong to the same island. We’re only thinking about up, down, right, and left as neighbors. Island: Adjacent lands can form an island (adjacent: up, down, left and right) determine the number of islands.
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DFS is used for traversal. When land is found, continue to search for the upper and lower parts of this position. If land is still found, change the ‘1’ representing land in the matrix to ‘0’. In this way, the land will not be counted again in the subsequent traversal.
BFS, DFS introduction, can focus on a look
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Depth First Search (DFS) and Breath First Search (Breath First Search) are two very important algorithms in graph theory. They are widely used in topology sorting, pathfinding (mazes), Search engines, crawlers and so on
Js implementation
*/ function solve(grid) {let lands = 0 for (let h = 0; h < grid.length; h++) { for (let w = 0; w < grid[0].length; w++) { if (grid[h][w] == 1) { lands++ dfs(grid, h, w) } } } return lands } function dfs(grid, h, w) { grid[h][w] = 0 if (h - 1 >= 0 && grid[h - 1][w] == 1) { dfs(grid, h - 1, w) } if (h + 1 < grid.length && grid[h + 1][w] == 1) { dfs(grid, h + 1, w) } if (w - 1 >= 0 && grid[h][w - 1] == 1) { dfs(grid, h, w - 1) } if (w + 1 < grid[0].length && grid[h][w + 1] == 1) { dfs(grid, h, w + 1) } }Copy the code
Problem two: word division
Given a non-empty string s and a list wordDict containing non-empty words, determine whether S can be split by Spaces into one or more words that appear in the dictionary.
- You can reuse the words in the dictionary when splitting.
- You can assume that there are no duplicate words in the dictionary
The sample
Input: s = "leetcode", wordDict = ["leet", "code"] Output: true Explanation: Returns true because "leetcode" can be split into "leetcode".Copy the code
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The train of thought: the dynamic programming, the reference links:
/ * * *@param {string} s
* @param {string[]} wordDict
* @return {boolean}* /
var wordBreak = function(s, wordDict) {
const wordSet = new Set(wordDict)
const dp = new Array(s.length + 1).fill(false)
dp[0] = true
for(let i=1; i<=s.length; i++) {for(let j=0; j<i; j++) {if(dp[j] && wordSet.has(s.substring(j, i))) {
dp[i] = true
break}}}return dp[s.length]
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Problem three: Reverse linked lists
Enter a linked list, reverse the list, output the new list header.
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Input: {1,2,3} return value: {3,2,1}Copy the code