The following artifacts are online tools, no need to download. Because of the fear that everyone will forget, I personally test poison, made more cases, I hope to give you some help.

One, two-color picture generator

Development team: ShapeFactory

Tool address:

Duotone, the Chinese word for two-tone, is a design style commonly used by European and American magazines. As the name suggests, this artifact allows you to painlessly create a cool two-color painting style with one click! No photoshop at all!

The interface of the tool is shown below, with the color palette on the left and the default recommended images on the right. The materials are all from the well-known free commercially available image library Unsplash:

In addition to selecting the default recommended images, you can also upload your own images by simply dragging them into the tool:

You can also change the color scheme as you like, what you see is what you get:

Case reference

Now, when you look at the design below, is there no pressure?

Inspired by these works, I also made a couple of two-color powerpoint slides with a magic device during #PPT365# punch in to inspire others.

2). Hide eggs

This artifact actually has an egg, in the upper left corner of the development team, click on it to try.

It turns out that There are three other ShapeFactory widgets besides Duotone. Length reasons will not be introduced in detail, take you to browse it.

LOGO: A generator that generates a LOGO by typing text

Pigment: A Coquetty color card generator

Gradient: A Gradient generator of sultry qi

Breakdown art Generator

Development Team: Airtight Interactive Inc.

Tool address:

Sci-fi films such as Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell created a distinctive Cyberpunk world and spawned a design style known as Glitch Art, which has become increasingly popular among designers in recent years.

Speaking Chinese is a kind of effect that your TV is broken/your phone screen is broken, also known as Douyin wind in China.

There are plenty of tools for one-click glitch art, but PhotoMosh is one of the best. To use it, simply drag the image into the tool:

Photo osh offers a total of 27 fault effects. If you’re having trouble choosing, click the random button “MOSH” below to smash your screen with one click:

In addition, it also supports static/GIF/video export in three formats:

If you are not satisfied with the effects, you can continue to switch by clicking “MOSH” and adjust the parameters in the list on the right:

27 special effects, you can definitely find the effect you want by permutations and combinations.

Application case

Each special effect is worth digging into. Like this effect called “wobble/Wobble” that makes your image wobble in an instant to get a feel for it:

What if you saved the twist as a GIF or video and put it into a powerpoint presentation?

Or this effect called “Jitter”, does it look shaky?

So our studio, AbleSlide, applied this special effect directly to the tik Tok press conference, and gave you a sneak peek of the plot:

Hide the eggs

In PhotoMosh’s special effects list, you’ll find a familiar name: Doutone.

Yes, you guessed right, the function is exactly the same as the first artifact recommended above! In other words, we will only have PhotoMosh in the future.

Dazzle generator

Developer: Ben Matthews

Tools to address: codepen. IO/tsuhre/full/BYbjyg

This is a generator I came across in the CodePen community, and while it’s just a programming exercise by engineer Ben Matthews, we can use it to generate all kinds of colorful backgrounds. There is no manipulation, just click the mouse to generate a random image, simple and crude.

In addition, the strips fill automatically according to the size of the browser window, and you can stretch the pane to get a background of different densities:

Right click to save a bunch of cool background material.

Application case

With such a versatile image material, it’s a bit of a waste not to use it as a background, so keep throwing bricks:

And this abstract dazzle light can be copied and flipped horizontally to create an atmospheric super-widescreen material, which is suitable for press conference design:

Mirror dazzle generator

Developer: Yuri Vishnevsky


Silk, one of the originators of online generators, launched back in 2010, and its impact has never been surpassed.

When you open the tool, you can just use the mouse to create a set of very symmetrical dazzling lights. It’s as simple as that:

Parameter Settings are also very simple, individuals are more commonly used to have these:

The way to change gradients is a bit cute, requiring you to drag and drop one color block to blend with another:

With this artifact, we’ve unlocked another awesome class of background material.

We can even use the symmetry of this artifact to draw pictures.

Sorry for the mistake, let’s take a look at the works of other gods:

Alternatively, you can deselect the “mirror symmetry” option, so that the mouse becomes a freely controlled paintbrush.

Application case

God is too far away from us, how can I mortal imagination? We can actually use mirror symmetry to draw some simple structures. Look, isn’t it 100 times cooler than the SmartArt PPT comes with?

Fifth, the gradient layer generator

Developer: Fabio Ottaviani

Optimizer: @pissang

Tools to address: codepen. IO/pissang/full/geajpX

For those of you who have seen my clocking tutorial, you can use the iSlide plugin to quickly generate gradients like this in PPT:

I thought this was the fastest way to generate it, until I came across it on the CodePen community, and I could just drag and drop it. Choose as many layers as you want:

And provide a lot of adjustment parameters, adjustment process itself is a visual enjoyment, such as the horizontal direction of the radian:

For example, adjust vertical radians:

Of course, there is also the “random generation” of standard features for each artifact:

Unfortunately the Artifact itself can’t save images directly, but good Gay friends @pissang added a feature to download SVG from the source code base. This means that we can not only download the image, but we can also download it into vector format, drag it into powerpoint and unassemble it and peel it off layer by layer to edit:

Application case

There is nothing to say, you can play this artifact the way you normally use the color block:

Flow gradient layer generator

Developer: Karim Maaloul

Tools to address: codepen. IO/Yakudoo/full/rJjOJx /

This is another programming exercise by another big guy on CodePen, as you can guess from the lame website. He says staring at these flowing gradients for a minute has a calming effect, but why do I get more agitated the more I look at them?

Such an eye-pleasing color scheme offers few parameters to adjust, but the two options I use most are:

If you need a static background, right click to save the hd image.

If you need a dynamic background, you are advised to record a Gif or video directly using a camera tool. I highly recommend a software called HoneyCam that not only adjusts the length and size, but also edits frame by frame:

Application case

Once you’ve recorded it, apply it directly to your powerpoint presentation and you can make a page like this.

Voxel generator

Developer: Marpi

Tool address:

Can you imagine a cover background that could be created with one click? With a tool of Foreign WebGL god Marpi — Biomes, can randomly generate abstract voxel terrain.

The tool also provides few parameters to adjust, but for this kind of irregular random shape, we have the “random” button is enough:

Due to the special optimization of color matching, every randomly generated picture looks delicious. I seriously suspect that this is macaron’s advertisement implantation. You can feel it:

Case reference

So, we have unlocked another kind of background material, and make two slides to celebrate:

Eight, picture voxel synthesis synthesizer

Developer: @pissang

Tools to address: pissang. Making. IO/voxelize – image

Voxelize Image is easy to use. Just drag an Image into the box in the lower right corner and it automatically converts the Image to this stereoscopic voxel effect:

Look, this is even brighter than a freshly painted toilet floor, and it was created by an online tool with a single click, which beats professional 3D software that takes a long time to open.

Voxelize Image also provides a large number of parameters, but the metal option that I use most is:

If you feel too metallic, try turning up the “roughness” parameter. Suddenly, the look looks good.

This style is more commonly used in everyday design than the metallic texture of Blingbling. For example, I dragged a powerpoint slide in and generated a 3D poster in a second.

Zoom in to see the details, less dazzling metal reflection, more simple pixel sense:

Even when zoomed in, details are not lost, but richer:

If you import a colorful image, the layers are even more vivid:

Zoom in to give you a feel:

Let’s switch to an 8x lens and an abstract background material.

Case reference

Are you worried that your powerpoint illustrations aren’t cool enough? We can pretend to be 3D gods:

Nine, paper-cut style generator

Developer: @pissang

Tools to address: pissang. Making. IO/papercut – box – art

Not long ago, @Pissang and I fell in love with this layered paper-cutting style:

There was a time when my punch card looked something like this:

When I excitedly went to brag to @pissang with my PPT, I found that he had made a paper-cut style generator, which is still a one-click generator:

Open the tool with a critical eye and find that it really works. A lot of details can be fine-tuned in the right parameters panel, personal use is more these items, for your reference:

It used to take at least half an hour to create a background image like this, now it takes a minute:

1) case reference

Good-looking background materials are always so versatile, PPT zhang Hand to:

Ten thousand arrows in a row background generator

Developer: @Lord Yasai

Tools to address: wangyasai. Making. IO/Stars – Emmision

This is a generator whose effects are more flamboyant than its name, and can generate background effects like Xiaomi posters with one click, saving us a lot of design time.

You open the tool and there’s a bunch of rays waiting to shoot at you:

Personal commonly used parameters are as follows for your reference:

Right click to save the hd image:

Case reference

Here’s the final category of footage we unlocked today:

Of course, you can also record a GIF/video that will be 100 times cooler:

These are the 10 magic objects we talked about today. Have you been poisoned?