If you are a reader of this blog, then you may be wondering why I am writing a blog telling people to learn Python in a Java blog? Didn’t I say a few years ago that I preferred Java to Python? Now, things have changed a lot. Python overtook Java as the most popular language at universities in 2016, and it hasn’t been back since. Python is growing. If you read programming and technology news or blog articles, then you’ve probably noticed the rise of Python, as many popular developer communities, including StackOverflow and CodeAcademy, have mentioned the rise of Python as a major programming language.

But the big question is why should programmers learn Python? Python is evolving, which is great, but that doesn’t mean Java or C ++ is on the way out.

Well, I’m a proud Java developer, it’s my favorite programming language, and it remains so, but that doesn’t stop us from learning potentially new tools and programming languages that will make you a better programmer. Python is just that.

Beginners start with Python for the simple reason that it’s easy to learn and powerful enough to build Web applications and automate boring stuff.

In fact, a few years ago, scripting was the main reason to learn Python, which was the first and most important thing that attracted me to Python, and I preferred Perl, another popular scripting language at the time.

For experienced programmers or those who already know Ruby, Java, or JavaScript, learning Python means getting a new powerful tool in your library, and I have yet to find a programmer who says “no” to the tool, which is the right view when you’re learning a new programming language.

Python enables you to automate trivial things, and allows you to focus on more exciting and useful things. If you’re a Java developer, you can use Groovy, too, but Groovy doesn’t offer Python’s extensive support for apis, libraries, frameworks, and data science, machine learning, and Web development.

Why should programs learn Python in 2019?

If you’re considering learning Python but aren’t sure why, here are 10 reasons to highlight the benefits of learning Python in 2019.

While the question depends on who is asking the question, it makes sense for beginners to learn Python because it is simple, and simplicity is the main reason.

Similarly, learning Python makes sense for experienced programmers who want to move into data science and machine learning, as it is quickly becoming the most commonly used programming language and has powerful apis and libraries available for AI, data science, and machine learning.

Anyway, it doesn’t take much effort. Here are 10 reasons I’m learning Python in 2019:

1.Data Science

This is the single, biggest reason many programmers are learning Python in 2019. I know many of my friends are bored with Java programming at investment banks and are learning Python at Udemy because the work is exciting and well paid. But what makes Python the language of choice for data science and machine learning? Wasn’t R the best not so long ago? Well, I think the libraries and frameworks Python provides, such as PyBrain, NumPy and PyMySQL for AI, DataScience and machine learning, are one reason. Another reason is diversity, Python experience allows you to do more than R, for example you can create scripts to automate things and get into Web development.

If you need more options, you can also check out this list of the best Python data science courses for programmers.

2.Machine Learning

This is another reason for programmers to learn Python in 2019. The development of machine learning in the past few years has been amazing and it is rapidly changing everything around us. Algorithms get more complex day after day, and the best example of that is Google can now give you the answers you expect.

If you’re interested in machine learning, want to do a pet project or just have fun, Python is the only major programming language that makes it easy.

Although machine learning libraries are available in Java, you’ll find more about Python because the developer community prefers Python to anything else about data science and machine learning.

If you need more options, here’s another comprehensive list of machine learning courses for programmers.

3.Web Development

Python provides many excellent libraries and frameworks, such as Django and Flask, that make Web development very easy.

Tasks that take hours in PHP can be completed in minutes. Python is also used for web crawlers. In fact, there is a free Python course on Udemy that will teach you Python.

There are many Python Web development frameworks like Django and Flask that can help you quickly create Web applications.


This is the biggest reason for beginners to learn Python. When you first start programming and coding, you don’t want to start with a programming language with strict syntax and strange rules.

Python is both readable and simple. It’s also easier to configure, and you don’t have to deal with any classpath issues like Java or C ++ compiler issues.

Just install Python. Installing it will also require you to add Python to your PATH, which means you can run Python from anywhere on your computer.

5.Big Community

You need a community to learn new technologies, and peers are your greatest asset when it comes to learning programming languages. You often have one or other problem and you need help at that time.

Thanks to Google, you can find the solution to any problem that concerns you in minutes. Communities such as StackOverflow also bring together many Python experts to help novices.

6.Libraries and Frameworks

The similarity between Python and Java is that there are many open source libraries, frameworks, and modules that you can use to do just about anything. It makes application development very easy.

Imagine creating a Web application without Spring in Java or Django and Flask. It makes your job easier because you only need to focus on the business logic.

Python has many libraries to meet different needs. Django and Flask are two of the most popular in Web development, while NumPy and SciPy are the most popular in data science. If you want to learn more, see the following list of eight useful Python machine learning libraries.


When I first learned about Python, it was because of my scripting needs. I am developing an application that receives messages over UDP and I have a problem not seeing messages in the logs.

I wanted to check if there was any UDP traffic being received on that port, but I couldn’t find a convenient UNIX command to do that. My friend sitting next to me, who is learning Python, wrote a utility in just 5 minutes that uses one of the Python modules to intercept UDP messages.

Obviously, I was impressed with the amount of time it took him to write such a tool, but it just highlights the power of Python when it comes to writing scripting tools and automating things.

If you really want to know how much Python can be used for automation, I think it’s Automate boring stuff with Python. It’s awesome.


One of the things I like about Python is its Swiss Army knife nature. It has nothing to do with the fact that R is great at data science and machine learning, but nowhere to be found in web development. Learning Python means you can do a lot of things.

You can create Web applications using Django and Flask, and you can use NumPy, Scipy, SciKit-learn, and NLTK for data analysis. At the very least, you can write scripts in Python to automate many everyday tasks.

9.Jobs and Growth

Python is moving so fast and over such a long period of time that learning to program in one of the growing major programming languages makes sense if you’re just starting out in your programming career.

Not only can it help you find a job quickly, but it can also accelerate your career development. Imho, for starters, this is probably the most important reason to learn Python, besides being simple.

Salary 10.

Python developers are among the highest paid developers, especially in data science, machine learning, and Web development. On average, they pay very well, ranging from $70,000 to $150,000, depending on their experience, position, and field.

If you’re interested in learning more about high-paying technical jobs, Highest paid Technology Jobs for Software Engineers in 2018 (http://javarevisited.blogspot.sg/2018/02/top-10-highest-paying-technical-jobs-programmers-software-developers.html# Axzz58Gi5STbU).

Useful resources for learning Python

If you decide to study Python in 2019, here are some useful Python books, courses, and tutorials to start your journey into the beautiful world of Python.

The Complete Python MasterClass

The Python Bible – Everything You Need to Program in Python

Python Fundamentals by Pluralsight

5 Courses to Learn Data Science and Machine learning

10 Free Python Programming EBooks and PDF

Top 5 Courses to Learn Python in 2019

If you still don’t believe in learning Python, then check out this image, which correctly shows the life of a Python developer:

These are some of the most important reasons to learn Python in 2019. As I said, it’s important to know code these days, and if you don’t know how to code, you’ll miss something, and Python is a great way to start learning how to code.

For programmers who already know Java or C ++, learning Python not only makes you a Polyglot programmer, but also gives you a powerful tool to write scripts, create a Web application, and open up the exciting fields of data science and machine learning.

In short, if you can learn just one programming language in 2019, convert it to Python and start using it, The Complete Python MasterClass is The best course to take.

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